Matérias Mais Lidas

Outras Matérias em Destaque

James LaBrie fala sobre a importância de "Pull Me Under" na trajetória do Dream Theater

Zakk Wylde mantém esperança de que Ozzy Osbourne volte à estrada

Zakk Wylde se declara aberto à possibilidade de gravar músicas inéditas com o Pantera

Quando o Queen abandonou o plano de "aposentadoria" e lançou uma de suas melhores canções

A banda dos anos 1980 que ressignificou um termo distorcido pelos militares

O clássico do rock que foi composto de improviso durante um show

Porque há um álbum do AC/DC que Angus Young considera ideal para guitarristas

A forma simples que Mick Jagger gostaria que os Stones ficassem registrados na história

Para Mikael Akerfeldt, versão do Opeth para clássico do Iron Maiden ficou uma m*rda

Tobias Forge explica o que leva novo álbum do Ghost a ser mais introspectivo

Por que Brian Johnson não curtiu sua voz em "Back in Black" do AC/DC, segundo o próprio

Fernando Deluqui comenta as vantagens da nova versão do RPM

O dia que Papa Francisco lançou álbum de rock progressivo: "Ecos de Pink Floyd e Bon Jovi"

O gênero que David Bowie sente vergonha de ter inspirado: "Performances desprezíveis"

Bruce Dickinson estava pronto para deixar o Iron Maiden há dez anos

Bangers Open Air

Especial: 111 artistas elegem o melhor de 2005

Por Thiago Sarkis
Postado em 18 de dezembro de 2005

O Whiplash! toma a frente novamente na celebração de seus 10 anos de existência. Para comemorar esta uma década de trabalhos em grande estilo, repetimos o feito de 2003 trazendo os melhores do ano segundo alguns dos mais importantes e influentes músicos do heavy metal. Porém, contamos agora com nada menos que 111 artistas representando todas as vertentes do estilo e elegendo os seus favoritos de 2005.

A partir do dia 1º de janeiro, iniciaremos as votações tradicionais com a colaboração de vocês, nossos leitores, na escolha dos grandes destaques do ano que passou.

Desejamos a todos ótimas festas e um 2006 repleto de boa música!

Melhores e Maiores - Mais Listas


Thiago Sarkis
Equipe Whiplash!

Alan Nemtheanga (Primordial)

Deathspell Omega - Kenose
Slough Feg - Atavism
Moonsorrow - Verisakeet

Alex Grossi (Quiet Riot - Bang Tango - Beautiful Creatures)

Beautiful Creatures - Deuce

Alex Holzwarth (Rhapsody - Sieges Even - Avantasia - ex-Blind Guardian)


Sieges Even - The Art Of Navigating By The Stars
Rammstein - Reise, Reise

Alex Krull (Atrocity - Leaves' Eyes)

End Of Green - Dead End Dreaming

Alex Masi (Solo - MCM)

Meshuggah - Catch 33
Thelonius Monk & John Coltrane - Live At Carnegie Hell
Shawn Lane - Roma Concert Bootleg


Anders Iwers (Tiamat)

System Of A Down - Mesmerize
Audioslave - Out Of Exile
Peps Persson - Äntligen
Willie Nelson - Countryman
Isis - Panopticon

Anders Nyström (Katatonia - Bloodbath)


Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Strapping Young Lad - Alien
Tori Amos - The Beekeeper
Kent - Du & Jag Döden
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama

André Matos (Shaaman - ex-Angra)

Paradise Lost - Paradise Lost

Andrea Cantarelli (Labyrinth)

System Of A Down - Mesmerize
Tori Amos - The Beekeeper
Labyrinth - Freeman


Andreas Kisser (Sepultura)

Paralamas do Sucesso - Hoje
Sepultura - Live In São Paulo

Andria Busic (Dr. Sin)

Queen + Paul Rodgers - Return Of The Champions
Robert Plant And The Strange Sensation - Mighty Rearranger

Anneke van Giersbergen (The Gathering)


Dredg - Catch Without Arms
Queens Of The Stone Age - Lullabies To Paralyze
Sigur Rós - Takk
The Killers - Hot Fuss

Anton Reisenegger (Criminal - ex-Pentagram)

Strapping Young Lad - Alien
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Corrosion Of Conformity - In The Arms Of God

Aquiles Priester (Angra - Hangar)

Divulgue sua banda de Rock ou Heavy Metal

Strapping Young Lad - Alien
Bon Jovi - Have A Nice Day
Dream Theater - Octavarium

