Matérias Mais Lidas

Outras Matérias em Destaque

O significado de "pedras que choram no mesmo lugar" em "Medo da Chuva" de Raul Seixas

O ícone do rock and roll que Nando Reis imitava quando era criança

O álbum do Black Sabbath em que o produtor tentou fazer a banda "soar como o Nirvana"

O clássico noventista do Depeche Mode que Bono confessou que gostaria de ter composto

As características que o Jethro Tull tinha em comum com o Led Zeppelin, segundo Ian Anderson

A lendária banda que assinou contrato para seu primeiro disco sem ter feito shows

Como Capital Inicial escapou do rótulo "rock de Brasília" mesmo com "Capital" no nome

Qual a diferença entre o punk, heavy metal e o silêncio? Lobão responde

O local "assustador" onde o Dream Theater gravou seu primeiro disco de estúdio

Gene Simmons explica volta aos palcos após fim do Kiss

Após chamar Red Hot Chili Peppers de "lixo", artista trabalha em música com Flea

Como paixão por hóquei fez Dave Mustaine escrever a música mais "idiota" do Megadeth

Por que bandas de thrash dos EUA fizeram mais sucesso que as alemãs, segundo vocal do Destruction

A disputa salarial que teria sido responsável por "grande oportunidade perdida" do rock

Tom Morello comenta emoção de ser diretor do último show do Black Sabbath

Disco é Cultura: todos os LPs estrangeiros de Rock que saíram no Brasil nos anos setenta

"DISCO É CULTURA". Estava tão acostumado a ler esta expressão em vários LPs que nunca tinha parado para pensar nela. Mas neste dia, em especial, não sei por que isto chamou minha atenção, enquanto eu ouvia o "Squawk" do Budgie e lia a contracapa. Fui procurar na internet e descobri que se tratavam de discos beneficiados por uma lei criada no final dos anos 60 com objetivo de equilibrar a disputa entre gravadoras nacionais e internacionais, ao permitir que elas abatessem do imposto o gasto com gravações de artistas nacionais, de forma a compensar a diferença de custo entre lançar discos de bandas estrangeiras contra discos de bandas nacionais, considerando que os primeiros eram bem mais baratos pois as matrizes já vinham prontas do exterior. Mas como explicou André Barcinski em matéria da Folha, esta lei acabou tendo resultado contrário, pois as gravadoras estrangeiras passaram a lançar seus discos no Brasil se valendo deste benefício, e isto aumentou ainda mais seus lucros. Além do texto do Barcinski, se você quiser se aprofundar mais no assunto, confira este fantástico e imperdível trabalho feito por Claúdio de Oliveira intitulado "Disco é cultura: a expansão do mercado fonográfico brasileiro nos anos 1970".

Nisto me dei conta que há muitos anos, quase que inconscientemente, sempre que eu lia "DISCO É CULTURA" em algum LP aquilo me chamava atenção, e depois de refletir conclui que tudo começou na minha infância, por volta dos meus oito ou nove anos de idade, e no meio do caminho entre minha casa e escola eu passava por uma loja de discos, onde vez por outra eu entrava para dar uma olhada. Há na minha cabeça a lembrança de um destes dias, onde eu li isto na contracapa de algum LP - pena que eu não me recordo qual era, queria saber para comprar e colocar na parede! - e por meandros obscuros da minha mente que só especialistas podem explicar, aquele breve momento ficou associado em meus neurônios com algo que passaria a fazer parte primordial de minha vida: o Rock!

