Classic Rock: Os 42 melhores livros já escritos sobre música
Por Vagner Mastropaulo
Postado em 05 de abril de 2021
Recentemente fizemos duas postagens sobre literatura e música aqui no "Neil Peart: Seus 7 melhores livros, segundo a Loudersound" e "Queen: 11 dos melhores livros sobre Freddie Mercury, segundo a Classic Rock". Pois bem, navegando pelas fontes, nos deparamos com outra matéria similar: "The best books about music ever written", publicada no site da Classic Rock e genericamente assinada pelo time da revista inglesa em 09/03, fechando, por ora, uma trinca a respeito do tema.

Tem de tudo na lista: autobiografias; bandas famosas; grupos menores; um livro esgotado; relatos de groupies; e memórias não tão boas assim, como as de Randy Blythe no período preso na República Tcheca. Este escriba sentiu a falta de duas grandes obras sobre o assunto: "Geddy Lee’s Big Beautiful Book Of Bass", do baixista, tecladista e vocalista do Rush; e "To Live Is To Die: The Life And Death Of Metallica’s Cliff Burton", escrita por Joel McIver sobre o lendário e falecido baixista.

- Mötley Crüe: The Dirt Confessions Of The World’s Most Notorious Rock Band (Neill Strauss)
- Waiting For The Sun: A Rock ‘N’ Roll History Of Los Angeles (Barney Hoskyns)
- Led Zeppelin: Hammer Of The Gods (Stephen Davis)
- Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History Of Punk (Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain)
- The True Adventures Of The Rolling Stones (Stanley Booth)
- Lonely Boy: Tales From A Sex Pistol (Steve Jones)
- The Beatles Tune In: All These Years, Vol. 1 (Mark Lewisohn)
- Murder In The Front Row: The San Francisco Bay Area Thrash Metal History (Brian Lew & Harald Oimoen)
- Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes From The American Indie Underground 1981-1991 (Michael Azerrad)
- White Line Fever – Lemmy: The Autobiography (Lemmy Kilmister)

- Choosing Death: The Improbable History Of Death Metal & Grindcore (Albert Mudrian)
- Fried & Justified: Hits, Myths, Break-ups And Breakdowns In The Record Business 1978-98 (Mich Houghton)
- I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead: The Dirty Life And Times Of Warren Zevon (Crystal Zevon)
- 1971: Never A Dull Moment: Rock’s Golden Year (David Hepworth)
- Lexicon Devil: The Fast Times And Short Life Of Darby Crash And The Germs (Brendan Mullen)
- Life (Keith Richards)
- Espedair Street (Iain Banks)
- Born To Run (Bruce Springsteen)
- Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys. (Viv Albertine)
- Burning Down The Haus: Punk Rock, Revolution And The Fall Of The Berlin Wall (Tim Mohr)
- No One Here Gets Out Alive (Jerry Hopkins & Danny Sugarman)

- Suzy, Led Zeppelin And Me (Martin Millar)
- Get In The Van: On The Road With Black Flag (Henry Rollins)
- Beneath The Underdog (Charles Mingus)
- Psychotic Reactions And Carburetor Dung – The Work Of A Legendary Critic: Rock ‘N’ Roll As Literature And Literature As Rock ‘N’ Roll (Leslie Bangs)
- Chronicles: Volume One (Bob Dylan)
- Revolution In The Head: The Beatles Records And The Sixties (Ian MacDonald)
- Girl In A Band: A Memoir (Kim Gordon)
- Confess: The Autobiography (Rob Halford)
- Fargo Rock City: A Heavy Metal Odyssey In Rural North Dakota (Chuck Klosterman)
- Rhinos, Winos And Lunatics: The Legend Of A Man, A Rock ‘N’ Roll Band (Deke Leonard)
- Diary Of A Rock ‘N’ Roll Star (Ian Hunter)

- Thanks A Lot Mr. Kibblewhite: My Story (Roger Daltrey)
- I’m With The Band: Confessions Of A Groupie (Pamela Des Barres)
- Shots From The Hip (Charles Shaar Murray)
- Everybody Loves Our Town: An Oral History Of Grunge (Mark Yarm)
- Give The Anarchist A Cigarette (Mick Farren)
- Dark Days: A Memoir – D. Randall Blythe (Randy Blythe)
- I’m Not With The Band: A Writer’s Life Lost In Music (Sylvia Patterson)
- Louder Than Hell: The Definitive Oral History Of Metal (Jon Weiderhorn & Katherine Turman)
- Slash: The Autobiography (Slash & Anthony Bozza)
- Facing The Other Way: The Story Of 4AD (Martin Aston)
Evidentemente daria para passar horas com sugestões, em especial as autobiografias, filão que segue em alta, como as de: Dave Grohl, Ozzy Osbourne, Dave Mustaine, Bruce Dickinson, Dee Snider, Max Cavalera, Paul Stanley e Peter Criss – só para citar as que vieram de bate-pronto à cabeça deste que vos escreve. E você, tem outras indicações a fazer? Sinta-se à vontade para comentar!

Fonte: Classic Rock
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