Erros e Quedas of The Beast: as vídeo cacetadas do Iron Maiden
Por Nacho Belgrande
Fonte: Playa Del Nacho
Postado em 10 de outubro de 2013
Um fã muito devoto da viril banda bretã IRON MAIDEN privou-se de sua ocupada existência e compilou vários momentos do tipo ‘vídeo cacetadas’ da banda em dois DVDs cujos arquivos de imagem circulam livremente pela internet.
Dentre os 32 infortúnios já publicados e editados – totalizando mais de duas horas de vídeo, podemos ver Bruce Dickinson no primeiro Rock In Rio, assim como ao vocalista saindo na mão com um fã no palco em uma turnê solo de 1990. Seu substituto, Blaze Bailey sendo atingido por cusparadas no Chile em 1996, o que causa a fúria de Steve Harris.

01 Steve harris falls off drum riser (03:57) (Barcelona 1990)
02 "Put the cigarette out" (06:56) (Toronto 2000)
03 Heaven can almost wait (15:59) (Quebec 1996)
04 Eddie get's mugged by a blankey (20:41) (Monreal 1992)
05 Eddies rope breaks and collapses (24:56) (Montreal 1998)
06 "Ugly" Eddie only Appearance (31:00) (Quebec 1992)
07 Fan spits on Blaze, Steve Very Pissed Off (39:03) (Santiago 1996)
08 Fan Throws a bottle at Bruce (44:20) (Montreal 1988)
09 Monitor Breaks (48:04) (Rio, Brazil 1985)
10 Bruce gets busted wide open (55:00) (Rio, Brazil 1985)
11 Anthrax can't wait for gig (59:57) (NYC, Ritz 1988)
12 Dope smoker busted (01:04:21) (Montreal 2004)
13 Eddie with brocken neck (01:07:43) (Milan 1993)
14 Bruce sick as a dog (01:10:21) (Sheffield 1986)
15 Bruce brawls fan on stage (01:23:42) (Los Angeles 1990 - Bruce Solo Tour)
16 Bonus: New York City 1982 (01:24:19)

01 Backdrop gets stuck/Bruce trips (Paris 2005) 00:00
02 Bruce tells at laser pointing fan/Janick almost run over Dave (Milan 1999) 07:41
03 Bruce tells at a spitter (San Bernardino 2005) 15:17
04 Bruce threatens a spitter (Greece 1998) 16:40
05 The firework incident (New York City 1987) 18:33
06 Bruce rips up cameras (Rock In Rio 2001) 23:34
07 Janick gets pied (New York City 2004) 28:11
08 The Prisoner intro plays during The Number Of The Beast (Buenos Aires 1992) 33:15
09 Eddie wears a sombrero (Mexico City 1992) 34:41
10 Bruce speaks The Number Of The Beast intro/Introduces the wrong song (Bologna 2005) 37:00
11 Bruce tells at a shoe thrower (Philadelphia 1987) 39:08
12 Broken '6' (Chorzow 2005) 43:55
13 Bruce nearly gets hit with an object (Uniondale 1988) 44:40
14 Masturbating Eddie (St. John 1999) 46:44
15 Bruce tells an aweful joke (Zurich 2005) 48:23
16 Bruce insults a female fan (Bakersfield 2000) 48:57

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