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Classic Rock: os lançamentos e relançamentos do mês de novembro

Por Bruce William
Fonte: Ultimate Classic Rock
Postado em 30 de outubro de 2017

Vamos ver quais os lançamentos e relançamentos na área de Rock Clássico (com algumas coisas mais recentes), previstos para novembro de 2017 em levantamento feito pelo Ultimate Classic Rock. Acesse este link para conferir a matéria original com mais detalhes (em inglês). As datas são referentes ao mercado norte-americano. E na última sexta-feira do mês será realizada a Black Friday, com lançamentos exclusivos.


3 de novembro:

Bob Dylan, Trouble No More: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 13 / 1979-1981
Bryan Adams, Ultimate
Daryl Hall and John Oates, Along the Red Ledge (reissue)
Kansas, Leftoverture Live & Beyond
King Crimson, Sailors’ Tales
Monkees, Headquarters Stack-O-Tracks: 50th Anniversary Edition (vinyl)
Roy Orbison, A Love So Beautiful: Roy Orbison with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Sniff ‘n’ the Tears, Random Elements

10 de novembro:

Elton John, Diamonds (box set)
Harry Chapin, The Bottom Line Archive: Live 1981
Kinks, Sleepwalker (vinyl)
Metallica, Master of Puppets (reissue)
Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Born In Chicago: The Best of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band
R.E.M., Automatic for the People: 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
Sting, Live at the Olympia Paris (DVD)
Ten Years After, Ten Years After 1967-1974
Tommy Bolin [Deep Purple], Northern Lights – Live 9-22-76
Various artists, Looking at the Pictures in the Sky: The British Psychedelic Sounds of 1968


17 de novembro:

America, Heritage: Home Recordings/Demos 1970-1973
Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath: The End (DVD+CD)
Bob Seger, I Knew You When
Doors, Strange Days: 50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
Green Day, Greatest Hits: God’s Favorite Band
Glenn Hughes, Building the Machine (reissue)
Iron Maiden, The Book of Souls: Live Chapter
Jeff Lynne's ELO, Wembley or Bust
John Fogerty, Blue Moon Swamp (reissue)
Micky Dolenz, Out of Nowhere
Moody Blues, Days of Future Passed: 50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
Paul McCartney, McCartney, Ram, Band on the Run, Venus and Mars, Wings at the Speed of Sound, McCartney II, Tug of War; Pipes of Peace (vinyl reissues)
Pearl Jam, Let’s Play Two: Pearl Jam Live at Wrigley Field (DVD)
Pink Floyd, A Collection of Great Dance Songs; Delicate Sound of Thunder (vinyl reissues)
Queen, News of the World: Deluxe Edition
Steve Howe, Nexus
Various artists, A Tribute to Dan Fogelberg [Eagles, Boz Scaggs, others]
Yardbirds, Yardbirds ’68


24 de novembro

Chris Bell, The Complete Chris Bell
Dimebag Darrell, Dimevision Vol. 2: Roll With It Or Get Rolled Over (DVD+CD)
Eagles, Hotel California: 40th Anniversary Edition
Electric Light Orchestra, Out of the Blue: 40th Anniversary Edition (vinyl)
Gary Moore, Blues and Beyond (box set)
Glenn Hughes, Songs in the Key of Rock (reissue)
Graham Bonnet, Flying Not Falling: 1991-1999 (box set)
Jeff Beck, Truth (reissue)
Ramones, Rocket to Russia: 40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
Steve Marriott's Packet of Three, Watch Your Step: Final Performances '91 (box set)
Yes, Topographic Drama: Live Across America

Títulos exclusivos para a Black Friday:

Record Store Day Black Friday 2017 Classic Rock Releases
Anthrax, Carry On Wayward Son (12" Picture Disc)
Chuck Berry, The London Chuck Berry Sessions (LP)
Big Star's Third Live, Big Star's Third Live Stroke It Noel: Big Star's Third Live in Concert (2LP)
Blue Oyster Cult, Rarities Vol. 1 (1969-1976) (2LP)
Tommy Bolin, Energy (LP)
The Byrds, You Movin'/Boston (7" Vinyl)
Cheap Trick, Christmas Christmas (LP)
Dimebag Darrell, The Hitz (12" Vinyl)
The Doors, Absolutely Live (2LP)
Jerry Garcia and Howard Wales, Side Trips, Volume One (2LP)
Grateful Dead, Grateful Dead Records Collection (5LP)
Janis Joplin, Greatest Hits (LP)
Greg Lake, "I Believe In Father Christmas" (10" Vinyl)
Paul McCartney/Holidays Rule/The Decemberists, "Wonderful Christmastime"/"Jesus Christ" (GREEN) (7" Vinyl)
Paul McCartney/Holidays Rule/Norah Jones, "Wonderful Christmastime"/"Peace" (RED) (7" Vinyl)
Gram Parsons & the Fallen Angels, Live 1973 Featuring Emmylou Harris (LP)
Iggy Pop, New Values (LP)
Procol Harum, The One & Only One (10" Vinyl)
Queen, We Are The Champions/We Will Rock You (12" Vinyl)
Raspberries, Pop Art Live (3LP)
Lou Reed and Kris Kristofferson, The Bottom Line Archive Series: In Their Own Words: With Vin Scelsa (LP Picture Disc)
Rush, Closer To The Heart (7" Vinyl)
Ravi Shankar, Portrait of Genius (LP)
Southside Johnny, Detour Ahead - The Music of Billie Holiday (LP)
Sparks, Check Out Time 11AM (7" Vinyl)
Yusuf/Cat Stevens, The Laughing Apple (LP Picture Disc)
Tangerine Dream, Electronic Meditation (LP)
Roger Taylor, Journey's End (10" Vinyl)
Toto, Hold The Line/Alone (10" Picture Disc)
Turtles, Turtles '66 (LP)
The United States of America, The United States of America (LP)
Utopia, A Different P.O.V. (12" Vinyl)
The Winery Dogs, Dog Years, Live in Santiago (3LP)
Neil Young, Harvest Moon (2LP)
Frank Zappa, Lumpy Gravy b/w Primordial (12" Vinyl)


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Sobre Bruce William

Quando Socram chegou no era tudo mato, JPA lhe entregou uma foice e disse "go ahead!". Usou vários nomes, chegou a hora do "verdadeiro". Nunca teve pretensão de se dizer jornalista, no máximo historiador do rock, já que é formado na área. Continua apaixonado por uma Fuchsbau, que fica mais linda a cada dia que passa ♥. Na foto com a Melody, que já virou estrelinha...
Mais matérias de Bruce William.