Arjen Lucassen (Ayreon - Stream Of Passion - Star One - Ambeon)

Spiritual Beggars - Demons
Rammstein - Rosenrot
Opeth - Ghost Reveries

Armando Benedetti (Mad Dragzter)

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
System Of A Down - Mesmerize

publicidadeAdriano Lourenço Barbosa | Airton Lopes | Alexandre Faria Abelleira | Alexandre Sampaio | André Frederico | Andre Magalhaes de Araujo | Ary César Coelho Luz Silva | Assuires Vieira da Silva Junior | Bergrock Ferreira | Bruno Franca Passamani | Caio Livio de Lacerda Augusto | Carlos Alexandre da Silva Neto | Carlos Gomes Cabral | Cesar Tadeu Lopes | Cláudia Falci | Danilo Melo | Dymm Productions and Management | Efrem Maranhao Filho | Eudes Limeira | Fabiano Forte Martins Cordeiro | Fabio Henrique Lopes Collet e Silva | Filipe Matzembacker | Flávio dos Santos Cardoso | Frederico Holanda | Gabriel Fenili | George Morcerf | Geraldo Fonseca | Geraldo Magela Fernandes | Gustavo Anunciação Lenza | Herderson Nascimento da Silva | Henrique Haag Ribacki | Jesse Alves da Silva | João Alexandre Dantas | João Orlando Arantes Santana | Jorge Alexandre Nogueira Santos | José Patrick de Souza | Juvenal G. Junior | Leonardo Felipe Amorim | Luis Jose Geraldes | Marcello da Silva Azevedo | Marcelo Franklin da Silva | Marcelo Vicente Pimenta | Marcio Augusto Von Kriiger Santos | Marcos Donizeti | Marcus Vieira | Maurício Gioachini | Mauricio Nuno Santos | Odair de Abreu Lima | Pedro Fortunato | Rafael Wambier Dos Santos | Regina Laura Pinheiro | Ricardo Cunha | Richard Malheiros | Sergio Luis Anaga | Silvia Gomes de Lima | Thiago Cardim | Tiago Andrade | Victor Adriel | Victor Jose Camara | Vinicius Valter de Lemos | Walter Armellei Junior | Williams Ricardo Almeida de Oliveira | Yria Freitas Tandel |

Axel Rudi Pell (Axel Rudi Pell - ex-Steeler)

Queen + Paul Rodgers - Return Of The Champions

Ben Weinman (The Dillinger Escape Plan)

Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine
Blonde Redhead - The Secret Society Of Butterflies

Bruce Kulick (Grand Funk Railroad - ex-Kiss - Union)

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

Queens Of The Stone Age - Lullabies To Paralyze
Audioslave - Out Of Exile
Robert Plant And The Strange Sensation - Mighty Rearranger

Cede Dupont (Symphorce - ex-Freedom Call)

Children of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet?
Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists
Symphorce - Godspeed

Chad Stewart (Faster Pussycat)

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Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
Bon Jovi - Have A Nice Day
Kanye West - Late Registration
The Killers - Hot Fuss

Charlie Benante (Anthrax)

System Of A Down - Mesmerize
System Of A Down - Hypnotize
The Killers - Hot Fuss

Chip Z'Nuff (Enuff Z'nuff - Adler's Appetite - Johnnie Rotten Jr.)

Como consegui viver de Rock e Heavy Metal

Sigur Rós - Takk
Keane - Hopes And Fears

Chris Broderick (Jag Panzer)

Meshuggah - Catch 33
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Opeth - Ghost Reveries

Christ Eichhorn (Pure Sweet Hell)

Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Arcturus - Sideshow Symphonies
Enslaved - Isa

Divulgue sua banda de Rock ou Heavy Metal

Colin Edwin (Porcupine Tree - Ex-Wise Heads)

Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
Robert Plant And The Strange Sensation - Mighty Rearranger
Queens Of The Stone Age - Lullabies To Paralyze
Killing Joke - XXV Gathering: The Band That Preys Together Stays (DVD)

Dan Swanö (Bloodbath - Nightingale - Edge Of Sanity)

Divulgue sua banda de Rock ou Heavy Metal

Lucie Silvas - Breathe In
Green Day - American Idiot
Novembers Doom - The Pale Haunt Departure

David Ellefson (F5 - Soulfly - Avian - Temple Of Brutality - ex-Megadeth)

Coldplay - X&Y
Soulfly - Dark Ages
Chris Caffery - W.A.R.P.E.D.

Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad - ex-Frontline Assembly - Steve Vai)

Meshuggah - Catch 33
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama

publicidadeAdriano Lourenço Barbosa | Airton Lopes | Alexandre Faria Abelleira | Alexandre Sampaio | André Frederico | Andre Magalhaes de Araujo | Ary César Coelho Luz Silva | Assuires Vieira da Silva Junior | Bergrock Ferreira | Bruno Franca Passamani | Caio Livio de Lacerda Augusto | Carlos Alexandre da Silva Neto | Carlos Gomes Cabral | Cesar Tadeu Lopes | Cláudia Falci | Danilo Melo | Dymm Productions and Management | Efrem Maranhao Filho | Eudes Limeira | Fabiano Forte Martins Cordeiro | Fabio Henrique Lopes Collet e Silva | Filipe Matzembacker | Flávio dos Santos Cardoso | Frederico Holanda | Gabriel Fenili | George Morcerf | Geraldo Fonseca | Geraldo Magela Fernandes | Gustavo Anunciação Lenza | Herderson Nascimento da Silva | Henrique Haag Ribacki | Jesse Alves da Silva | João Alexandre Dantas | João Orlando Arantes Santana | Jorge Alexandre Nogueira Santos | José Patrick de Souza | Juvenal G. Junior | Leonardo Felipe Amorim | Luis Jose Geraldes | Marcello da Silva Azevedo | Marcelo Franklin da Silva | Marcelo Vicente Pimenta | Marcio Augusto Von Kriiger Santos | Marcos Donizeti | Marcus Vieira | Maurício Gioachini | Mauricio Nuno Santos | Odair de Abreu Lima | Pedro Fortunato | Rafael Wambier Dos Santos | Regina Laura Pinheiro | Ricardo Cunha | Richard Malheiros | Sergio Luis Anaga | Silvia Gomes de Lima | Thiago Cardim | Tiago Andrade | Victor Adriel | Victor Jose Camara | Vinicius Valter de Lemos | Walter Armellei Junior | Williams Ricardo Almeida de Oliveira | Yria Freitas Tandel |

Doc Coyle (God Forbid)

Avenged Sevenfold - City Of Evil
Kanye West - Late Registration
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
System Of A Down - Mezmerize
Chimaira - Chimaira

Doug Pinnick (King's X - The Mob - Poundhound)

Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

Opeth - Ghost Reveries
King's X - Ogre Tones

Elisa C. Martin (Dreamaker - ex-Dark Moor)

System Of A Down - Mesmerize
Nickelback - All The Right Reasons
Rammstein - Rosenrot

Eric Claros (Mad Dragzter)

Bruce Dickinson - Tiranny Of Souls
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Tribuzy - Execution

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Eric Martin (Solo - ex-Mr. Big)

Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages: The Definitive Collection
Rod Stewart - Thanks For The Memory... The Great American Songbook IV
The Darkness - One Way Ticket To Hell... And Back

Erik Turner (Warrant)

Como consegui viver de Rock e Heavy Metal

L.A. Guns - Tales From The Strip
RA - Duality
Avenged Sevenfold - City Of Evil
Finch - Say Hello To Sunshine
New Found Glory - I Don't Wanna Know

Federico Miranda (Gandhi)

Steve Vai - Real Illusions
Eric Johnson - Bloom
Tori Amos - The Beekeeper
Keane - Hopes And Fears
The Killers - Hot Fuss

Finn Zierler (Beyond Twilight)

Divulgue sua banda de Rock ou Heavy Metal

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor

Gabriel Spazziani (Mad Dragzter)

Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Judas Priest - Angel Of Retribution
System Of A Down - Mesmerize

Galder (Dimmu Borgir - Old Man's Child)

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor

Gary Holt (Exodus)

Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Destruction - Inventor Of Evil
Hypocrisy - Virus

Gus G. (Firewind - Nightrage - Mystic Prophecy - ex-Dream Evil)

Iommi - Fused
Kreator - Enemy Of God
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama

Hugo Mariutti (Shaaman - Henceforth)

System Of A Down - Mezmerize
Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
Shaaman - Reason

Infernus (Gorgoroth)

1349 - Hellfire

Jack Frost (Seven Witches - The Bronx Casket Co. - ex-Savatage - Metalium)

Keith Urban - Days Go By
Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists
Nickelback - All The Right Reasons
Black Label Society - Mafia

Jackie Chambers (Girlschool)

