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OMD: Compilação trará inéditas e muito material ao vivo

Por Roberto Rillo Bíscaro
Postado em 20 de agosto de 2019

O OMD celebra seus quarenta anos com uma mega box-set de 5 CDs e 2 DVDs, além de livro com fotos inéditas e pôster.

O dois primeiros CDs reúnem todos os singles. O CD três trará 22 inéditas e os dois restantes, shows de 2011 e de 1983, este último inédito.

Os DVDs terão todas as apresentações na BBC, além de shows completos da década de 80 jamais lançados em DVD oficial.


Souvenir sairá dia 4 outubro, pela Universal Music.

Eis a tracklist:

Disc 1 – The Singles 1979 – 1987

1. Electricity
2. Red Frame/White Light
3. Messages
4. Enola Gay
5. Souvenir
6. Joan of Arc
7. Maid of Orleans
8. Genetic Engineering
9. Telegraph
10. Locomotion
11. Talking Loud and Clear
12. Tesla Girls
13. Never Turn Away
14. So in Love
15. Secret
16. La Femme Accident
17. If You Leave
18. (Forever) Live and Die
19. We Love You
20. Shame

Disc 2 – The Singles 1988 – 2019

1. Dreaming
2. Sailing on the Seven Seas
3. Pandora’s Box (It’s a Long, Long Way)
4. Then You Turn Away
5. Call My Name
6. Stand Above Me
7. Dream of Me
8. Everyday
9. Walking on the Milky Way
10. Universal
11. If You Want It
12. Sister Marie Says
13. History of Modern (part 1)
14. Metroland
15. Dresden
16. Night Cafeì
17. Isotype
18. The Punishment Of Luxury
19. What Have We Done
20. Don’t Go


Disc 3 – Unreleased Archive Vol I.

1. Brand New Science (06.1981)
2. Dumbomb (01.1986)
3. Violin Piece (09.1982)
4. Untitled 2 (06.1981)
5. Cut Me Down (03.1986)
6. Radio Swiss International (09.1982)
7. Untitled 3 (09.1982)
8. Weekend (04.1985)
9. Organ Ditty (05.1980)
10. Unreleased Idea (06.1981)
11. Cajun Moon (05.1986)
12. Guitar Thrash (09.1982)
13. SMPTE (12.1982)
14. American Venus (04.1990)
15. Liberator (02.1985)
16. Ambient 1 (04.1980)
17. Unused 1 (12.1980)
18. Flamenco (04.1990)
19. Andy’s Song (04.1985)
20. Dynamo Children (01.1985)
21. Flutey (03.1984)
22. Nice Ending (06.1981)

Disc 4 – Live at the Mermaid Theatre, London (03/02/2011)

1. Messages
2. Tesla Girls
3. New Babies New Toys
4. History of Modern (Part 1)
5. (Forever) Live & Die
6. Souvenir
7. Joan of Arc
8. Maid of Orleans
9. New Holy Ground
10. Green
11. Walking on the Milky Way
12. Sister Marie Says
13. Locomotion
14. Sailing on the Seven Seas
15. Enola Gay
16. Electricity


Disc 5 – Live at the Hammersmith Odeon (10/05/1983)

1. Dazzle Ships – Parts II,III & VII
2. ABC Auto Industry
3. Messages
4. She’s Leaving
5. Georgia
6. Almost
7. Julia’s Song
8. Joan of Arc
9. Maid of Orleans
10. Statues
11. The Romance of the Telescope
12. Souvenir
13. Telegraph
14. Radio Waves
15. Bunker Soldiers
16. Enola Gay
17. Silent Running
18. Electricity
19. Pretending to see the Future
20. Stanlow

DVD1 – BBC TV Performances

1. Messages (The Old Grey Whistle Test 15/04/1980)
2. Messages (Top Of The Pops 08/05/1980)
3. Messages (Top Of The Pops 29/05/1980)
4. Enola Gay (Top Of The Pops 09/10/1980)
5. Souvenir (Top Of The Pops 03/09/1981)
6. Joan of Arc (Top Of The Pops 29/10/1981)
7. Maid Of Orleans (Top Of The Pops 14/01/1982)
8. Genetic Engineering (Top Of The Pops 03/03/1983)
9. Locomotion (Top Of The Pops 19/04/1984)
10. Locomotion (Top Of The Pops 03/05/1984)
11. Talking Loud and Clear (Top Of The Pops 05/07/1984)
12. Tesla Girls (Top Of The Pops 13/09/1984)
13. So in Love (Top Of The Pops 30/05/1985)
14. La Femme Accident (The Old Grey Whistle Test 22/10/1985)
15. (Forever) Live and Die (Top Of The Pops 18/09/1986)
16. Dreaming (Wogan 27/06/1988)
17. Sailing on the Seven Seas (Top Of The Pops 02/05/1991)
18. Pandora’s Box (It’s a Long, Long Way) (Top Of The Pops 11/07/1991)
19. Pandora’s Box (It’s a Long, Long Way) (Top Of The Pops 25/07/1991)
20. Call My Name (Pebble Mill 11/12/1991)
21. Stand Above Me (Top Of The Pops 13/05/1993)
22. Walking on the Milky Way (Top Of The Pops 16/08/1996)
23. Enola Gay (Later With Jools Holland 31/05/2013)



Live at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (04/12/1981)

1. Almost
2. Mystereality
3. Joan Of Arc
4. Motion & Heart
5. Maid Of Orleans
6. Statues
7. Souvenir
8. New Stone Age
9. Enola Gay
10. Bunker Soldiers
11. Electricity
12. She’s Leaving
13. Julia’s Song
14. Stanlow

Live at Sheffield City Hall (14/06/1985)

1. The Romance Of The Telescope (intro)
2. Crush
3. Messages
4. Secret
5. Tesla Girls
6. White Trash
7. Talking Loud & Clear
8. Maid Of Orleans
9. Telegraph
10. Enola Gay
11. Electricity
12. The Romance Of The Telescope

Crush – The Movie

1. Bloc Bloc Bloc
2. The Native Daughters Of The Golden West
3. So In Love
4. 88 Seconds In Greensboro
5. Hold You
6. Women III
7. La Femme Accident
8. Crush
9. Secret
10. The Lights Are Going Out

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Sobre Roberto Rillo Bíscaro

Roberto Rillo Bíscaro é professor universitário e edita o Blog do Albino Incoerente desde 2009.
Mais matérias de Roberto Rillo Bíscaro.