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Metal: confira os lançamentos do mês de fevereiro

Por Emanuel Seagal
Postado em 29 de janeiro de 2024

O website Metal Storm compilou uma lista dos lançamentos do mês de fevereiro, que apresenta novidades de nomes como Massacre, The Meads of Asphodel, Artillery, Samael, Amaranthe, Job For A Cowboy, Ace Frehley, Borknagar, Blaze Bayley e The Obsessed. Confira a lista completa abaixo.

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01/02 - Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Of The Last Human Being
01/02 - Massacre - Tri​-​Pocalypse (EP)
01/02 - The Meads Of Asphodel - Tomb Songs From A Dying Bedlamite (EP)
02/02 - Solbrud - IIII
02/02 - Bipolar Architecture - Metaphysicize
02/02 - Slope - Freak Dreams
02/02 - Necrowretch - Swords Of Dajjal
02/02 - Persefone - Lingua Ignota: Part I (EP)
02/02 - House Of Atreus - Orations
02/02 - Dwarrowdelf - The Fallen Leaves
02/02 - Ghoul - Noxious Concoctions (EP)
02/02 - Artillery - Raw Live (At Copenhell) (Ao Vivo)
02/02 - Graywitch - Children Of Gods
02/02 - Stages Of Decomposition - Raptures Of Psychopathy
02/02 - Enterprise Earth - Death: An Anthology
02/02 - Obsidian Tongue - The Stone Heart (EP)
02/02 - Meth. - Shame
02/02 - KMFDM - LET GO
02/02 - Striker - Ultrapower
02/02 - Deathropy - Deathropy
06/02 - Night Slasher - Night Slasher
08/02 - In Vain (ESP) - Back To Nowhere
09/02 - F.K.Ü. - The Horror And The Metal
09/02 - Chelsea Wolfe - She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She
09/02 - Infected Rain - Time
09/02 - Aureole - Alunarian Bellmaster
09/02 - Morbid Saint - Swallowed By Hell
09/02 - Chapel Of Disease - Echoes Of Light
09/02 - Romuvos - Spirits
09/02 - The Last Ten Seconds Of Life - No Name Graves
09/02 - Spectral Voice - Sparagmos
09/02 - Hannes Grossmann - Echoes Of Eternity (EP)
09/02 - Smoking Snakes - Danger Zone
09/02 - Hulder - Verses In Oath
09/02 - Metal De Facto - Land Of The Rising Sun Part I
09/02 - EXA - Left In Shards
09/02 - Torchia - Arcane Magicae
15/02 - Zelion - TUV
16/02 - Eternal Storm - A Giant Bound To Fall
16/02 - Ihsahn - Ihsahn
16/02 - Farsot - Life Promised Death
16/02 - Vanir - Epitome
16/02 - Praise The Plague - Suffocating In The Current Of Time
16/02 - Elettra Storm - Powerlords
16/02 - Illumishade - Another Side Of You
16/02 - Sujin - Save Our Souls
16/02 - Samael - Passage - Live (Ao Vivo)
16/02 - Darkspace - Dark Space -II
16/02 - Revolution Saints - Against The Winds
16/02 - Durbin - Screaming Steel
16/02 - Ponte Del Diavolo - Fire Blades From The Tomb
16/02 - Throne Of Thorns - Converging Parallel Worlds
16/02 - Far Beyond - The End Of My Road
16/02 - Witchorious - Witchorious
16/02 - Monovoth - Pleroma Mortem Est
16/02 - Grin - Hush
20/02 - Defect Designer - Chitin
23/02 - Dust Bolt - Sound & Fury
23/02 - Amaranthe - The Catalyst
23/02 - Job For A Cowboy - Moon Healer
23/02 - Darkest Hour - Perpetual | Terminal
23/02 - Ace Frehley - 10,000 Volts
23/02 - Stygian Crown - Funeral For A King
23/02 - Austrian Death Machine - Quad Brutal
23/02 - Iron Curtain - Savage Dawn
23/02 - Toxikull - Under The Southern Light
23/02 - Vincent Crowley - Anthology Of Horror
23/02 - Atoll - Inhuman Implants
23/02 - Morta Skuld - Creation Undone
23/02 - Borknagar - Fall
23/02 - Fragment Soul - Galois Paradox
23/02 - Vircolac - Veneration
23/02 - Cathubodua - Interbellum
23/02 - Blaze Bayley - Circle Of Stone
23/02 - North Sea Echoes - Really Good Terrible Things
23/02 - Traveler - Prequel To Madness
23/02 - Lionheart (UK) - The Grace Of A Dragonfly
25/02 - Vorga - Beyond The Palest Star
28/02 - The Obsessed - Gilded Sorrow

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Sobre Emanuel Seagal

Descobriu o metal com Iron Maiden e Black Sabbath até chegar ao metal extremo e se apaixonar pelo doom metal. Considera Empyrium e X Japan as melhores bandas do mundo, Foi um dos coordenadores do finado SkyHell Webzine, escreveu para outros veículos no Brasil e exterior, e sempre esteve envolvido com metal, seja com eventos, bandas, gravadoras ou imprensa. Escreve para o Whiplash! desde 2005 mas ainda não entendeu a birra dos leitores com as notícias do Metallica. @emanuel_seagal no Instagram.
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