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Status Quo: Três álbuns ganharão edições de luxo

Por Roberto Rillo Bíscaro
Postado em 19 de janeiro de 2020

Dia 6 de março, a Universal Music colocará no mercado edições de luxo de três álbuns do Status Quo: Perfect Remedy (1989), Rock ‘Til You Drop (1991) e Thirsty Work (1994). Os dois primeiros sairão em edições triplas e o terceiro, dupla.

O material trará os originais remasterizados, além de outtakes, shows, versões alternativas e remixes.


Cada reedição virá acompanhada de livreto com fotos e entrevistas recentes.

Confira as tracklists:

Perfect Remedy 3CD edition

CD 1
1. Little Dreamer
2. Not at All
3. Heart on Hold
4. Perfect Remedy
5. Address Book
6. The Power of Rock
7. The Way I Am
8. Tommy’s in Love
9. Man Overboard
10. Going Down for The First Time
11. Throw Her A Line
12. 1000 Years

CD 2
1. Gone Thru the Slips – B-Side Of "Not at All"
2. Rotten to The Bone – B-Side to 7″ & 12″ of "Little Dreamer"
3. Doing It All for You – B-Side to 12″ of "Little Dreamer"
4. The Anniversary Waltz – 12″ Version (Full) Rock and Roll Music / Lover Please / That’ll Be the Day / Singing the Blues / When Will I Be Loved / Let’s Work Together / Keep A-Knockin’ / Long Tall Sally / Let’s Dance / Red River Rock / No Particular Place to Go / The Wanderer / I Hear You Knocking / Lucille / Great Balls of Fire
5. The Power of Rock – Edited Version (B-Side of "Anniversary Waltz")
6. Fighting for Love – early Version of "The Power of Rock"
7. Blondes Don’t Lie – Outtake
8. The Anniversary Waltz – Spanish Promo Version #1 Rockin’ All Over the World / Whatever You Want / Rock and Roll Music / Lover Please / Let’s Dance / Red River Rock / Great Balls of Fire
9. The Anniversary Waltz – Spanish Promo Version #2 Rock and Roll Music / Lover Please / What You’re Proposing / Let’s Dance / Red River Rock
10. Paper Plane – Bray Studios 1990
11. Caroline – Birmingham NEC 1989
12. Roll Over Lay Down – Birmingham NEC 1989
13. Little Lady – Birmingham NEC 1989


CD 3
1. In My Chair
2. Little Dreamer
3. Perfect Remedy
4. Mystery Medley: Mystery Song / Railroad / Most of the Time / Wild Side of Life / Rollin’ Home / Again and Again / Slow Train
5. Hold You Back
6. The Power of Rock
7. Dirty Water
8. Whatever You Want
9. In the Army Now
10. Rockin’ All Over the World
11. Don’t Waste My Time
12. Roadhouse Medley: Roadhouse Blues / The Wanderer / Marguerita Time / Living on an Island / Break the Rules / Something ‘Bout You Baby I Like / The Price of Love / Roadhouse Blues
13. Burning Bridges

Rock Til You Drop 3CD set

CD 1
Like A Zombie
All We Really Wanna Do (Polly)
Fakin’ The Blues
One Man Band
Rock ‘Til You Drop
Can’t Give You More
Warning Shot
Let’s Work Together
Bring It on Home
No Problems
Good Sign
Nothing Comes Easy
Fame or Money
Price of Love
Forty-Five Hundred Times


CD 2
Dead in the Water – B-Side of "Can’t Give You More"
Mysteries from the Ball – B-Side of "Can’t Give You More"
Heavy Daze – B-Side of "Fakin’ the Blues" (withdrawn)
Better Times – B-Side of "Fakin’ the Blues" (withdrawn)
(Brit Awards) Medley – B-Side of "Rock Til You Drop" Caroline / Down Down / Whatever You Want / Rockin’ All Over the World
Can’t Give You More – 7″ Edit
Fakin The Blues – 7″ Edit (withdrawn)
Can’t Give You More – Radio Edit (promo only)
The Anniversary Waltz Part 1 -Barcelona, 25th May 1991

