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Metal: confira os lançamentos do mês de junho

Por Emanuel Seagal
Postado em 08 de junho de 2023

O website Metal Storm compilou uma lista dos lançamentos do mês de junho, que apresenta novidades de nomes como Myrkur, Avenged Sevenfold, Scar Symmetry, Legion of the Damned, Tenhi, Saturnus, Babymetal, Tsjuder e Queens of the Stone Age. Confira a lista completa abaixo.

01/06 - Bríi - Último Ancestral Comum
01/06 - Jute Gyte - Krun Macula
01/06 - Damim - World Turned Hell (EP)
01/06 - Scent Of Death - Into Everlasting Hate
01/06 - Rod Sacred - Another Day
01/06 - Vulture Lord - Total Blasphemic Desecration (EP)
02/06 - Gloosh - Ш​о​р​о​х​и (Live In Zelenogorsk) (Ao Vivo)
02/06 - Veonity - Re-Live Forever (EP)
02/06 - Grîmmöld - Forgotten Sorrows (Coletânea)
02/06 - Myrkur - Ragnarok (Original Soundtrack)
02/06 - Dipygus - Wet Market (EP)
02/06 - Thorium (BEL) - Bushido! (EP)
02/06 - Prydain - The Gates Of Aramore
02/06 - Vide - The Parish
02/06 - Red Cain - Näe'bliss
02/06 - To Descend - Mindless Birth (EP)
02/06 - Scarnival - The Hell Within
02/06 - Fjoergyn - Judasmesse
02/06 - Thantifaxath - Hive Mind Narcosis
02/06 - Anubis Gate - Interference
02/06 - Minas Morgul - Nebelung
02/06 - Leathürbitch - Shattered Vanity
02/06 - Tyrann - Besatt
02/06 - Hellwitch - Annihilational Intercention
02/06 - Project: Roenwolfe - Project: Roenwolfe
02/06 - Wytch Hazel - IV: Sacrament
02/06 - Moral Collapse - Divine Prosthetics
02/06 - Hollywood Vampires - Live In Rio (Ao Vivo)
02/06 - Bongzilla - Dab City
02/06 - Atlases - Between The Day & I
02/06 - Dieth - To Hell And Back
02/06 - Pupil Slicer - Blossom
02/06 - Saint Karloff - Paleolithic War Crimes
02/06 - Necrofier - Burning Shadows In The Southern Night
02/06 - Gloryhammer - Return To The Kingdom Of Fife
02/06 - Avenged Sevenfold - Life Is But A Dream...
02/06 - Uncured - My Design (EP)
02/06 - Omnium Gatherum - Slasher (EP)
02/06 - Rival Sons - Darkfighter
03/06 - Reverorum Ib Malacht - Kyrie Eleison
06/06 - Eremit - Wearer Of Numerous Forms
06/06 - Ekrom - Uten Nå​digst Formildelse
06/06 - Masqued - When Demons Call
07/06 - Rise To Fall - The Fifth Dimension
07/06 - Man As Plague - Titanomancy
09/06 - Legion Of The Damned - The Poison Chalice
09/06 - Onheil - In Black Ashes
09/06 - Extreme - Six
09/06 - Godflesh - Purge
09/06 - Burial Hordes - Ruins
09/06 - Dead Quiet - IV
09/06 - Imperishable - Come, Sweet Death
09/06 - Tenhi - Valkama
09/06 - Glass Casket - Glass Casket (EP)
09/06 - Stellar Circuits - Sight To Sound
09/06 - Black Rainbows - Superskull
09/06 - The Arcane Order - Distortions From Cosmogony
09/06 - Elvenpath - Faith Through The Fire
09/06 - Shakra - Invincible
09/06 - False Memories - Hybrid Ego System
09/06 - Scar Symmetry - The Singularity (Phase II - Xenotaph)
09/06 - Ray Alder - II
09/06 - Johnny The Boy - You
09/06 - Aodon - Portraits
09/06 - Halls Of Oblivion - Eighteen Hundred And Froze To Death
09/06 - Passéisme - Alternance
09/06 - The Bleeding - Monokrator
09/06 - Torture Rack - Primeval Onslaught
09/06 - Slow Fall - Obsidian Waves
09/06 - Kill Division - Thoughts And Prayers (EP)
09/06 - Moonlight Sorcery - Burning Embrace (EP)
09/06 - Dioivo - Cara Os Ceios Incrementes
09/06 - Miasmes - R​é​pugnance
09/06 - Jesus Chrüsler Supercar - Rising (EP)
09/06 - Geld - Currency // Castration
09/06 - All Life Ends - Miscreation
10/06 - Cavern Deep - Part II - Breach
10/06 - Zorya - Mystic Lament
11/06 - Saturnus - The Storm Within
14/06 - Babymetal - Babymetal Returns -The Other One- [DVD]
16/06 - Sammath - Grebbeberg
16/06 - Elder Devil - Everything Worth Loving
16/06 - Vulture Industries - Ghosts From The Past
16/06 - Thy Catafalque - Alföld
16/06 - Creeping Death - Boundless Domain
16/06 - Nailbomb - 1000% Hate (Coletânea)
16/06 - Altar Of Oblivion - Burning Memories (EP)
