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Veja os grandes lançamentos do rock e metal previstos para o primeiro semestre de 2022

Por Emanuel Seagal
Postado em 01 de janeiro de 2022

É difícil acompanhar todos lançamentos no mundo do rock e do metal que acontecem semanalmente, então para facilitar a vida dos seus leitores a Loudwire compilou uma lista dos lançamentos já anunciados para o primeiro semestre de 2022, confira abaixo.

Anunciar no Whiplash.Net Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

7 de janeiro de 2022

Apes - Lullabies For Eternal Sleep EP (Translation Loss)
At The Movies - The Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 1 Re-Release (Atomic Fire)
At The Movies - The Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 2 (Atomic Fire)
Carr Jam 21 - Can You Feel It EP (Self)
Carnation - Galaxy Studio Sessions (Season Of Mist)
Deaf Club - Productive Disruption (Three One G)
Infected Rain - Ecdysis (Napalm)
Despised Icon - Consumed By Your Poison Re-Release (Century Media)
Despised Icon - The Healing Process Re-Release (Century Media)
Necrophagous - In Chaos Ascend (Transcending Obscurity)
Needless - The Cosmic Cauldron (Uprising)
Nihility - Beyond Human Concepts (Vicious Instinct)
Nocturnal Graves - An Outlaws Stand (Season Of Mist)
Oar - The Blood You Crave (Blighttown)
Power Paladin - With The Magic Of Windfyre Steel (Atomic Fire)
Seven Nines And Tens - Over Opiated In A Forest Of Whispering Speakers (Willowtip)
Tygers Of Pan Tang - A New Heartbeat EP (Mighty)
Wilderun - Epigone (Century Media)

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

14 de janeiro de 2022

Aethereus - Leiden (The Artisan Era)
Arise From Worms - Arise From Worms EP (Goremaster)
Autumn's Child - Zenith (Pride & Joy)
Belphegor - Blutsabbath Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
Belphegor - The Last Supper Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
Big Scenic Nowhere - The Long Morrow (Heavy Psych Sounds)
Breaths - Though Life Has Turned Out... (Trepnation)
Buffalo Revisited - Volcanic Rock Live (Ripple)
Descent - Order Of Chaos (Redefining Darkness)
Earthless - From The Ages Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
Earthless - Rhythm From A Cosmic Sky Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
Earthless - Sonic Prayer Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
Ecryptus - Kyr'am Beskar’gam EP (SBDC)
Electromancy - Technopagan (Metal Assault)
Eliminator - Ancient Light (Dissonance)
Enterprise Earth - The Chosen (eOne)
Ereb Altor - Vargtimman (Hammerheart)
Fit For An Autopsy - Oh What The Future Holds (Nuclear Blast)
Furis Ignis - Decapitate The Aging World (Iron Bonehead)
Hit The Ground Runnin' - Sudden Impact Re-Release (AOR Heaven)
Lee McKinney - In The Light Of Knowledge (Sumerian)
Magnum - The Monster Roars (SPV/Steamhammer)
Maule - Maule (Gates Of Hell)
Nullification - Kingdoms To Hovel (Personal)
Oceans - Hell Is Where The Heart Is Part I: Love EP (Nuclear Blast)
Oshiego - Jaljalut (Seven Kings)
Out Of This World - Out Of This World (Atomic Fire)
Party Cannon - Volumes Of Vomit (Gore House)
Pridelands - Light Bends (SharpTone)
Shadow Of Intent - Elegy (Blood Blast)
Skillet - Dominion (Atlantic)
Slowbleed - A Blazing Sun, The Fiery Dawn (Creator-Destructor)
Space Coke - Lunacy (Forbidden Place)
Spartan - Of Kings And Gods (Pest)
Tony Martin - Thorns (Dark Star)
Toundra - Hex (InsideOut)
Tristan Harders' Twilight Theatre - Drifting Into Insanity (Pride & Joy)
Various Artists - Dominance And Submission: A Tribute To Blue Oyster Cult (Ripple)
Verbum - Exhortation To The Impure (Iron Bonehead)
Voodoma - Hellbound (Pride & Joy)
Weaponry - Everwinding Slaughter (Xtreem)
Wiegedood - There's Always Blood At The End Of The Road (Century Media)
Wolfbastard - Hammer The Bastards (Clobber)
Worm Shepherd - Chalice Ov Rebirth (Unique Leader)
Wrong War - Once Upon A Weapon (Atomic Action/Council)
XCIII - Void (My Kingdom)

