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Heavy Metal: 4 bandas dominam 50% do iTunes, e Iron Maiden não está entre elas

Por Bruce William
Postado em 07 de dezembro de 2020

A Apple Music listou os cem álbuns de Heavy Metal mais escutados no iTunes. Curiosamente, da longa lista, se sobressaem quatro bandas com 43% das audições, a saber: Metallica (com 17 álbuns), Slipknot (com 8 álbuns), Tool (com 5 álbuns) e Five Finger Death Punch (com 13 álbuns).

Metallica - Mais Novidades

Confira a seguir a lista completa dos cem álbuns de Heavy Metal mais ouvidos na Apple Music.

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Metallica, Metallica
Hatebreed, Weight of the False Self
Five Finger Death Punch, F8
TOOL, Ænima
Black Sabbath, Paranoid
TOOL, Lateralus
TOOL, 10,000 Days
Metallica, Ride the Lightning (Remastered)
Slipknot, We Are Not Your Kind
Ozzy Osbourne, Ordinary Man
Killer Be Killed, Reluctant Hero
Metallica, …And Justice for All (Deluxe Box Set)
Five Finger Death Punch, A Decade of Destruction
Five Finger Death Punch, A Decade of Destruction, Vol. 2
TOOL, Undertow
Bad Wolves, N.A.T.I.O.N.
Metallica, Master of Puppets (Remastered)
Five Finger Death Punch, American Capitalist (Deluxe Edition)
Lamb Of God, Lamb Of God
Like Moths To Flames, No Eternity in Gold
Metallica, Load
Slipknot, Slipknot
Slipknot, All Hope is Gone
Metallica, S&M2 (Live)
Fit For A King, The Path
Slipknot, Slipknot (Deluxe Version)
Metallica, Kill ‘Em All (Remastered)
Five Finger Death Punch, Got Your Six (Deluxe)
The Amity Affliction, Everyone Loves You… Once You Leave Them
Black Sabbath, Master of Reality
Five Finger Death Punch, A Decade of Destruction
Metallica, Hardwired… To Self-Destruct (Deluxe Edition)
Rammstein, RAMMSTEIN
Slipnot, Iowa
Metallica, Master of Puppets (Deluxe Box Set)
Five Finger Death Punch, War is the Answer
Metallica, Death Magnetic
Five Finger Death Punch, And Justice for None (Deluxe)
Killswitch Engage, Atonement
Slipknot, .5: The Gray Chapter (Special Edition)
Wage War, Pressure
Metallica, …And Justice for All (Remastered)
Five Finger Death Punch, And Justice for None (Deluxe)
Lamb Of God, Ashes of the Wake (15th Anniversary Edition)
In This Moment, Mother
Metallica, Ride the Lightning (Deluxe Edition)
Pantera, The Best of Pantera: Far Beyond the Great Southern Cowboys’ Vulgar…
Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath
Trivium, What the Dead Men Say
Metallica, Garage Inc.
Iron Maiden, The Number of the Beast (2015 Remastered Edition)
As I Lay Dying, Shaped by Fire
Ozzy Osbourne, Blizzard of Ozz (40th Anniversary Expanded Edition)
Polaris, The Death of Me
ICE NINE KILLS, The Silver Scream
Bad Omens, Finding God Before God Finds Me (Deluxe)
Black Sabbath, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
August Burns Red, Guardians
Sodom, Genesis XIX
Poppy, I Disagree
Mr. Bungle, The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny
Volbeat, Rewind, Replay, Rebound (Live in Deutschland)
Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath, Vol. 4
Metallica, Reload
Killswitch Engage, As Daylight Dies (Special Edition)
Megadeth, Rust in Peace (Remastered)
Slipknot, Vol. 3 The Subliminal Verses
The Ghost Inside, The Ghost Inside
Terror, Sink to the Hell – EP
Sabaton, The Great War
Slipknot, Vol. 3 The Subliminal Verses (Deluxe)
Lamb Of God, Sacrament
Ghost, Prequelle
Currents, The Way It Ends
Five Finger Death Punch, The Way of the Fist
Sabaton, The Last Stand
Five Finger Death Punch, The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Vol. 1
TOOL, Opiate – EP
Pantera, Vulgar Display of Power (Deluxe Video Version)
Metallica, Kill ‘Em All (Deluxe Edition)
Underoath, They’re Only Chasing Safety
Slipknot, Iowa (Deluxe)
Metallica, S&M (Live)
Five Finger Death Punch, The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Vol. 2
Amon Amarth, Berserker
Knocked Loose, A Different Shade of Blue
Kingdom Of Giants, Passenger
Iron Maiden, Nights of the Dead, Legacy of the Beast: Live in Mexico City
Dethklok, The Dethalbum (Bonus Track Version)
Iron Maiden, Piece of Mind
Pantera, Cowboys from Hell
Parkway Drive, Ire (Deluxe Edition)
Alpha Wolf, A Quiet Place to Die
Rammstein, Sehnsucht
Iron Maiden, Powerslave (2015 Remastered Edition)
Boundaries, Your Receding Warmth
Metallica, St. Anger
Pantera, Far Beyond Driven (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)
Five Finger Death Punch, The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Vol. 1'

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

FONTE: Blitz

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Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

Sobre Bruce William

Quando Socram chegou no era tudo mato, JPA lhe entregou uma foice e disse "go ahead!". Usou vários nomes, chegou a hora do "verdadeiro". Nunca teve pretensão de se dizer jornalista, no máximo historiador do rock, já que é formado na área. Continua apaixonado por uma Fuchsbau, que fica mais linda a cada dia que passa ♥. Na foto com a Melody, que já virou estrelinha...
Mais matérias de Bruce William.