O tempo passou, cresci, passei a comprar LPs, depois CDs, MP3, FLAC etc e por fim voltei aos LPs, e como sou roqueiro e fanático pelo que foi produzido nos anos 70 (infelizmente nasci na época e lugar errados), depois de conhecer os clássicos segui o caminho natural e fui cada vez mais me aprofundando em trabalhos menos conhecidos, descobrindo muitas vezes pérolas perdidas que passaram a fazer parte de minha vida. Daí juntando tudo, desenvolvi uma espécie de "fetiche" por discos nacionais, principalmente por álbuns de bandas/artistas que nem todos conheciam - na verdade, quanto mais obscuro melhor :)

Eu disse "fetiche" pois sabemos que muitas vezes a qualidade da prensagem nacional não era das melhores, sem contar capas mutiladas ou erros grosseiros, alguns famosos como o disco do UFO que saiu com a capa trocada, o do Camel que saiu gravado de trás pra diante e outros. Mas não é isto que está em jogo aqui - muitíssimo menos a qualidade artística do álbum ou até mesmo da banda/artista - e sim única e exclusivamente o fato do disco ter sido lançado no Brasil em vinil e ser "de Rock".

Um dia eu resolvi pesquisar e catalogar o que saiu aqui no país para tentar trazer pro meu acervo, tendo como inspiração o livro "Hard Rock Anthology 1968-1980" do Denis Meyer, que eu adaptei para "1967-1979" no meu caso. Na imagem acima, ele e o "Livro Negro do Rock" de Leopoldo Rey e Gilles Philipe, ambos gastos pelo excesso de manuseio no decorrer dos anos, mas até hoje fontes de informações valiosas. E assim foi, segui um tempo fazendo minha listinha, descobrindo surpreso algo novo aqui e ali que eu não sabia que saíra aqui, quando me bateu a ideia: e se eu catalogasse TODOS os Lps que saíram aqui no Brasil? A princípio aquilo soava uma coisa maluca, pois seria um trabalho colossal. Mas pensei no assunto e me pareceu que não seria tão absurdo assim, já que hoje em dia existe o Discogs, um gigantesco repositório virtual de tudo que foi lançado em áudio e vídeo em qualquer tipo de mídia relacionado à música, e que é alimentado por qualquer um disposto a colaborar, onde aplicando alguns filtros é possível se chegar a uma relação do que foi lançado em determinado gênero em determinado país e assim por diante, e ainda é possível a criação de listas. Mas são poucas as opções de filtro no site, e não é possível classificar ou reordenar os ítens, sendo assim decidi elaborar uma lista externa onde eu pudesse ordenar/filtrar/apresentar os discos, mas ao mesmo tempo com links para os cadastros no Discogs para consultas de mais detalhes sobre eles, e é este o trabalho que estou apresentando.

Apenas deixando claro, aqui estão álbuns lançados ORIGINALMENTE entre 1967 e 1979 por bandas estrangeiras e que tiveram suas prensagens BRASILEIRAS em vinil em qualquer época, que era o objetivo da minha lista original. Não estou com isto rezando aquela ladainha toda que não existe música boa depois disto etc etc, mas sim que, como eu disse antes, é uma época pelo qual sou fanático em termos musicais, além de ter sido quando foram lançados a maioria dos álbuns que hoje são considerados pilares do Rock. Inclusive, pra mim, a mudança aconteceu já em 1978, quando o Van Halen lançou seu álbum de estreia, que (em minha opinião) seria um dos marcos da nova sonoridade da década seguinte. E muito menos estou dizendo que não existem discos bons feitos por bandas brasileiras. Acontece que todos estes obviamente foram lançados no Brasil, então não fazem sentido em uma lista destas, né? :)

Abri exceção para Jefferson Airplane, Yardbirds e The Blues Project, embora seus discos lançados no Brasil sejam anteriores a 1967. Sim, o "Revolver" dos Beatles também está aí e é de 1966, errei na hora de classificar mas quando percebi a lista já estava formatada para publicação e resolvi não mexer :) Falando em Beatles e Stones, eles tiveram apenas seus álbuns lançados durante sua carreira e que estejam dentro do escopo da matéria incluídos na lista, mas, por outro lado, como são as duas bandas de Rock mais influentes e importantes da história, eles ganharam uma matéria especial apenas deles que pode ser vista no link abaixo.