Anunciar no Whiplash.Net Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

21 de janeiro de 2022

40 Watt Sun - Perfect Light (Svart)
Abyssus - Death Revival (Transcending Obscurity)
Acheron - Satanic Victory EP Re-Release (Vic)
Ashes Of Ares - Emperors And Fools (Rock Of Angels)
Battle Beast - Circus Of Doom (Nuclear Blast)
Beriedir - Aqva (Rockshots)
Billy Talent - Crisis Of Faith (Spinefarm)
Blood - Dysangelium Re-Release (Vic)
Boris - W (Sacred Bones)
Comeback Kid - Heavy Steps (Nuclear Blast)
Druid Lord - Relics Of The Dead (Hells Headbangers)
Edge Of Forever - Seminole (Frontiers)
Giant - Shifting Time (Frontiers)
Great American Ghost - Torture World EP (MNRK Heavy)
Hanging Garden - Neither Moth Nor Rust EP (Lifeforce)
Heir Apparent - Graceful Inheritance Re-Release (Hammerheart)
Kandia - Quaternary (Frontiers)
Kissin' Dynamite - Not The End Of The Road (Napalm)
Lalu - Paint The Sky (Frontiers)
Lionheart - Second Nature Re-Release (Metalville)
Nocturna - Daughters Of The Night (Scarlet)
Setyoursails - Nightfall (Napalm)
Sleepwulf - Sunbeams Curl (Heavy Psych Sounds)
SOM - The Shape Of Everything (Pelagic)
Spitfire - Denial To Fail (No Remorse)
Through The Noise - Tragedies EP (Eclipse)
Tokyo Blade - Fury (Dissonance)
Torchbearer - Solace (Self)
Verikalpa - Tunturihauta (Scarlet)
Vrsty - Welcome Home (Spinefarm)

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

28 de janeiro de 2022

Aegrus - The Carnal Temples EP (Osmose)
Big Big Train - Welcome To The Planet (English Electric)
Burned In Effigy - Rex Mortem (Self)
Bye Bye Tsunami - Bye Bye Tsunami EP (Nefarious)
Celeste - Assassine(s) (Nuclear Blast)
Cloakroom - Dissolution Wave (Relapse)
Crystal Ball - Crysteria (Massacre)
Deathcult - Of Soil Unearthed (Invictus)
Earthless - Night Parade Of One Hundred Demons (Nuclear Blast)
Ectoplasma - Inferna Kabbalah (Memento Mori)
Faster Pussycat - Babylon: The Elektra Years 1987-1992 (HNE)
Freaks And Clowns - We Set The World On Fire (Metalville)
Gloves Off - Life...And Everything After (Upstate)
Grave Next Door - Sanctified Heathen (Black Doomba)
Harpyie - Blutbann (Metalville)
Hazemaze - Blinded By The Wicked (Heavy Psych Sounds)
Jethro Tull - The Zealot Gene (InsideOut)
The Last Ten Seconds Of Life - The Last Ten Seconds Of Life (Unique Leader)
Lawnmower Deth - Blunt Cutters (Dissonance)
Malefic Throne - Malefic Throne EP (Hells Headbangers)
Milquetoast - Caterwaul (Wise Blood)
The Mist From The Mountains - Monumental - The Temple Of Twilight (Primitive Reaction)
The Quill - Live, New, Borrowed, Blue (Metalville)
Rabid Dogs - Black Cowslip (Time To Kill)
Ravenous Death - Visions From The Netherworld (Memento Mori)
Steve Vai - Inviolate (Favored Nations/Mascot)
Stone House On Fire - Time Is A Razor (Electric Valley)
Tangent - Tangent EP (Dying Victims)
Tension - Decay (Dying Victims)
Toxpack - Zwanzig.Tausend.Volt (Napalm)
Vicious Knight - Alteration Through Possession (Dying Victims)
Wobbler - Afterglow Re-Release (Karisma)
Wobbler - Hinterland Re-Release (Karisma)
Wobbler - Rites At Dawn Re-Release (Karisma)