CD 3
Paper Plane – Sheffield Arena, 21st September 1991
Price of Love – Sheffield Arena, 21st September 1991
Mystery Medley – Sheffield Arena, 21st September 1991
Mystery Song / Railroad / Most of the Time / Wild Side of Life / Rollin’ Home / Again and Again / Slow Train
Rain – Sheffield Arena, 21st September 1991
Rock till You Drop – Glasgow SECC, 21st September 1991
Down Down – Glasgow SECC, 21st September 1991
Roll Over Lay Down – Glasgow SECC, 21st September 1991
Let’s Work Together – Glasgow SECC, 21st September 1991
Little Lady – Birmingham NEC, 21st September 1991
Whatever You Want -Birmingham NEC, 21st September 1991
In the Army Now – Birmingham NEC, 21st September 1991
Burning Bridges – Wembley Arena, 21st September 1991
Rockin’ All Over the World – Wembley Arena, 21st September 1991
The Anniversary Waltz – Wembley Arena, 21st September 1991
Encore Medley; Rock and Roll Music, Sweet Soul Music, Bye Bye Johnny – Wembley Arena, 21st September 1991


Thirsty Work 2CD set

CD 1
1. Goin’ Nowhere
2. I Didn’t Mean It
3. Confidence
4. Point of No Return
5. Sail Away
6. Like It or Not
7. Soft in The Head
8. Queenie
9. Lover of The Human Race
10. Sherri Don’t Fail Me Now
11. Rude Awakening Time
12. Back on My Feet
13. Restless
14. Ciao Ciao
15. Tango
16. Sorry

CD 2
1. Survival – B-Side of "I Didn’t Mean It"
2. She Knew Too Much – B-Side of "I Didn’t Mean It"
3. Tossin’ And Turning – B-Side of "Sherri Don’t Fail Me Now"
4. Down to You -B-Side of "Sherri Don’t Fail Me Now"
5. Beautiful – B-Side of "Sherri Don’t Fail Me Now"
6. And I Do – B-Side of "Restless"
7. Democracy – B-Side of "Restless"
8. I Didn’t Mean It – Acoustic
9. Sherri Don’t Fail Me Now – Extended
10. Restless – Orchestral
11. I Didn’t Mean It – Hooligan Version
12. Going Nowhere – Live in Stockholm 1994
13. Soft in The Head – Live in Stockholm 1994
14. Rude Awakening Time – Live in Stockholm 1994
15. Queenie – Live in Munich 1994
16. Restless – Live at Wembley or Royal Albert Hall 1994

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Bangers Open Air

publicidadeAdriano Lourenço Barbosa | Airton Lopes | Alexandre Faria Abelleira | Alexandre Sampaio | André Frederico | Andre Magalhaes de Araujo | Ary César Coelho Luz Silva | Assuires Vieira da Silva Junior | Bergrock Ferreira | Bruno Franca Passamani | Caio Livio de Lacerda Augusto | Carlos Alexandre da Silva Neto | Carlos Gomes Cabral | Cesar Tadeu Lopes | Cláudia Falci | Danilo Melo | Dymm Productions and Management | Efrem Maranhao Filho | Eudes Limeira | Fabiano Forte Martins Cordeiro | Fabio Henrique Lopes Collet e Silva | Filipe Matzembacker | Flávio dos Santos Cardoso | Frederico Holanda | Gabriel Fenili | George Morcerf | Geraldo Fonseca | Geraldo Magela Fernandes | Gustavo Anunciação Lenza | Herderson Nascimento da Silva | Henrique Haag Ribacki | Jesse Alves da Silva | João Alexandre Dantas | João Orlando Arantes Santana | Jorge Alexandre Nogueira Santos | José Patrick de Souza | Juvenal G. Junior | Leonardo Felipe Amorim | Luis Jose Geraldes | Marcello da Silva Azevedo | Marcelo Franklin da Silva | Marcelo Vicente Pimenta | Marcio Augusto Von Kriiger Santos | Marcos Donizeti | Marcus Vieira | Maurício Gioachini | Mauricio Nuno Santos | Odair de Abreu Lima | Pedro Fortunato | Rafael Wambier Dos Santos | Regina Laura Pinheiro | Ricardo Cunha | Richard Malheiros | Sergio Luis Anaga | Silvia Gomes de Lima | Thiago Cardim | Tiago Andrade | Victor Adriel | Victor Jose Camara | Vinicius Valter de Lemos | Walter Armellei Junior | Williams Ricardo Almeida de Oliveira | Yria Freitas Tandel |
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Sobre Roberto Rillo Bíscaro

Roberto Rillo Bíscaro é professor universitário e edita o Blog do Albino Incoerente desde 2009.
Mais matérias de Roberto Rillo Bíscaro.