Alice Cooper - Dirty Diamonds
Foo Fighters - In Your Honor
Green Day - American Idiot

Jari Kuusisto (Carnal Forge)

Mors Principium Est - Unborn
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama

Jason Bozzi (Dry Kill Logic)

Life Of Agony - Broken Valley
Bleed The Sky - Paradigm In Entropy
Neil Diamond - 12 songs

Jason Hager (Years Of Fire - ex-Chimaira - Shenoah)

Arch Enemy - Doomsday Machine
Chimaira - Chimaira
Roadrunner United - The All Star Sessions

Jeff Loomis (Nevermore)

Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama

Jeff Pilson (Foreigner - War & Peace - ex-Dio - Dokken - MSG)

Queen + Paul Rodgers - Return Of The Champions
Audioslave - Out Of Exile
Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth

Jennifer Arroyo (Suicide City - ex-Kittie)

Mindless Self Indulgence - You'll Rebel To Anything
Avenged Sevenfold - City Of Evil
Suicide City - Not My Year

Jocke Lundgren (Hellfueled)

Cathedral - The Garden Of Unearthly Delights
Spiritual Beggars - Demons
Arch Enemy - Doomsday Machine

Joe Lynn Turner (Solo - HTP - ex-Deep Purple - Rainbow)

Maroon 5 - Live Friday The 13th
Span - Mass Distraction
The Killers - Hot Fuss

John Kalodner (A&R Executive - Aerosmith - Bon Jovi - Iron Maiden - Billy Idol)

Sara Evans - Real Fine Place
Trisha Yearwood - Jasper County
Sheryl Crow - Wildflower

Jonas Björler (The Haunted - ex-At The Gates)

Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama
Meshuggah - Catch 33
The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute

Jonas Renkse (Katatonia - Bloodbath - October Tide)

Antony And The Johnsons - I'm A Bird Now
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Nile - Annihilation Of The Wicked

Juan Garcia (Agent Steel)

Judas Priest - Angel Of Retribution
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine

Jyri Vahvanen (Battlelore)

Black Label Society - Mafia
Rammstein - Reise, Reise
System Of A Down - Mesmerize

Kai Hansen (Gamma Ray - ex-Helloween)

Gamma Ray - Majestic
Judas Priest - Angel Of Retribution
Children Of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet?

Keri Kelli (Adler's Appetite - Big Bang Babies - ex-Slash's Snakepit)

Avenged Sevenfold - City Of Evil
Aimee Mann -The Forgotten Arm
Weezer - Make Believe

Kiko Loureiro (Angra)

Dream Theater - Octavarium
System Of A Down - Mesmerize
Torture Squad - Death, Chaos And Torture Alive

Kobi Farhi (Orphaned Land)

Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Paradise Lost - Paradise Lost
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor

Lanvall (Edenbridge)

Dream Theater - Octavarium
Lab - Where Heaven Ends
shadow Gallery - Room V

Leif Jensen (Dew-Scented)

Dredg - Catch Without Arms
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Comeback Kid - Wake The Dead
Coheed & Cambria - Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV Volume I
Atheist (all 3 re-releases remastered)

Liam Wilson (The Dillinger Escape Plan)

Make Believe - Shock Of Being
Behold The Arctopus - Nuno-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning
Pearls & Brass - The Indian Tower
Wovenhand - Consider The Birds

Liv Kristine (Leaves' Eyes)

A Very Long Engagement (Soundtrack)

M. Shadows (Avenged Sevenfold)

System Of A Down - Mesmerize
Weezer - Make Believe
Gwen Stefani - Love. Angel. Music. Boy.

Mats Levén (At Vance - ex-Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Krux - Abstrakt Algebra)

Strapping Young Lad - Alien
Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth

Matt Thompson (King Diamond - Shaolin Death Squad)

Judas Priest - Angel Of Retribution
Nile - Annihilation Of The Wicked
Opeth - Ghost Reveries

Metal Mike Chlasciak (Sebastian Bach - Halford - Painmuseum)

Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
The Amenta - Occasus
Arch Enemy - Doomsday Machine

Michael Amott (Arch Enemy)

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Arch Enemy - Doomsday Machine

Michael Kiske (Place Vendome - SupaRed - ex-Helloween)

The Corrs - Home
Keane - Hopes And Fears
Angela Hewitt - J.S. Bach The Keyboard Concertos 1 and 2

Michael MacIvor (Candiria)