Conforme fui coletando informações, me deparei com um problema: como definir exatamente o que é Rock? Claro, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones e Pink Floyd são Rock, sem sombra de dúvida, mas será que Bee Gees, Elton John e Bread também são? Deixei a coisa meio que fluir por conta própria e no fim das contas ficou assim: há bandas que tem álbuns com poucas músicas de Rock mas que tiveram todos seus trabalhos incluídos pelo conjunto da obra em si, caso do Barrabas, Malo, Buddy Miles etc;já em outros foi o contrário, como o Average White Band, Tower of Power, Mandrill (só entrou o primeiro disco, totalmente Santana, resto ficou de fora) etc. Há casos de artistas/bandas que não são exatamente de Rock mas tiveram trabalhos eventuais totalmente dentro do gênero, e por isto foram incluídos na lista, como Rita Coolidge, Funkadelic e The Osmonds, além de diversos outros.

Frank Zappa e David Bowie são dois casos atípicos de artistas luminares que transcendem o gênero, então eles tiveram todo o seu trabalho incluído, desde que dentro do escopo da lista. O pessoal do jazz-rock foi um problema, às vezes é difícil definir onde começa o jazz pois acabou o rock, então decidi por incluir Mahavishnu Orchestra, já que quase todos os roqueiros que conheci tinham ao menos um disco deles em casa, mas deixei de fora artistas como John McLaughlin, Larry Coryell e todos os jazz com uma pegada mais jazzística mesmo, sem tanta coisa do rock, critério adotado também no caso do blues.

Pior mesmo foi definir qual soft-rock/pop-rock deveria ou não entrar. America já estava e eu não via como tirar, então me senti obrigado a colocar o Three Dog Night, só que me peguei pensando em Seals & Crofts e Cat Stevens, mas sacudi a cabeça ao perceber que acabaria sendo obrigado a incluir James Taylor, Al Stewart, Rick Springfield, B. W. Stevenson e muitos outros, grandes e importantes artistas, alguns dos quais gosto muito inclusive, mas a lista acabaria ficando muito extensa e vaga. A mesma coisa aconteceu com as bandas de Psychedelic Pop/Bubblegum/Garage do final dos 60s como The Association, The Troggs, Ohio Express, Mardi Gras, The Hobbits e outros. Alguns entraram pois eu considero que eles tem uma pegada mais roqueira, impossível ficar de fora da lista, já outros não entraram por eu achar que eles tem uma pegada mais pop, a decisão foi baseada no meu ouvido. Enfim, ficou como está aí, se alguém achar que faltou algo me escreva. Eu acredito que a lista ficou bem razoável dentro da proposta, mas se você discordar de algo entre em contato e me convença do contrário, para eu incluir na próxima revisão :)

Bandas de metal ou punk, ou mesmo de rock clássico que consolidaram sua carreira posteriormente mas que lançaram discos antes de 1980 tiveram estes incluídos aqui para se manter dentro do objetivo da lista, por isto temos aqui os primeiros álbuns de bandas como The Clash, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Police e outros, mas não temos seus trabalhos posteriores, obviamente. Na verdade, passa pela minha cabeça a possibilidade de fazer outro trabalho destes abordando 1980 em diante, assim como a black music norte-americana dos anos 60 e 70, aproveitando a experiência e técnica que desenvolvi aqui, mas ainda não tenho certeza de nada, vamos ver.

No caso dos compactos, a princípio não ia inclui-los mas há bandas que não tiveram LPs editados no país mas saíram no formato, como Frijid Pink, Blue Cheer, Storm, Weekend, Blues Image, Bang, Big Star, além de muitos compactos que são colecionáveis, então fiz um apanhado dando prioridade a títulos com capa ou de bandas que não tiveram lançamentos em LP. Em relação a compilações de vários artistas, seria muito trabalhoso citar absolutamente tudo que envolve bandas de rock, mas por outro lado também tem artistas que só saíram no Brasil em coletâneas, então novamente fiz um bom apanhado e acredito que estejam aí todas ou quase todas as coletâneas relevantes da época. Vale a pena dar uma olhada, muitas e muitas bandas saíram no Brasil somente em compilações, você vai se surpreender!

