Kiss: "Destroyer" ganhará edição de 45 anos; ouça versão inédita de "Detroit Rock City"
Por Emanuel Seagal
Postado em 26 de outubro de 2021
O Kiss disponibilizou nas plataformas digitais a inédita demo de "Detroit Rock City" do arquivo pessoal do Paul Stanley.
O lançamento é uma prévia da edição de 45 anos do álbum "Destroyer", que será lançada no dia 19 de novembro em uma caixa com 4 CDs e um Blu-Ray de áudio, entre outros formatos. O Blu-Ray terá 15 demos dos arquivos pessoais de Paul Stanley e Gene Simmons, sendo nove delas inéditas.

Confira a lista de faixas da versão de aniversário do Destroyer:

Disco 1: Destroyer - Álbum Original Remasterizado
"Detroit Rock City"
"King of The Night Time World"
"God of Thunder"
"Great Expectations"
"Flaming Youth"
"Sweet Pain"
"Shout It Out Loud"
"Do You Love Me?"
Disco 2: Destroyer-Era - Demos
Paul Stanley Demos
"Doncha Hesitate"
"God Of Thunder And Rock And Roll"
"It’s The Fire"*
"Detroit Rock City"*
"Love Is Alright"*
Gene Simmons Demos
"Bad, Bad Lovin’"
"Man Of A Thousand Faces"
"I Don’t Want No Romance"*
"Burnin’ Up With Fever"*
"Rock N’ Rolls Royce"*
"Mad Dog"
"Night Boy"*
"Howlin’ For Your Love"*
"True Confessions"
Disco 3: Destroyer - Outtakes, Alternate Versions / Mixes, Single Edits
"Beth" (Acoustic Mix)*
"Shout It Out Loud" (Single Edit)
"Flaming Youth" (Single Edit)
"Detroit Rock City" (Single Edit)
"Shout It Out Loud" (Mono Single Edit)
"Flaming Youth" (Mono Single Edit)
"Detroit Rock City" (Mono Single Edit)
"Beth" (Mono)
"King Of The Night Time World" (Live Rehearsal Instrumental)*
"Do You Love Me?" (Mono Instrumental)*
"God Of Thunder" (Early Instrumental Mix)*
"Ain’t None Of Your Business" (Instrumental)*
"Detroit Rock City" (Instrumental)*
"King Of The Night Time World" (Alternate Mix)*
"Great Expectations" (Early Version)*
"Flaming Youth" (Early Version)*
"Do You Love Me?" (Early Version)*
"Shout It Out Loud" (Alternate Mix)*
"Ain’t None Of Your Business" (Outtake)*
"Beth" (Take 6 – Instrumental)*
"Beth" (Instrumental)*
"Do You Love Me?" (Alternate Mix)*

Disco 4: Ao vivo em Paris - L’Olympia – 22 de Maio de 1976*
"Flaming Youth"
"Hotter Than Hell"
"She" / Ace Frehley Guitar Solo
"Nothin' To Lose"
"Shout It Out Loud" / Gene Simmons Bass Solo
"100,000 Years" / Peter Criss Drum Solo
"Black Diamond"
"Detroit Rock City"
"Rock and Roll All Nite"
Blu-Ray Audio: Destroyer - *Dolby Atmos 48kHz 24-bit, *Dolby True HD 5.1 96kHz 24-bit, DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 96kHz 24-bit, PCM Stereo 96kHz 24-bit
"Detroit Rock City"
"King Of The Night Time World"
"God Of Thunder"
"Great Expectations"
"Flaming Youth"
"Sweet Pain"
"Shout It Out Loud"
"Do You Love Me?"
Faixas Bônus:
"Beth" (Acoustic)
"Sweet Pain" (Original Guitar Solo)
* Inéditas
Versão de Luxo em CD Duplo:
Disco 1: Destroyer - Álbum original remasterizado

"Detroit Rock City"
"King of The Night Time World"
"God of Thunder"
"Great Expectations"
"Flaming Youth"
"Sweet Pain"
"Shout It Out Loud"
"Do You Love Me?"
Disco 2:
Paul Stanley Demos
"God Of Thunder And Rock And Roll"
"Detroit Rock City"*
"Love Is Alright"*
Gene Simmons Demos
"I Don’t Want No Romance"*
"Rock N’ Rolls Royce"*
"Beth" (Acoustic Mix)*
"Shout It Out Loud" (Mono Single Edit)
"King Of The Night Time World" (Live Rehearsal Instrumental)*
"Detroit Rock City" (Instrumental)*
"Flaming Youth" (Early Version)*
"Shout It Out Loud" (Alternate Mix)*
Ao vivo em Paris - L’Olympia –- 22 de Maio de 1976*
"Flaming Youth"
"Hotter Than Hell"
* Inéditas
Versão de luxo em vinil duplo:
Disco 1: Destroyer - Álbum Original Remasterizado

Lado A
"Detroit Rock City"
"King of The Night Time World"
"God of Thunder"
"Great Expectations"
Lado B
"Flaming Youth"
"Sweet Pain"
"Shout It Out Loud"
"Do You Love Me?"
Disco 2:
Lado A
Paul Stanley Demos
"God Of Thunder And Rock And Roll"
"Detroit Rock City"*
"Love Is Alright"*
Gene Simmons Demos
"I Don’t Want No Romance"*
"Rock N’ Rolls Royce"*
Lado B - Raridades
"Beth" (Acoustic Mix)*
"Shout It Out Loud" (Mono Single Edit)
"King Of The Night Time World" (Live Rehearsal Instrumental)*
"Detroit Rock City" (Instrumental)*
"Flaming Youth" (Early Version)*
"Shout It Out Loud" (Alternate Mix)*
* Inéditas
Dolby Atmos - Streaming
Destroyer: *Dolby Atmos 48kHz 24-bit
"Detroit Rock City"
"King Of The Night Time World"
"God Of Thunder"
"Great Expectations"
"Flaming Youth"
"Sweet Pain"
"Shout It Out Loud"
"Do You Love Me?"

"Beth" (Acoustic Mix)
"Sweet Pain" (Original Guitar Solo)
* Inéditas
"Beth" (Mix Acústica)

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