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Megadeth: confira letra de United Abominations

Por Thiago Sarkis
Fonte: Blabbermouth
Postado em 03 de setembro de 2006

Em julho, o MEGADETH iniciou um concurso em seus fóruns no qual os fãs tentavam descobrir, na íntegra, a letra da faixa-título do novo álbum da banda, "United Abominations". Liam Robinson, 41 anos, foi o primeiro usuário do site a completar a letra. Como prêmio, ele levará uma ESP LTD DV-2000, e receberá uma ligação telefônica de Dave Mustaine. Abaixo você confere a letra completa da música "United Abominations". O CD, produzido por Mustaine e Jeff Balding, será lançado no início de 2007.

United Abominations
(Música e letras: Dave Mustaine)

Less than five miles from Ground Zero sits an international hotbed, the United "Abominations" as it were. Created to prevent wars and promote peace, it failed to address the most dangerous threats facing the world.

Megadeth - Mais Novidades


In a mire of hypocrisy, bribes, kickbacks, and corruption, the U.N. enables terrorism, and ignores sex crimes by its peacekeepers. The U.N. is where our so-called allies undermine us, and we pay 22% of their tab to host our enemies here at home.

Ambassadors from dirt-poor countries enjoy luxurious, tax-free Manhattan lifestyles, turning children into sex-slaves and enjoy Diplomatic immunity. It's a complete and utter disgrace, a blot on the face of humanity, and they get away with it.

Poverty in their kitchens
Held hostage by oil-for-food
Yet their own plates are full off the fat of their lands
There's no blood on their hands, right Kojo?
They promised to tell the truth
Without leaving a fingerprint, but
They will lose the U.N. one way or another
The victim, I fear will be us, sisters and brothers


The U.N. is right; you can't be any more "un"
Than you are right now, the U.N. is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come
Don't tell me the truth; I don't like what they've done
Just give me ammo for the United Abominations

A grave and gathering danger
The decision to attack
Based on secret intelligence it'll take years
I fear to undo the failings in Iraq
You may bury the bodies
But you can't bury the crimes only
Fools stand up and really lay down their arms
No, not me, not when Death lasts forever

The U.N. is right; you can't be any more "un"
Than you are right now, the U.N. is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come
Don't tell me the truth; I don't like what they've done
Just give me ammo for the United Abominations


"The U.N. writes resolution after resolution and has become irrelevant through inaction and totalitarian paralysis,"
"Order, Order!!!"
"Ha! There is no such thing as order"
"Larry, it's true, reports confirm today that the United Nations has officially closed its doors forever,"
"Well, I just don't see what all the fuss is, because they don't do anything anyway, do they?"

The U.N. is right; you can't be any more "un"
Than you are right now, the U.N. is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come
Don't tell me the truth; I don't like what they've done
Just give me ammo for the United Abominations

NATO invaded Yugoslavia to end ethnic cleansing, there was no U.N.
The U.S. invaded Afghanistan after 9/11, there was no U.N.
Saddam Hussein violated 17 U.N. resolutions; The U.N. was asked to join the war in Iraq. The U.S. invaded, Ha! there was no U.N.
Libya bombed a discotheque in Berlin killing Americans, there was no U.N.
Iran funds any terrorist organization it can, and attacked the U.S. in the seventies, there was no stinking U.N.
Facing War without end, looking into the future, there was no more U.N.

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Sobre Thiago Sarkis

Thiago Sarkis: Colaborador do Whiplash!, iniciou sua trajetória no Rock ainda novo, convivendo com a explosão da cena nacional. Partiu então para Van Halen, Metallica, Dire Straits, Megadeth. Começou a redigir no próprio Whiplash! e tornou-se, posteriormente, correspondente internacional das revistas RSJ (Índia - foto ao lado), Popular 1 (Espanha), Spark (República Tcheca), PainKiller (China), Rock Hard (Grécia), Rock Express (ex-Iugoslávia), entre outras. Teve seus textos veiculados em 35 países e, no Brasil, escreveu para Comando Rock, Disconnected, [] Zero, Roadie Crew, Valhalla.
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