Anunciar no Whiplash.Net Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

4 de fevereiro de 2022

Abhoria - Abhoria (Prosthetic)
Abysmal Dawn - Nightmare Frontier EP (Season Of Mist)
Astrophobos - Corpus (Personal)
George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher - Corpsegrinder (Perseverance)
Korn - Requiem (Loma Vista)
Mass Worship - Portal Tombs (Century Media)
Michael Romeo - War Of The Worlds, Part II (InsideOut)
Mystic Circle - Mystic Circle (Atomic Fire)
Obsidian Sea - Pathos (Ripple)
Persephone - Metanoia (Napalm)
Powertryp - Midnight Marauder (Rafchild)
Rolo Tomassi - Where Myth Becomes Memory (MNRK)
Saxon - Carpe Diem (Silver Lining)
Seremonia - Neonlusifer (Svart)
Venom Prison - Erebos (Century Media)
Vorga - Striving Toward Oblivion (Transcending Obscurity)
Vulcano - Stone Orange (Emanzipation)

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

11 de fevereiro de 2022

Amorphis - Halo (Atomic Fire)
Author & Punisher - Kruller (Relapse)
Creeping Flesh - And Then The Bombs Came (Emanzipation)
Cult Of Luna - The Long Road North (Metal Blade)
The Devils Of Loudun - Escaping Eternity (The Artisan Era)
Eddie Vedder - Earthling (Republic)
Girish And The Chronicles - Hail To The Heroes (Frontiers)
Hangman's Chair - A Loner (Nuclear Blast)
Hexen - Being And Nothingness Re-Release (M-Theory)
Jizzy Pearl's Love/Hate - Hell, CA (Golden Robot)
Mariangela Demurtas - Dark Ability EP (Self)
Naked Gypsy Queens - Georgiana EP (Mascot)
Napalm Death - Resentment Is Always Seismic - A Final Throw Of Throes EP (Century Media)
Near Death Condition - Ascent From The Mundane (Unique Leader)
Nervochaos - All Colors Of Darkness (Emanzipation)
Night Cobra - Dawn Of The Serpent (Irongrip/High Roller)
Once Human - Scar Weaver (earMusic)
Slash Featuring Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators - 4 (Gibson)
Tersivel - To The Orphic Void (Uprising)
Trouble - One For The Road/Unplugged Re-Release (Hammerheart)
Voivod - Syncro Anarchy (Century Media)
Zeal & Ardor - Zeal & Ardor (MVKA)

Anunciar no Whiplash.Net Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

18 de fevereiro de 2022

Annihilator - Metal II (earMusic)
Ard - Take Up My Bones (Prophecy)
Asiwyfa - Jettison (Equal Vision)
Black Map - Melodoria (Minus Head)
Boguslaw Balcerek's Crylord - Human Heredity (Pride & Joy)
Bunuel - Killers Like Us (Profound Lore)
Dagoba - By Night (Napalm)
Fostermother - The Ocean (Ripple)
Glasya - Attarghan (Scarlet)
Goodbye June - See Where The Night Goes (Earache)
Immolation - Acts Of God (Nuclear Blast)
Jonas Lindberg And The Other Side - Miles From Nowhere (InsideOut)
The Last Of Lucy - Moksha (Transcending Obscurity)
Lord Agheros - Koine (My Kingdom)
Lunar Blood - Twilight Insurgency (Pulverised)
Manic Sinners - King Of The Badlands (Frontiers)
Matt Pike - Pike vs. The Automaton (MNRK Heavy)
The Neptune Power Federation - Le Demon De L'Amour (Cruz Del Sur)
Pure Wrath - Hymn To The Woeful Hearts (Debemur Morti)
Re-Machined - Brain Dead (Pride & Joy)
Rot TV - Tales Of Torment (Tee Pee)
Savage Grace - After The Fall From Grace Re-Release (Hammerheart)
Savage Grace - Master Of Disguise Re-Release (Hammerheart)
Schizophrenia - Recollections Of The Insane (Redefining Darkness)
Sickbay - Brutal Existence EP (Redefining Darkness)
Spirits Of Fire - Embrace The Unknown (Frontiers)
Star One - Revel In Time (InsideOut)
Static-X - Machine 20th Anniversary Edition (Otsego)
Veonity - Elements Of Power (Scarlet)

