Guia: do Led até o Cradle Of Filth, confira playlist com 20 horas de metal inglês
Por Mateus Ribeiro
Postado em 23 de outubro de 2021
Se você é fã de heavy metal, deve agradecer as bandas que surgiram na Inglaterra. O país europeu foi o berço de vários nomes MUITO importantes na história da música pesada, como a "Santíssima Trindade", formada por Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin e Deep Purple, três bandas que são consideradas por muitos como as criadoras do estilo.
Melhores e Maiores - Mais Listas

Com o passar dos anos, o heavy metal foi se desenvolvendo e novas bandas foram surgindo em todos os lugares do mundo, inclusive na própria Inglaterra. A lista a seguir mostra algumas dessas bandas, que vão desde o heavy metal clássico até o black metal, passando pela NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal).
Cada banda é representada por cinco músicas e no final da lista, você pode curtir uma playlist que traz todas as canções, em 20 horas de muito metal (e um pouco de hard rock também). Aperte o play e se divirta!
Anathema (Liverpool, doom metal; prog/atmospheric metal)
"Fragile Dreams"
"One Last Goodbye"
"Forgotten Hopes"
"Dreaming Light"

Angel Witch (Londres, heavy metal)
"Angel Witch"
"Into The Dark"
"Don't Turn Your Back"
"Death From Andromeda"
Battleaxe (Sunderland, heavy metal)
"Burn This Town"
"Ready To Deliver"
"Chopper Attack"
"Heavy Metal Sanctuary"

Benediction (Birmingham, death metal)
"Rabid Carnality"
Black Sabbath (Birmingham, heavy/doom metal)
"Die Young"
"Zero The Hero"
"The Shining"
"God Is Dead?"

Blaze Bayley (Birmingham, heavy metal)
"Silicon Messiah"
"Ghost In The Machine"
"God Of Speed"
"18 Flights"
"Virus" (sim, essa mesmo que você pensou)
Blitzkrieg (Leicester, heavy metal)
"My Life Is My Own"
"Theatre Of The Damned"
"All Hell Is Breaking Loose"
"After Dark"

Bolt Thrower (Coventry, death metal)
"The Killchain"
"When Cannons Fade"
"The IVth Crusade"
"No Guts, No Glory"
Carcass (Liverpool, grindcore; melodic death metal; death 'n' roll)
"Incarnated Solvent Abuse"
"Keep On Rotting In The Free World"
"Unfit For Human Consumption"
"Kelly's Meat Emporium"

Cathedral (Coventry, doom metal)
"Soul Sacrifice"
"Serpent Eve"
"Midnight Mountain"
"Hopkins (Witchfinder General)"
Cradle Of Filth (Suffolk, black metal)
"Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids"
"Cthulhu Dawn"
"From The Cradle To Enslave"
"Nymphetamine Fix"
"Crawling King Chaos"

Deep Purple (Hertford, heavy metal/hard rock)
"Smoke On The Water"
"Comin' Home"
"Perfect Strangers"
"Throw My Bones"
Def Leppard (Sheffield, heavy metal; hard rock)
"Rock Brigade"
"Bringin' On The Heartbreak"
"Rock Rock (Till You Drop)"
"Rock Of Ages"

Diamond Head (Stourbridge, heavy metal)
"Death By Design"
"Belly Of The Beast"
"Am I Evil?"
"It's Electric"
Dragonforce (Londres, heavy metal)
"Heart Demolition"
"Operation Ground And Pound"
"Cry Thunder"
"Ashes Of The Dawn"
"Through The Fire And Flames"
Electric Wizard (Bournemouth, doom/stoner metal)
"Vinum Sabbathi"
"Black Mass"
"See You In Hell"
Evile (Huddersfield, thrash metal)
"Enter The Grave"
"In Memoriam"
"Hell Unleashed"

Girlschool (Londres, heavy metal/hard rock)
"Please Don't Touch"
"Hit And Run"
"C'mon Let's Go"
"Race With The Devil"
Godflesh (Birmingham, industrial metal)
"Christbait Rising"
"Like Rats"
"Post Self"
"Shut Me Down"
"Crush My Soul"
Grim Reaper (Droitwich Spa, heavy metal)
"Wrath Of The Ripper"
"Night Of The Vampire"
"Fear No Evil"
"Rock You To Hell"
"See You In Hell"
Haken (Londres, prog metal)
"Atlas Stone"
"Cockroach King"
"Puzzle Box"

Halford (Birmingham, heavy metal)
"Till The Day I Die"
"Made In Hell"
"Silent Screams"
Heaven & Hell (Birmingham, heavy metal)
"Double The Pain"
"Atom And Evil"
"Follow The Tears"
"Bible Black"

