Dream Theater: uma lista com os melhores riffs da banda
Por Samuel Coutinho
Fonte: youtube.com
Postado em 16 de maio de 2011
O ThrashMetalRiffs organizou uma lista com os 20 melhores riffs de guitarra do DREAM THEATER. Confira a lista abaixo em ordem decrescente.
20. Constant Motion - Systematic Chaos
19. Lie - Awake
18. Stream of Consciousness - Train of Thought
17. The Count of Tuscany - Black Clouds & Silver Linings
16. This Dying Soul - Train of Thought
15. As I Am - Train of Thought
14. The Dance Of Eternity - Metropolis Pt.2: Scenes From a Memory
13. The Test That Stumped Them All - six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
12. Scene Six Home - Metropolis Pt.2: Scenes From a Memory
11. Endless Sacrifice - Train of Thought
10. The Dark Eternal Night - Systematic Chaos
09. A Rite of Passage - Black Clouds & Silver Linings
08. Fatal Tragedy - Metropolis Pt.2: Scenes From a Memory
07. The Ministry of Lost Souls - Systematic Chaos
06. Constant Motion - Systematic Chaos
05. Octavarium - Octavarium
04. A Change of Seasons - A Change of Seasons
03. Metropolis Pt.1 - Images And Words
02. In The Presence of Enemies - Part II - Systematic Chaos
01. The Glass Prison - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Dream Theater - Mais Novidades

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