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Helloween: confira o alcance vocal de Andi Deris

Por Célio Azevedo
Fonte: Vintage Vinyl
Postado em 23 de abril de 2015

Confira o alcance vocal do líder da banda Helloween, Andi Deris, que abrange toda a sua carreira como vocalista. Desde os anos 1980 até os dias de hoje.

Helloween - Mais Novidades

É um vocalista bastante versátil, excelente compositor, que com mais de 50 anos de idade, ainda consegue realizar muito bem grande parte do que sempre fez de melhor, os drives. Classificado como alto barítono, ou "baritenor", varia desde de notas graves a notas altas como podemos verificar nas músicas abaixo.

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

Extensão vocal: C2-G♯5

Notas Médias e Altas de destaque:

G♯5 ("Talk to the Moon", "Hocus Pocus")
G5 ("Do You Know What You Are Fighting For", "Dreambound", "Push", "Rolling Down a Thunder", "Silent Rain", "Stray Kid", "The Invisible Man", "The King for a 1000 Years")
F♯5 ("Burning Sun", "I Want Out" live, "Nabataea", "Occasion Avenue", "Pleasure Drone")
F5 ("A Game We Shouldn't Play", "Child of Sorrows", "Kill It", "Nabataea", "Occasion Avenue", "Sugar for Love", "The Invisible Man", "The Smile of the Sun", "The Time of the Oath", "Where the Sinners Go", "World of War")
E5 ("Are You Metal", "Can Do It", "Eagle Fly Free" live, "Mr. Torture", "Push", "Signs of Danger", "Sugar for Love", "Sun 4 the World", "Take Those Tears", "We Damn the Night")
E♭5 ("A Game We Shouldn't Play", "All Over the Nations", "Asshole", "How Many Tears" live, "I Can", "Just a Little Sign", "Let Your Love Fly Free", "Make Fire Catch the Fly", "Must Be Dreaming", "My Life for One More Day", "Occasion Avenue", "Pleasure Drone", "Rolling Down a Thunder", "Silent Rain", "Stray Kid", "Sugar for Love", "The Bells of the 7 Hells", "The Dark Ride", "World of War")
D5 ("Burning Sun", "Can Do It", "Cock", "Eagle Fly Free" live, "Escalation 666", "Fallen to Pieces", "Far From the Stars", "Live Now", "Pleasure Drone", "The Bells of the 7 Hells", "The Sage, the Fool, the Sinner", "The Time of the Oath", "Wake Up the Mountain", "Who Am I")
C♯5 ("A Game We Shouldn't Play", "A Handful of Pain", "Eagle Fly Free" live, "Enamoria", "Forever and One (Neverland)", "Just a Little Sign", "Mr. Torture", "Pleasure Drone", "Sole Survivor", "The Invisible Man", "The King for a 1000 Years", "The Last Days of Rain", "This Could Go On Forever", "Waiting For the Thunder", "Why?", "Will We Ever Change")
C5 ("A Perfect Day", "Asshole", "Can Do It", "Don't Listen to the Radio", "Dreambound", "Fallen to Pieces", "Final Fortune", "Heaven Tells No Lies", "Hold Me in Your Arms", "If A Mountain Could Talk", "If I Could Fly", "I Stole Your Love", "Immortal (Stars)", "Keeper's Trilogy", "Kill It", "My Life for One More Day", "Occasion Avenue", "Paint a New World")
B4 ("A Handful of Pain", "All Over the Nations", "Dangerous", "Eagle Fly Free" live, "Final Fortune", "Forever and One (Neverland)", "Hey Lord!", "I Can", "I Live for Your Pain", "Sun 4 the World", "The Bells of the Seven Hells", "Waiting For the Thunder")
B♭4 ("A Handful of Pain", "A Tale That Wasn't Right" -Unarmed version-, "As Long As I Fall", "Banker's Delight (Dead or Alive)", "Blind", "Church Breaks Down", "Don't Listen to the Radio", "Dreambound", "Heaven Tells No Lies", "If A Mountain Could Talk", "Kill It", "Let Your Love Fly Free", "Light the Universe", "Live Now", "Long Live the King", "Must Be Dreaming", "Nabataea", "Paint a New World", "Salvation", "Silent Rain", "Sole Survivor", "Star Invasion", "Steel Tormentor", "The King for a 1000 Years", "This Could Go On Forever", "Time", "Where the Rain Grows", "Why?")
A4 ("Dreambound", "Escalation 666", "If I Could Fly", "I.M.E.")

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Helloween - Push:

Notas Baixas de destaque:

B2 ("Cock", "Enamoria", "Forever and One (Neverland)", "If A Mountain Could Talk", "Immortal", "Revelation", "The Saints", "The Smile of the Sun", "Wake Up the Mountain")
B♭2 ("As Long As I Fall", "Banker's Delight (Dead or Alive)", "Blind", "Occasion Avenue", "The King for a 1000 Years", "This Could Go On Forever")
A2 ("Asshole", "Hold Me in Your Arms", "I.M.E.", "Live Now", "Nabataea", "Where the Sinners Go")
G♯2 ("A Handful of Pain", "Blind", "Dyin' Century", "Forever and One (Neverland)", "Must Be Dreaming", "Occasion Avenue", "Talk to the Moon", "Waiting For the Thunder", "Wake Up the Mountain")
G2 ("A Perfect Day", "Electric Eye", "Hold Me in Your Arms", "Not Yet Today", "The Dark Ride", "The Invisible Man", "Time")
F♯2 ("A Handful of Pain", "Enamoria", "Not Yet Today", "Waiting For the Thunder", "Who Am I")
F2 ("Occasion Avenue", "The Smile of the Sun", "Time")
E2 ("Cock", "Electric Eye", "Wake Up the Mountain")
E♭2 ("Banker's Delight (Dead or Alive)", "Must Be Dreaming", "Kill It", "Silent Rain", "The Dark Ride", "Waiting For the Thunder")
D2 ("Cock")
C♯2 ("A Handful of Pain", "As Long As I Fall", "Enamoria", "Make Fire Catch the Fly", "Must Be Dreaming", "The Invisible Man")
C2 ("Fallen to Pieces")

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

Helloween - Fallen to Pieces:


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Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

Sobre Célio Azevedo

Nascido no Rio de Janeiro, Célio Azevedo é jornalista pós-graduado, músico, compositor e escritor. Apaixonado por heavy metal, apreciador de rock alternativo. Desde 1997, através de bandas como Blur, Silverchair, Sonic Youth, Helloween e Iron Maiden, foi inspirado em diversos estilos musicais para desenvolver o seu próprio. Atualmente, analisa a realidade política nacional e internacional sob uma perspectiva conservadora. É autor de "A Cobertura do JB e do Globo da Queda do Muro de Berlim (1989) e do Fim da URSS (1991)", "Manuscritos Poéticos", "Java para todos", "Músicas em Outros Idiomas", "Arte e Materialismo - Filosofia do Caos" (Em Tcheco: "Umění a Materialismus: Filozofie Chaosu"), "As Tecnologias da Comunicação e o Ensino Superior de Jornalismo", "A Educação Planetária de Edgar Morin" e "Gotterdamerung", trabalhou também no livro de contos "O Lado Sombrio" e "Kritické Myšlení a Média". Ademais, lançou os álbuns musicais de estúdio: "2012", "Mr. Fusion", uma ópera rock "Celio Azevedo's Scout - Scoutish: The XXI Rock Opera", "Espere o Amanhã", "Modern World", "2022", além de diversos singles e outras discografias alternativas.
Mais matérias de Célio Azevedo.