16/06 - Varmia - Nie Nas Widzę
16/06 - Vypera - Race Of Time
16/06 - Arkona - Kob'
16/06 - Frozen Land - Out Of The Dark
16/06 - Fifth Angel - When Angels Kill
16/06 - Royal Thunder - Rebuilding The Mountain
16/06 - Holy Death - Neck Wound Session (Coletânea)
16/06 - Speed Limit - Cut A Long Story Short
16/06 - Sigh - Live: The Eastern Force Of Evil 2022 (Ao Vivo)
16/06 - Joel Hoekstra's 13 - Crash Of Life
16/06 - Wonders - Beyond The Mirage
16/06 - Boris / Uniform - Bright New Disease
16/06 - Rise To The Sky - Two Years Of Grief
16/06 - Helleruin - Devils, Death And Dark Arts
16/06 - Witchskull - The Serpent Tide
16/06 - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - PetroDragonic Apocalypse; Or, Dawn Of Eternal Night: An Annihilation Of Planet Earth And The Beginning Of Merciless Damnation
16/06 - Queens Of The Stone Age - In Times New Roman...
17/06 - Thornafire - Leprosario Lazareto
18/06 - The Arson Project - God Bless
18/06 - Barbelith - Deathless Master (EP)
20/06 - Forged In Black - Lightning In The Ashes
20/06 - Abused Majesty - Proxima Inferni
22/06 - Entering Polaris - Atlantean Shores
22/06 - Leathürbitch - Shattered Vanity
23/06 - Appalachian Winter - Wintermountains Rise (EP)
23/06 - Jag Panzer - The Hallowed
23/06 - Structural - Decrowned
23/06 - Kreator - Bonecrushing Rehearsals '85 (Coletânea)
23/06 - Swans - The Beggar
23/06 - Pyramaze - Bloodlines
23/06 - Xasthur - Inevitably Dark
23/06 - DeathCollector - Death's Toll
23/06 - Crepitation - Monstrous Eruption Of Impetuous Preposterosity
23/06 - Persekutor - Snow Business
23/06 - Xasthur - 1997 - 1999 Rehearsals (Coletânea)
23/06 - Mental Cruelty - Zwielicht
23/06 - Infernal Curse - Revelations Beyond Insanity
23/06 - Nocturnal Breed - Carry The Beast
23/06 - Krigsgrav - Fires In The Fall
23/06 - Blackning - Awakening Rage
23/06 - Degrees Of Truth - Alchemists
23/06 - Rainer Landfermann - Mehr Licht (EP)
23/06 - Stray Gods - Olympus
23/06 - Snorlax - The Necrotrophic Abyss
23/06 - KHNVM - Visions Of A Plague Ridden Sky
23/06 - Pylar - L​í​myte
23/06 - Valosta Varjoon - Boarisch Grattlig
24/06 - Subterranean Disposition - Individuation
24/06 - Miserere Luminis - Ordalie
26/06 - Vexed - Negative Energy
27/06 - Avulsed - Extraterrestrial Carnage (EP)
29/06 - Shining - Avsändare Okänd (EP)
29/06 - Tsjuder - Helvegr
30/06 - None - Inevitable
30/06 - Serpent Of Old - Ensemble Under The Dark Sun
30/06 - Raven - All Hell's Breaking Loose
30/06 - Hellwitch - Annihilational Intercention
30/06 - Night Legion - Fight Or Fall
30/06 - Before The Dawn - Stormbringers
30/06 - Static Abyss - Aborted From Reality
30/06 - Saurom - El Pájaro Fantasma
30/06 - Virgin Steele - The Passion Of Dionysus
30/06 - Church Of Misery - Born Under A Mad Sign
30/06 - Grafvitnir - Into The Outer Wilderness
30/06 - Avdagata - The Faceless One
30/06 - Putridity - Greedy Gory Gluttony (EP)
30/06 - Vengeful Spectre - Vengeful Spectre II
30/06 - Death Ray Vision - No Mercy From Electric Eyes
30/06 - Vio-lence - Kill On Command - The Vio-Lence Demos (Coletânea)
30/06 - East Of The Wall - A Neutral Second
30/06 - AATHMA - Dust From A Dark Sun
30/06 - Schattenvald - VI
30/06 - The River - A Hollow Full Of Hope
30/06 - Omicida - Sacrifice The Bastard Son

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Sobre Emanuel Seagal

Descobriu o metal com Iron Maiden e Black Sabbath até chegar ao metal extremo e se apaixonar pelo doom metal. Considera Empyrium e X Japan as melhores bandas do mundo, Foi um dos coordenadores do finado SkyHell Webzine, escreveu para outros veículos no Brasil e exterior, e sempre esteve envolvido com metal, seja com eventos, bandas, gravadoras ou imprensa. Escreve para o Whiplash! desde 2005 mas ainda não entendeu a birra dos leitores com as notícias do Metallica. @emanuel_seagal no Instagram.
Mais matérias de Emanuel Seagal.