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Rory Gallagher: "Deuce - 50th Anniversary Limited Edition" sairá em setembro

Por Bruce William
Postado em 08 de agosto de 2022

Para celebrar os 50 anos de lançamento do "Deuce", segundo álbum solo de Rory Gallagher, um luxuoso boxset em CD estará nas lojas no dia 30 de setembro via UMC, sob o nome "Deuce - 50th Anniversary Limited Edition", que já está em pré-ordem neste link.

Além do álbum original em uma nova mixagem, esta edição traz 28 faixas alternativas extras, seis músicas registradas na BBC Radio "In Concert" e sete outras de sessões da Radio Bremen, além de vir acompanhado de um livreto de 64 página com prefácio escrito por Johnny Marr, do The Smiths, fotos inéditas e memorabílias diversas.

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Haverá também uma versão em CD duplo e LP triplo condensando material da "50th Anniversary Edition" e também uma edição especial do "BBC In Concert – Live at The Paris Theatre, 13 January 1972".

Veja a seguir o tracklist das diversas versões que serão lançadas e confira uma amostra do material no youtube.

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4CD Box Set:

"Used to Be" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"I'm Not Awake Yet" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Don't Know Where I'm Going" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Maybe I Will" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Whole Lot of People" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"In Your Town" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"There's a Light" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Out of My Mind" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Crest of a Wave" - 50th Anniversary Edition

"Used to Be" - Alternate Take 1
"Used to Be" - Alternate Take 2
"I'm Not Awake Yet" - Alternate Take 1
"Don't Know Where I'm Going" - Alternate Take 1
"Maybe I Will" - Alternate Take 1
"Maybe I Will" - Alternate Take 2
"Maybe I Will" - Alternate Take 3
"Maybe I Will" - Alternate Take 4
"Maybe I Will" - Alternate Take 5
"Whole Lot of People" - Electric Alternate Take 1
"Whole Lot of People" - 6 String Acoustic Alternate Take 1
"Whole Lot Of People" - Deuce Album Session / Alternative Acoustic Take / 1971 *
"Whole Lot of People" - 12 String Acoustic Alternate Take 1
"In Your Town" - Alternate Take 1
"In Your Town" - Alternate Take 2
"In Your Town" - Alternate Take 3

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"In Your Town" - Alternate Take 4
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Deuce Album Session / Alternative Acoustic Take / 1971*
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Deuce Album Session Outtake / 1971*
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Alternate Take 2
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Alternate Take 3
"There's A Light" - Alternate Take 1
"There's A Light" - Alternate Take 2
"There's A Light" - Alternate Take 3
"Out of My Mind" - Alternate Take 1
"Out of My Mind" - Alternate Take 2
"Out of My Mind" - Alternate Take 3
"Crest of a Wave" - Alternate Take 1
"Crest of a Wave" - Alternate Take 2
"Don't Know Where I'm Going" - Home Demo
"Maybe I Will" - Home Demo
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Home Demo

"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Crest of a Wave" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"I Could've Had Religion" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"For The Last Time" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Messin' With The Kid" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Don't Know Where I'm Going" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Pistol Slapper Blues" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Used To Be" - BBC In Concert - Live at The Paris Theatre, 13 January 1972
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - BBC In Concert - Live at The Paris Theatre, 13 January 1972
"Out Of My Mind" - BBC In Concert - Live at The Paris Theatre, 13 January 1972
"I Could've Had Religion" - BBC In Concert - Live at The Paris Theatre, 13 January 1972
"Crest Of A Wave" - BBC In Concert - Live at The Paris Theatre, 13 January 1972
"Messin' With The Kid" - BBC In Concert - Live at The Paris Theatre, 13 January 1972

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"Used to Be" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"I'm Not Awake Yet" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Don't Know Where I'm Going" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Maybe I Will" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Whole Lot of People" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"In Your Town" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"There's a Light" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Out of My Mind" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Crest of a Wave" - 50th Anniversary Edition

"Used to Be" - Alternate Take 1
"I'm Not Awake Yet" - Alternate Take 1
"Maybe I Will" - Alternate Take 1
"Whole Lot of People" - 12 String Acoustic Alternate Take 1
"In Your Town" - Alternate Take 3
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Alternate Take 3
"There's A Light" - Alternate Take 1
"Out of My Mind" - Alternate Take 3
"Crest of a Wave" - Alternate Take 2
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Crest of a Wave" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"I Could've Had Religion" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"For The Last Time" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Messin' With The Kid" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Don't Know Where I'm Going" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Pistol Slapper Blues" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971

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Side A
"Used to Be" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"I'm Not Awake Yet" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Don't Know Where I'm Going" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Maybe I Will" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Whole Lot of People" - 50th Anniversary Edition

Side B
"In Your Town" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"There's a Light" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Out of My Mind" - 50th Anniversary Edition
"Crest of a Wave" - 50th Anniversary Edition

Side C
"Used to Be" - Alternate Take 1
"I'm Not Awake Yet" - Alternate Take 1
"Maybe I Will" - Alternate Take 1
"Whole Lot of People" - 12 string acoustic Alternate Take 1

Side D
"In Your Town" - Alternate Take 3
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Alternate Take 3
"There's A Light" - Alternate Take 1
"Out of My Mind" - Alternate Take 3

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Side E
"Crest of a Wave" - Alternate Take 2
"Crest of a Wave" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Don't Know Where I'm Going" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"I Could've Had Religion" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971

Side F
"Should've Learnt My Lesson" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"For The Last Time" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Messin' With The Kid" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971
"Pistol Slapper Blues" - Radio Bremen 21/12/1971

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Sobre Bruce William

Quando Socram chegou no era tudo mato, JPA lhe entregou uma foice e disse "go ahead!". Usou vários nomes, chegou a hora do "verdadeiro". Nunca teve pretensão de se dizer jornalista, no máximo historiador do rock, já que é formado na área. Continua apaixonado por uma Fuchsbau, que fica mais linda a cada dia que passa ♥. Na foto com a Melody, que já virou estrelinha...
Mais matérias de Bruce William.