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Q Magazine: As 100 Maiores Estrelas do Século XX

Postado em 01 de janeiro de 2000

A lista abaixo foi organizada pela Q Magazine, em janeiro de 2000, e aponta segundo a opinião dos leitores as 100 pessoas que mais marcaram o cenário rock/pop mundial durante este século. A lista está em ordem decrescente (as personalidades mais importantes do século por último).

100. Ravi Shankar 'He invented psycedelia'
99. Bryan Ferry 'Sleepy-eyed, reptilian sex sensation'
98. Ian Brown 'He's an ape man. He's an ape, ape man'
97. Frank Zappa 'Rock's court jester'
96. Ozzy Osbourne 'He is iron man'
95. Johnny Marr 'This charming man'
94. Elvis Costello 'Lennon + Strummer + Cole Porter'
93. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan 'Bigger than big Jim Sullivan'
92. Claude Debussy 'Harmony from another planet'
91. Muddy Waters 'He knew how to spell M-A-N'
90. Sly Stone 'He wasn't everyday people'
89. Damon Albarn 'Blur's bambi-eyed agent provocateur'
88. Serge Gainsbourg 'He was a very naughty man'
87. Fela Kutif 'Rock star as Leader Of The Opposition'
86. Lauryn Hill 'Fecund hip hop diva'
85. Liam Howlett 'Hardifaced dance alchemist'
84. John Squire 'Keef to Ian's Mick'
83. Eric Clapton 'His real name was Eric Clapp'
82. Igor Stravinsky 'He saw the future and it was noisy'
81. Louis Armstrong 'He swang'
80. Sting 'He can do things that other pop stars can't'
79. Diana Ross 'She knew where she was going to'
78. Bez 'He gave "Bezzing" a name'
77. Robert Plant 'he had a canoe in his Pantaloons'
76. Billie Holiday 'She was all woman'
75. Buddy Holly 'Hiccuping hick, hung like a horse'
74. Roger Waters 'Crivens, he's posh!'
73. Youssou N'Dour 'His wife isn't called Her N'Dours'
72. Keith Moon 'They called him "the Loon" you know'
71. Brian Jones 'Too Fey by a long way'
70. Syd Barret 'Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!'
69. Lee "Scratch" Perry 'He's not really mad, you know'
68. Shaun Ryder 'He's shabby'
67. Prince 'Pop star as a sexual pocket battleship'
66. Jim Morrison 'He showed his willy and that'
65. Sam Cooke He didn't know much about history'
64. Ralf Hutter 'He might be a robot'
63. Woddy Guthrie 'His machine killed fascists'
62. Paul Simon 'Cerebro-pop for the smaller man'
61. Phil Spector 'Producer as pop star'
60. Duke Ellington 'Like the Duke Of Earl, he wasn't a real duke'
59. Lou Reed 'The man who don't give a frig'
58. Jimmy Page 'Dark Lord Of Mordor. Oh alright, Heston, Middx'
57. Hank Williams 'How many fathers of rock'n'roll do you need?'
56. Nicky Wire 'Fairly bright for a pop star'
55. Rod Stewart 'People thought him sexy'
54. Brian Eno 'Brian Eno, they call him'
53. Ian Curtis 'He joined "that stupid club"'
52. Miles Davis 'He was a motherflipper'
51. Paul Weller 'He lived clean under difficult circumstances'
50. Captain Beefheart 'Allegedly his knob looked like one'
49. Ray Davies 'He's to blame for Damon Albarn'
48. Johnny Rotten 'The first star who really hated you'
47. Pete Townshend 'he didn't die before he got old'
46. Debbie Harry 'Better when she wasn't Deborah'
45. Neil Young 'Guitar/sideburns/history/heartbreak
44. Charlie Parker 'The smacky muso genius archetype'
43. Nick Drake 'Folk-rock wraith-stroke-challenging'
42. Cerys Matthews 'A chin that could crush walnuts'
41. Morrissey 'He didn't think we deserved him'
40. Dr. Dre 'He changed the world with his old records and swearing'
39. Marc Bolan 'he was an electric gipsy. Whatever that is'
38. Jarvis Cocker 'Oxfam stick insect of the century'
37. Stevie Wonder 'He once did a song called Every Time I See You Go Wild'
36. George harrison 'His haircut was called Arthur'
35. Bruce Springsteen 'Wouldn't it be funny if he couldn't drive'
34. Pattie Smith 'Raven-like punk poetress'
33. Kate Bush 'Venus in leg-warmers'
32. Richey Edwards 'The Bez of doom'
31. Richard Ashcroft 'He said he would fly and then he did'
30. George Michael 'It takes a big man to do what he's done'
29. Joni Mitchell 'An improvement on Joan Baez'
28. Chuck D 'The rythm. The rebel'
27. Little Richard 'He summed up rock 'n' roll in a word'
26. Ringo Starr 'He invented drummers'
25. Marvin Gaye 'He tried to give up music for Ammerican Football
24. Joe Strummer 'He sang his socks off and hard rock teeth'
23. Iggy Pop 'He's gonna do another striptease'
22. Mick Jagger 'He may never die'
21. Robert Johnson 'The first rock 'n' roller'
20. Brian Wilson 'He never surfed, but it doesn't matter'
19. James Brown 'He got up, got on up'
18. Bono 'He saved the world with his silly glasses and leather trousers'
17. Aretha Franklin 'The voice'
16. Thom Yorke 'Creep, wierdo and Cleo Laine of alt.rock'
15. Jimi Hendrix 'He wasn't really a hussar, you know'
14. Frank Sinatra 'He may not have been a vry nice man'
13. Freddie Mercury 'Apparently he was gay'
12. Bob Marley 'He might have been a prophet'
11. Keith Richards 'The human doctor's bag'
10. Michael Stripe 'International man of mystery'
9. Liam Gallagher 'He walks it like he talks it'
8. Noel Gallagher 'He writes the songs...'
7. Madonna 'Distilled sax in a sex shaped container'
6. David Bowie 'There ain't nothing like The Dame'
5. Elvis Presley 'He was a big fat metaphor for everything'
4. Bob Dylan 'He was a poet. And didn't he know it.'
3. Kurt Cobain 'He re-invented rock stars'
2. Paul McCartney 'Isn't he lovely?'
1. John Lennon 'Rock star as flawed redeemer.And the runaway

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