The Bled - Found In The Flood
Oceansize - Everyone Into Position
Feersum Ennjin - Feersum Ennjin

Michael Schenker (MSG - UFO - Scorpions)

MSG - Tales of Rock'n Roll 25 Years Of MSG

Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater)

Opeth - Ghost Reveries
The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute
System Of A Down - Mesmerize / Hypnotize
Riverside - Second Life Syndrome
Oceansize - Everyone Into Position

Neal Morse (Neal Morse - ex-Spock's Beard - ex-TransAtlantic)

John Davis - John Davis
Roine Stolt - Wallstreet Voodoo
Ajalon - On The Threshold Of Eternity

Nicki Wicked (Crucified Barbara)

Queens Of The Stone Age - Lullabies To Paralyze
Mustasch - Powerhouse
Turbonegro - Party Animals

Nigel Glockler (Saxon - ex-Asia - Fastway - Paul Di'Anno & Dennis Stratton)

Rammstein - Rosenrot
Iommi / Hughes - Fused
Porcupine Tree - Deadwing

Niklas Sundin (Dark Tranquillity)

Logh - A Sunset Panorama
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Solefald - Red For Fire

Nils Eriksson (Nocturnal Rites)

Nocturnal Rites - Grand Illusion
Masterplan - Aeronautics
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama

Nuno Bettencourt (Population 1 - Dramagods - Mourning Widows - ex-Extreme)

Nikka Costa - can'tneverdidnothin'
Death Cab For Cutie - Plans
Camille - Le Fil

Pasi Pasanen (Swallow The Sun)

Meshuggah - Catch 33
Strapping Young Lad - Alien
Gojira - From Mars to Sirius
Confessor - Unraveled
Burst - Origo

Patrik Johansson (Astral Doors - Space Odyssey - Wuthering Heights - Lion's Share)

Arch Enemy - Doomsday Machine
Grave Digger - The Last Supper

Peter Lyse Hansen (HateSphere)

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Nile - Annihilation Of The Wicked
Extol - The Blueprint Dives

Phil Demmel (Machine Head - Vio-Lence)

Chimaira - Chimaira
God Forbid - IV: Constitution Of Treason
System Of A Down - Mesmerize

Rafael Bittencourt (Angra)

Coldplay - X&Y
Rita Maria - Fora de Órbita

Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear - ex-Gamma Ray)

Nickelback - All The Right Reasons
Esoterica - The Fool
Yargos - To Be Or Not To Be
Vision Divine - Perfect Machine
Helloween - Keeper Of The Seven Keys - The Legacy

Randy Piper (Animal - ex-WASP)

Avenged Sevenfold - City Of Evil
Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists
Staind - Chapter V

Ray Wilson (Solo - Stiltskin - ex-Genesis)

Bruce Springsteen - Devils & Dust
Coldplay - X&Y

Richard Barbieri (Porcupine Tree - Japan - Steve Hogarth)

Kate Bush - Aerial
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Boards Of Canada - The Campfire Headphase

Richard Christy (ex-Death - Iced Earth - Control Denied)

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Hypocrisy - Virus
Strapping Young Lad - Alien

Robin McAuley (Bleed - ex-MSG)

Avenged Sevenfold - City Of Evil
3 Doors Down - Seventeen Days
Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists

Ron Keel (KEEL - IronHorse)

Judas Priest - Angel Of Retribution
Icon - Night Of The Crime (reissue)
Journey - Generations

Ronny Thorsen (Trail Of Tears)

A-Ha - Analogue
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama
Ulver - Blood Inside

Rudy Sarzo (Quiet Riot - Dio - ex-Ozzy Osbourne - Whitesnake - Yngwie Malmsteen)

Audioslave - Out Of Exile
Foo Fighters - In Your Honor

Sabrina Carrion (Heavenfalls)

Evergrey - A Night To Remember
Kamelot - The Black Halo
System Of A Down - Mesmerize
Doro - Classic Diamonds
Epica - Consign To Oblivion

Sander Gommans (After Forever)

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Annihilator - Schizo Deluxe

Schmier (Destruction)

Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Hypocrisy - Virus

Simone Simons (Epica)

System Of A Down - Mesmerize
HIM - Dark Light
Rammstein - Reise, Reise

Snowy Shaw (Notre Dame - Dream Evil - ex-Mercyful Fate - King Diamond)

Notre Dame - Creepshow Freakshow Peepshow
The Ark - State Of The Ark
Green Day - American Idiot