Iron Maiden (Londres, heavy metal)
"Phantom Of The Opera"
"The Number Of The Beast"
"Man On The Edge"
"Brave New World"
"The Writing On The Wall"
Jaguar (Bristol, heavy metal)
"Out Of Luck"
"Dutch Connection"
"Cold Heart"
"The Fox"
"Axe Crazy"

Judas Priest (Birmingham, heavy metal)
"Breaking The Law"
"Electric Eye"
"The Sentinel"
"Lightning Strike"
Led Zeppelin (Londres, hard rock/rock and roll/heavy metal)
"Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You"
"Immigrant Song"
"The Rover"
"Achilles Last Stand"

Motörhead (rock and roll/heavy metal)
"No Class"
"Ace Of Spades"
"In The Name Of Tragedy"
"Killed By Death"
My Dying Bride (Bradford, doom metal)
"And My Father Left Forever"
"A Secret Kiss"
"The Cry Of Mankind"
"Tired Of Tears"
"Your Broken Shore"

Napalm Death (Birmingham, grindcore, death metal)
"Suffer The Children"
"When All Is Said And Done"
"The Wolf I Feed"
"Necessary Evil"
"Backlash Just Because"
Onslaught (Bristol, thrash metal)
"Metal Forces"
"Born For War"
"A Perfect Day To Die"

Orange Goblin (Londres, stoner metal)
"Heavy Lies The Crown"
"Red Tide Rising"
"Sons Of Salem"
"The Devil's Whip"
"Sabbath Hex"
Ozzy Osbourne (Birmingham, heavy metal)
"Crazy Train"
"Bark At The Moon"
"Shot In The Dark"
"No More Tears"
"Ordinary Man"

Paradise Lost (Halifax, doom/gothic metal)
"Forever Failure"
"No Hope In Sight"
"Darker Thoughts"
Porcupine Tree (Hemel Hempstead, prog metal/prog rock)
"Fear Of A Blank Planet"
"Arriving Somewhere But Not Here"
Rainbow (Hertford, hard rock/heavy metal)
"I Surrender"
"Long Live Rock N Roll"
"Catch The Rainbow"
"Man On The Silver Mountain"
Raven (Newcastle, heavy metal)
"All For One"
"On And On"
"Live At The Inferno"
"Don't Need Your Money"
"Metal City"
Reanimator (Hull, thrash metal)
"Venom Of The Beast"
"Exterminate The Weak"
"The Abominautor"
"Electric Circle Pit"
"Rush For The Mosh"
Sabbat (Nottingham, thrash metal)
"How Have The Mighty Fallen?"
"The Best Of Enemies"
"The Clerical Conspiracy"
"A Cautionary Tale"
"Hosanna In Excelsis"
Samson (Londres, heavy metal)
"Vice Versa"
"Go To Hell"
"Bright Lights"
"Riding With The Angels"
Satan (Newcastle, heavy metal)
"Key To Oblivion"
"Time To Die"
"Death Knell For A King"
"Into The Mouth Of Eternity"
Saxon (Barnsley, heavy metal)
"Valley Of The Kings"
"Are We Travellers In Time"
"Princess Of The Night"
"Wheels Of Steel"
Svalbard (Bristol, post metal/hardcore)
"Try Not To Die Until You're Dead"
"Unpaid Intern"
"Click Bait"
"Open Wound"
"Listen To Someone"
Sylosis (Reading, melodic thrash metal/hardcore)
"Worship Decay"
"After Lifeless Years"
"I Sever"
Tank (Londres, heavy metal)
"Turn Your Head Around"
"Judgement Day"
"War Nation"
"War Dance"
"Valley Of Tears"
Tokyo Blade (Salisbury, heavy metal)
"Night Of The Blade"
"Warrior Of The Rising Sun"
"Someone To Love"
"Burning Rain"
"If Heaven Is Hell"
Tygers Of Pan Tang (Whitley Bay, heavy metal/hard rock)
"Only The Brave"
"White Lines"
UFO (Londres, heavy metal)
"Lights Out"
"Too Hot To Handle"
"Space Child"
"Rock Bottom"
"Doctor Doctor"
Venom (Birmingham, black metal)
"Welcome To Hell"
"Black Metal"
"Prime Evil"
"Countess Bathory"
Whitesnake (Londres, heavy metal/hard rock)
"Standing In The Shadow"
"Love Ain't No Stranger"
"Still Of The Night"
"Always The Same"
"Here I Go Again"
Para ouvir todas as músicas via Spotify, acesse a playlist abaixo.
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