Marc Bolan: lançamento de box com seis discos
Por Lucil dos Reis Alves Junior
Postado em 30 de junho de 2013
Um box de 6 discos com todas as performances de Marc Bolan na BBC – incluindo faixas bônus do T. Rex e John’s Children – será lançado no Reino Unido no dia 26 de agosto. "Marc Bolan at BBC" vai substituir o box triplo "Bolan at the Beeb", de 2006 (fora de catálogo), como a versão definitiva.
Essa novidade não apresenta somente as faixas lançadas oficialmente (incluindo dois discos inteiros de faixas especialmente remixadas para a BBC), mas também uma variedade de fontes alternativas, como discos de transcrição da BBC e rolos de gravações completos.
A variedade das fontes pode não propiciar uma experiência de audição consistente, mas o set deve - esperamos - apresentar essas gravações da melhor maneira possível. Produzido e compilado por Clive Zone, o box vai conter também um novo ensaio por Mark Paytress, autor da biografia "Bolan: The rise and fall of a 20th century superstar" e todas as faixas remasterizadas por Keiron Mcgarry, da Universal Studios de Londres.
Confira abaixo todas as faixas do Box:
Marc Bolan At The BBC (Universal (U.K.), 2013)
Disc 1: John’s Children and Tyrannosaurus Rex
John’s Children: BBC Radio One – Saturday Club (transmitted: 6/17/1968)
1. Jagged Time Lapse
2. Interview with John Hewlett
3. The Perfumed Garden of Gulliver Smith
4. Daddy Rolling Stone
5. Hot Rod Mama
6. Top Gear jingle
BBC Radio One – Top Gear (recorded 10/30/1967)
1. Highways (with chat)
2. Dwarfish Trumpet Blues (with chat)
3. Scenescof (with interview)
4. Child Star (with chat)
5. Pictures of Purple People (with interview)
6. Hot Rod Mama (with interview)
BBC Radio One – Top Gear (transmitted 3/24/1968)
1. Knight (with chat)
2. Frowning Atahuallpa (with chat)
3. Strange Orchestras
4. Afghan Woman (with chat)
5. Deborah (with chat)
6. Mustang Ford (with chat)
BBC Radio One – Top Gear (transmitted 7/14/1968)
1. Stacey Grove (with chat)
2. One Inch Rock (with chat)
3. Salamanda Palaganda (with chat)
4. Eastern Spell (with chat)
5. Wind Quartets (with chat)
BBC Radio One – Voice of Pop (transmitted 9/21/1968)
1. Juniper Suction (Poem)
2. Juniper Suction (song with interview)
BBC Radio One – Top Gear (transmitted 11/10/1968)
1. The Friends (with chat)
2. Conseuala (with chat)
3. The Seal of Seasons (with chat)
4. Evenings of Damask (with chat)
5. The Travelling Tragition
Disc 2: Tyrannosaurus Rex
BBC Radio One – Top Gear (transmitted 2/16/1969)
1. Pewter Suitor (with chat)
BBC Radio One – Top Gear (transmitted 5/11/1969)
1. Interview with Brian Matthews
2. Chariots of Silk
3. Once Upon the Seas of Abyssinia (with chat)
4. Nijinsky Hind (with chat)
5. The Misty Coast of Albany (with chat)
6. Iscariot (with chat)
BBC Radio One – Night Ride (recorded 6/11/1969)
1. A Star of Youth (Poem with Interview)
2. A Ship of Rhythm (Poem with Interview)
3. The Winged Man with Eyes Downcast to the Moon (Poem with Interview)
BBC Radio One – Top Gear (transmitted 11/17/1969)
1. Interview with Brian Matthews
2. Fist Heart Mighty Dawn Dart
3. Pavilions of Sun
4. A Day Laye
5. By the Light of a Magical Moon
6. Wind Cheetah
BBC Radio One In Concert (recorded 1/1/1970)
1. Hot Rod Mama
2. Deborah
3. Pavilions of Sun
4. Dove
5. By the Light of the Magical Moon
6. Elemental Child
7. The Wizard
Disc 3: T. Rex
BBC Radio One – Top Gear (recorded 10/26/1970)
1. Ride a White Swan
2. Jewel
3. Elemental Child
4. Sun Eye
BBC Radio One – Sounds of the 70s (transmitted 11/16/1970)
1. My Baby’s Like a Cloud Form
2. Funk Music (Jam)
BBC Radio One – Dave Lee Travis show (recorded 12/9/1970)
1. Summertime Blues
2. Jewel
3. Hot Love
BBC Radio One – In Concert (transmitted 12/20/1970)
1. Debora
2. Elemental Child
3. Woodland Bop Medley: Woodland Bop/Conesuala/The
King of the Mountain Cometh/Woodland Bop
4. Ride a White Swan
5. Jewel
Disc 4: T. Rex
BBC Radio One – Radio One Club (recorded 3/9/1971)
1. Woodland Rock (with chat)
2. Beltane Walk
3. Seagull Woman (Backing Track)
4. Hot Love
5. Interview with Keith Altham (4/16/1971)
BBC Radio One – Radio One Club (recorded 7/20/1971)
1. Jeepster
2. Get It On
3. Electric Boogie (with chat)
BBC Radio One – Sounds of the 70s with Bob Harris (recorded 8/3/1971)
1. Bob’s On (jingle)
2. Sailors of the Highway
3. Girl
4. Cadilac (with chat)
5. Jeepster
6. Life’s a Gas
7. Christmas is a Good Time (jingle)
8. Interview with Tony Norman (12/14/1971)
9. Telegram Sam (Peter Powell Show – 1/29/1972)
10. Interview with Keith Altham (2/5/1972)
Disc 5: T. Rex (all mixes done specifically for the BBC)
1. Metal Guru
2. Interview with Andrew Salkey (5/13/1972)
3. The Slider
4. Mystic Lady
5. Rock On
6. Main Man
7. Interview with Johnny Moran (8/26/1972)
8. Children of the Revolution (transcription,
September 1972)
9. Solid Gold Easy Action
10. 20th Century Boy
11. Free Angel
12. Interview with Nick Horne (3/6/1973)
13. Rapids
14. Mad Donna
15. The Grover (David Hamilton Show – June 1973)
16. Midnight
Disc 6: T. Rex (all mixes done specifically for the BBC)
1. Interview with Anne Nightingale (6/26/1973)
2. Black Jack – Big Carrot
3. Truck On (Tyke)
4. Sitting Here
5. Teenage Dream
6. Interview with Michael Wale (1/11/1974)
7. Light of Love
8. Explosive Mouth
9. Zip Gun Boogie
10. Space Boss
11. New York City
12. Dreamy Lady (David Hamilton Show – 9/23/1975)
13. Do You Wanna Dance (David Hamilton Show – 9/23/1975)
14. Interview with David Hamilton for Insight
15. Interview with Anne Nightingale for Insight
16. I Love to Boogie (David Hamilton Show – 6/18/1976)
17. Celebrate Summer (David Hamilton Show – 8/19/1977)

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