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Metal: confira os lançamentos do mês de março

Por Emanuel Seagal
Postado em 28 de fevereiro de 2022

O website Metal Storm compilou uma lista dos lançamentos do mês de fevereiro, confira abaixo.

01/03 - Palantír - Chasing A Dream
03/03 - Twisted Tower Dire - Crest Of The Martyrs Demos (Coletãnea)
04/03 - Sabaton - The War To End All Wars
04/03 - Fueled By Fire - Past​.​.​.​Present​.​.​.​No Future Pt. 2 (EP)
04/03 - The Flower Kings - By Royal Decree
04/03 - Kuolemanlaakso - Kuusumu
04/03 - Hath - All That Was Promised
04/03 - Crowbar - Zero And Below
04/03 - Sylvaine - Nova
04/03 - The Defaced - Charlatans
04/03 - Deserted Fear - Doomsday
04/03 - Warpath - Disharmonic Revelations
04/03 - Non Est Deus - Impious
04/03 - Vio-lence - Let The World Burn (EP)
04/03 - - This World Is Going To Ruin You
04/03 - Sanhedrin - Lights On
04/03 - Midnight - Let There Be Witchery
04/03 - Warrior Soul - Out On Bail
04/03 - Neurotech - Symphonies II
04/03 - Izthmi - Leaving This World, Leaving It All Behind
07/03 - Pestilength - Basom Gryphos
08/03 - Véhémence - Ordalies
11/03 - Messa - Close
11/03 - Vanir - Sagas
11/03 - E-L-R - Vexier
11/03 - Soulline - Screaming Eyes
11/03 - Major Parkinson - A Night At The Library (Ao Vivo)
11/03 - Oddland - Vermilion
11/03 - Arkaik - Labyrinth Of Hungry Ghosts
11/03 - Haunted Shores - Void
11/03 - Konvent - Call Down The Sun
11/03 - Ghost - Impera
11/03 - Cailleach Calling - Dreams Of Fragmentation
11/03 - New Horizon - Gate Of The Gods
11/03 - Idol Of Fear - Trespasser
11/03 - AngelMaker - Sanctum
11/03 - Jesus Wept - Psychedelic Degeneracy (EP)
11/03 - Werewolves - Deathmetal (EP)
15/03 - Blazemth - The Return Of Lucifer
15/03 - Chemicide - Common Sense
15/03 - Cryptivore - Celestial Extinction
17/03 - Kanonenfieber - Yankee Division (EP)
17/03 - Knight & Gallow - For Honor And Bloodshed
18/03 - Eric Wagner - In The Lonely Light Of Mourning
18/03 - Dark Funeral - We Are The Apocalypse
18/03 - Gloson - The Rift
18/03 - Moonlight Haze - Animus
18/03 - Ronnie Atkins - Make It Count
18/03 - Slægt - Goddess
18/03 - Aeviterne - The Ailing Facade
18/03 - Agathodaimon - The Seven
18/03 - Hyperia - Silhouettes Of Horror
18/03 - Týr - A Night At The Nordic House (Ao Vivo)
18/03 - Hell Militia - Hollow Void
18/03 - Shining Black - Postcards From The End Of The World
18/03 - Space Of Variations - Imago
18/03 - Hellfrost And Fire - Fire, Frost And Hell
18/03 - Extinction A.D. - Culture Of Violence
18/03 - Stabbing Westward - Chasing Ghosts
18/03 - Gauntlet Rule - The Plague Court
18/03 - Dawn Of Ashes - Scars Of The Broken
18/03 - Déhà - Decadanse
18/03 - Di'Aul - Abracamacabra
18/03 - Dream Theater - Live In NYC - 1993 (Ao Vivo)
18/03 - SheWolf - SheWolf
18/03 - Without Waves - Comedian
18/03 - Aktarum - Trollvengers
18/03 - Hell In The Club - Kamikaze - 10 Years In The Slums (EP)
18/03 - Black Fucking Cancer - Procreate Inverse
19/03 - Licho - Ciuciubabka
25/03 - Eucharist - I Am The Void
25/03 - Kvaen - The Great Below
25/03 - Animals As Leaders - Parrhesia
25/03 - Michael Romeo - War Of The Worlds, Pt. 2
25/03 - Abbath - Dread Reaver
25/03 - Falls Of Rauros - Key To A Vanishing Future
25/03 - Ignite - Ignite
25/03 - BillyBio - Leaders And Liars
25/03 - Desolate Shrine - Fires Of The Dying World
25/03 - Bomber - Nocturnal Creatures
25/03 - As The World Dies - Agonist
25/03 - Confidential - Devil Inside
25/03 - Incite - Wake Up Dead
25/03 - Crystal Viper - The Last Axeman (Coletãnea)
25/03 - Night Demon - Year Of The Demon
25/03 - Redshark - Digital Race
25/03 - Virocracy - Ecophagia
25/03 - Absent In Body - Plague God
25/03 - Killing Joke - Lord Of Chaos (EP)
25/03 - Bâ'a - Egrégore
31/03 - Cobra Spell - Anthems Of The Night (EP)

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Sobre Emanuel Seagal

Descobriu o metal com Iron Maiden e Black Sabbath até chegar ao metal extremo e se apaixonar pelo doom metal. Considera Empyrium e X Japan as melhores bandas do mundo, Foi um dos coordenadores do finado SkyHell Webzine, escreveu para outros veículos no Brasil e exterior, e sempre esteve envolvido com metal, seja com eventos, bandas, gravadoras ou imprensa. Escreve para o Whiplash! desde 2005 mas ainda não entendeu a birra dos leitores com as notícias do Metallica. @emanuel_seagal no Instagram.
Mais matérias de Emanuel Seagal.