REM revela antigos tesouros e raridades
Por Anderson Lamim
Fonte: KPDX
Postado em 26 de julho de 2006
A banda REM está lançando coletâneas em formato CD e DVD dos lendários registros da época da I.R.S. Records.
Produzido e compilado pela banda para melhor representar aquela época, o álbum "And I Feel Fine... The Best Of The I.R.S. Years 1982-1987" será lançado em 12 de setembro em dois pacotes, um em CD simples com 21 faixas de sucesso, e uma edição de colecionador em dois volumes com um disco extra de 21 faixas contendo raridades, incluindo versões inéditas e registros ao vivo, também inéditos.
O DVD "When The Light Is Mine... The Best Of The I.R.S. Years 1982-1987" também será lançado em 12 de setembro, apresentando mais de duas horas de vídeos (18 clipes) e bônus, incluindo 11 vídeos, entrevistas e participações em TV.

And I Feel Fine... The Best Of The I.R.S. Years 1982-1987
1. Begin The Begin
2. Radio Free Europe
3. Pretty Persuasion
4. Talk About The Passion
5. (Don't Go Back To) Rockville
6. Sitting Still
7. Gardening At Night
8. 7 Chinese Bros.
9. So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry)
10. Driver 8
11. Can't Get There From Here
12. Finest Worksong
13. Feeling Gravity's Pull
14. I Believe
15. Life And How To Live It
16. Cuyahoga
17. The One I Love
18. Welcome To The Occupation
19. Fall On Me
20. Perfect Circle
21. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
And I Feel Fine... The Best Of The I.R.S. Years 1982-1987
(2-CD Collectors' Edition)
(Contains Disc 1 + Rarities Disc)
1. Pilgrimage (Mike's pick)
2. These Days (Bill's pick)
3. Gardening at Night (slower electric demo; previously unreleased)
4. Radio Free Europe (Hib-tone version)
5. Sitting Still (Hib-tone version)
6. Life and How to Live It (Live at the Muzik Centrum, Utrecht, Holland
9/14/87; previously unreleased)
7. Ages of You (Live at the Paradise, Boston 7/13/83; previously unreleased)
8. We Walk (Live at the Paradise, Boston 7/13/83; previously unreleased)
9. 1,000,000 (Live at the Paradise, Boston 7/13/83; previously unreleased)
10. Finest Worksong (other mix)
11. Hyena (demo) (previously unreleased)
12. Theme from Two Steps Onward (previously unreleased)
13. Superman
14. All the Right Friends (previously unreleased; later version released
on Vanilla Sky soundtrack)
15. Mystery to Me (demo; previously unreleased)
16. Just A Touch (live in-studio version; previously unreleased)
17. Bad Day (session outtake; previously unreleased)
18. King of Birds (last song cut from the best of ... )
19. Swan Swan H (live, acoustic from "Athens, GA -- Inside Out")
20. Disturbance At The Heron House (Peter's pick)
21. Time After Time (annElise) (Michael's pick)

When The Light Is Mine... The Best Of The I.R.S. Years 1982-1987
Video Collection (DVD)
(TRT: 2:06:00)
1. Wolves, Lower (4:00)
2. Radio Free Europe (3:07)
3. Talk About The Passion (3:20)
4. Radio Free Europe ["The Tube" 11.18.83] (3:40)
5. Talk About The Passion ["The Tube" 11.18.83] (2:57)
6. So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry) (3:31)
7. Left Of Reckoning (20:09)
8. Pretty Persuasion ["The Old Grey Whistle Test" 11.20.84] (3:50)
9. Can't Get There From Here (3:56)
10. Driver 8 (4:35)
11. Life And How To Live It (4:04)
12. Feeling Gravity's Pull (4:47)
13. Can't Get There From Here ["The Tube" 10.25.85] (3:25)
14. Fall On Me (3:01)
15. Swan Swan H [Athens, GA -- Inside/Out] (2:42)
16. The One I Love (3:22)
17. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) (4:03)
18. Finest Worksong (3:51)

"The Cutting Edge" October 1983
Broadcast Segment (4:30)
Additional Interviews (1:04)
"The Cutting Edge" June 1984
Edited Broadcast Segment (6:47)
Additional Interviews (6:35)
Driver 8 (5:10)
Wendell Gee (2:30)
(Don't Go Back To) Rockville (4:00)
Time After Time (annElise) (4:58)
Pageantry (4:00)
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