Steve Smyth (Nevermore - Dragonlord - ex-Testament - Vicious Rumours)

ateShpere - Sickness Within
King's X - Ogre Tones
Fear Factory - Transgression
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama
Arch Enemy - Doomsday Machine

Steve Vai

Strapping Young Lad - Alien
Tom Waits - Real Gone

Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree - Blackfield - No-Man)

LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem
Meshuggah - Catch 33
Mew - And The Glass Handed Kites
Boards Of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
Sunn 0))) - Black One / M.I.A. - Arular

Ted Poley (Solo, Danger Danger)

Gavin DeGraw - Chariot
Harem Scarem - Overload
Queen V - Queen V

Tiago Torres (Mad Dragzter)

Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Judas Priest - Angel Of Retribution

Tobias Sammet (Edguy)

Oliver Hartmann - Out In The Cold
Savage Circus - Dreamland Manor
Shaaman - Reason

Tom S. Englund (Evergrey)

Gavin DeGraw - Chariot
Children Of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet?
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor

Van Williams (Nevermore - Pure Sweet Hell)

Strapping Young Lad - Alien
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Arcturus - Sideshow Symphonies

Victor Montalvao (Heavenfalls)

Russell Allen - Atomic Soul
Evergrey - A Night To Remember
Bruce Dickinson - Tiranny Of Souls

Wayne Kramer (MC5)

John Coltrane & Thelonius Monk - Live At Carnegie Hall
Bernard Herrmann: Film Scores From Citizen Kane To Taxi Driver
Kanye West - Late Registration

Zak Stevens (Circle II Circle - Savatage)

Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists
Coheed & Cambria - Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV Volume I
The Killers - Hot Fuss

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publicidadeAdriano Lourenço Barbosa | Airton Lopes | Alexandre Faria Abelleira | Alexandre Sampaio | André Frederico | Andre Magalhaes de Araujo | Ary César Coelho Luz Silva | Assuires Vieira da Silva Junior | Bergrock Ferreira | Bruno Franca Passamani | Caio Livio de Lacerda Augusto | Carlos Alexandre da Silva Neto | Carlos Gomes Cabral | Cesar Tadeu Lopes | Cláudia Falci | Danilo Melo | Dymm Productions and Management | Efrem Maranhao Filho | Eudes Limeira | Fabiano Forte Martins Cordeiro | Fabio Henrique Lopes Collet e Silva | Filipe Matzembacker | Flávio dos Santos Cardoso | Frederico Holanda | Gabriel Fenili | George Morcerf | Geraldo Fonseca | Geraldo Magela Fernandes | Gustavo Anunciação Lenza | Herderson Nascimento da Silva | Henrique Haag Ribacki | Jesse Alves da Silva | João Alexandre Dantas | João Orlando Arantes Santana | Jorge Alexandre Nogueira Santos | José Patrick de Souza | Juvenal G. Junior | Leonardo Felipe Amorim | Luis Jose Geraldes | Marcello da Silva Azevedo | Marcelo Franklin da Silva | Marcelo Vicente Pimenta | Marcio Augusto Von Kriiger Santos | Marcos Donizeti | Marcus Vieira | Maurício Gioachini | Mauricio Nuno Santos | Odair de Abreu Lima | Pedro Fortunato | Rafael Wambier Dos Santos | Regina Laura Pinheiro | Ricardo Cunha | Richard Malheiros | Sergio Luis Anaga | Silvia Gomes de Lima | Thiago Cardim | Tiago Andrade | Victor Adriel | Victor Jose Camara | Vinicius Valter de Lemos | Walter Armellei Junior | Williams Ricardo Almeida de Oliveira | Yria Freitas Tandel |
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Anunciar bandas e shows de Rock e Heavy Metal

Sobre Thiago Sarkis

Thiago Sarkis: Colaborador do Whiplash!, iniciou sua trajetória no Rock ainda novo, convivendo com a explosão da cena nacional. Partiu então para Van Halen, Metallica, Dire Straits, Megadeth. Começou a redigir no próprio Whiplash! e tornou-se, posteriormente, correspondente internacional das revistas RSJ (Índia - foto ao lado), Popular 1 (Espanha), Spark (República Tcheca), PainKiller (China), Rock Hard (Grécia), Rock Express (ex-Iugoslávia), entre outras. Teve seus textos veiculados em 35 países e, no Brasil, escreveu para Comando Rock, Disconnected, [] Zero, Roadie Crew, Valhalla.
Mais matérias de Thiago Sarkis.