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

25 de fevereiro de 2022

Abraham - Debris De Mondes Perdus (Pelagic)
Allegaeon - Damnum (Metal Blade)
Bad Omens - The Death Of Peace Of Mind (Sumerian)
Cobra The Impaler - Colossal Gods (Listenable)
Dashboard Confessional - All The Truth That I Can Tell (Hidden Note/AWAL)
Dead Head - Haatland (Petrichor)
Early Eyes - Look Alive! (Epitaph)
Eight Bells - Legacy Of Ruin (Prophecy)
Embryonic Devourment - Heresy Of The Highest Order (Unique Leader)
Firebreather - Dwell In The Fog (RidingEasy)
HammerFall - Hammer Of Dawn (Napalm)
Hebosagil - Yossa (Svart)
Metal Cross - Soul Ripper (From The Vaults)
Scorpions - Rock Believer (Spinefarm)
Serpent Cobra - Beware EP (Helter Skelter/Regain)
Shape Of Despair - Return To The Void
(Season Of Mist)
Short Stack - Maybe There's No Heaven (UNFD)
Svartsot - Kumbl (Mighty)
Tankard - For A Thousand Years Box Set (Noise)

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4 de março de 2022

As I May - Karu (Uprising)
Cadaveria - The Shadows' Madame Re-Release (Time To Kill)
Crowbar - Zero And Below (MRNK Heavy)
The Defaced - Charlatans (ViciSolum)
Endtime - Impending Doom (Heavy Psych Sounds)
The Flower Kings - By Royal Decree (InsideOut)
Godless Truth - Godless Truth (Transcending Obscurity)
Hath - All That Was Promised (Willowtip)
Jirm - The Tunnel, The Well, Holy Bedlam (Ripple)
Kuolemanlaakso - Kuusumu (Svart)
Kris Barras Band - Death Valley Paradise (Mascot)
Marillion - An Hour Before It's Dark (earMusic)
Sabaton - The War To End All Wars (Nuclear Blast)
Sylvaine - Nova (Season Of Mist)

11 de março de 2022

Chromancy - Shadows In Atlantis (Fighter)
E-L-R - Vexier (Prophecy)
Messa - Close (Svart)
Oddland - Vermillion (Uprising)
Shaman's Harvest - Rebelator (Mascot)
Vanir - Sagas (Mighty)

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

18 de março de 2022

Dark Funeral - We Are The Apocalypse (Century Media)
Friends Of Hell - Friends Of Hell (Rise Above)
Gauntlet Rule - The Plague Court (From The Vaults)
Hellfrost And Fire - Fire, Frost And Hell (Transcending Obscurity)
Hot Water Music - Feel The Void (Equal Vision)
Moonlight Haze - Animus (Scarlet)
Slaegt - Goddess (Century Media)
Stabbing Westward - Chasing Ghosts (COP International)

25 de março de 2022

Animals As Leaders - Parrhesia (Sumerian)
BillyBio - Leaders And Liars (AFM)
Capricorn - For The Restless (Wild Kingdom)
Ignite - Ignite (Century Media)
Lucifer's Child/Mystifier - Under Satan's Wrath Split (Agonia)
Nite - Voices Of The Kronian Moon (Season Of Mist)
Placebo - Never Let Me Go (Rise)
Svartsot - Kumbi (Mighty)
Various Artists - Legacy: A Tribute To Leslie West (Provogue)

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1º de abril de 2022

Centinex - The Pestilence EP (Agonia)
Pattern-Seeking Animals - Only Passing Through (InsideOut)
Violet Blend - Demons (Eclipse)

8 de abril de 2022

Destruction - Diabolical (Napalm)
Jack White - Fear Of The Dawn (Third Man)
Wet Leg - Wet Leg (Domino)

15 de abril de 2022

Fozzy - Boombox (Century Media)

6 de maio de 2022

Demonical - Mass Destroyer (Agonia)
Three Days Grace - Explosions (RCA)

22 de junho de 2022

Porcupine Tree - Closure/Continuation (Music For Nations/Megaforce)

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal
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Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

Sobre Emanuel Seagal

Descobriu o metal com Iron Maiden e Black Sabbath até chegar ao metal extremo e se apaixonar pelo doom metal. Considera Empyrium e X Japan as melhores bandas do mundo, Foi um dos coordenadores do finado SkyHell Webzine, escreveu para outros veículos no Brasil e exterior, e sempre esteve envolvido com metal, seja com eventos, bandas, gravadoras ou imprensa. Escreve para o Whiplash! desde 2005 mas ainda não entendeu a birra dos leitores com as notícias do Metallica. @emanuel_seagal no Instagram.
Mais matérias de Emanuel Seagal.