Obviamente nem todos os discos estão cadastrados no Discogs, volta e meia eu "descubro" algo novo que até então não sabia que havia saído no Brasil, além de várias duplicidades no Discogs que eventualmente acabam sendo "fundidas", portanto farei revisões periódicas nesta lista e atualizarei a matéria para que fique sempre em dia. Sem contar que, claro, eu não conheço tudo e provavelmente deixei passar algumas coisas. Então, se você quiser colaborar, basta cadastrar o disco no Discogs sob o gênero "Rock" que ele vai aparecer aqui nas próximas revisões. Ou se não tiver paciência para isto e preferir deixe uma mensagem para mim nos comentários do site ou nas CORREÇÕES, ou até mesmo me procure no Instagram ou Facebook, onde eventualmente posto foto de algum de meus discos.

Foram nove meses de gestação, de uma missão cansativa e trabalhosa feita nas minhas pouquíssimas horas vagas. Mas foi uma das coisas mais gratificantes que fiz em minha vida, com isto acabei (re)ouvindo muita coisa maravilhosa, ouvi coisas fantásticas que eu ainda não conhecia e que hoje estão aqui engrandecendo meu acervo, e ao mesmo tempo a minha wishlist aumentou horrores, o que também faz parte da diversão da coisa. Um agradecimento especial ao Bento Araújo (Poeira Zine), Ray (Blue Sonic Records), Rato Laser e Alexandre Belforti e várias outras pessoas que também me auxiliaram em menor grau. E é preciso destacar a valiosa contribuição de três caras, o Cláudio Fonzi da Renaissance Discos, o Yuri Garin e o Elton Amorin do Cosmo Drah, um grande OBRIGADO pela ajuda!

Por último, este trabalho é dedicado a Eduardo Zebu Buss, passamos anos e anos garimpando preciosidades e trocando altas ideias, o cara era um GRANDE BROTHER embora nunca tenhamos nos encontrado pessoalmente - eu na verdade nem sabia como ele era, só depois que se foi que eu fui ver uma foto real dele. Rest in peace, Boizebu!

Os discos são apresentados em ordem cronológica de lançamento original, seguidos por coletâneas da banda e compactos (estes dois últimos nem sempre em ordem), em cores ligeiramente diferentes para facilitar a identificação, e para ver mais detalhes basta clicar no nome do disco. Ao final, uma lista com compilações de vários artistas, em ordem alfabética.

Confira também algumas listas de séries e selos interessantes no Discogs:

Rock Story
Sábado Som
Brazilian Vertigo Swirl (Vertigo Espiral)
Momentos Históricos
Rock Espetacular
Super Stereo Discotheque
O Rock de
The Greatest Rock Sensation
Pop History
Pop Giants

Vídeo do Gastão Moreira mostrando sua coleção de discos da série Pop Giants:

Prensagens diferentes do Pink Floyd no Brasil:

"The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn"
"A Saucerful Of Secrets"
"Atom Heart Mother"
"Obscured By Clouds"
"The Dark Side Of The Moon"
"Wish You Were Here"
"The Wall"

Prensagens diferentes do Led Zeppelin no Brasil:

"Led Zeppelin I"
"Led Zeppelin II"
"Led Zeppelin III"
"Led Zeppelin IV"
"Houses Of The Holy"
"Physical Graffiti"
"The Song Remains The Same"
"In Through The Out Door"

Bootlegs e counterfeits brasileiros (ou que se dizem ser). Tudo misturado.

Primeiro a lista dos discos por bandas, e por último uma lista com compilações. Para ver corretamente no celular, talvez seja preciso deitar o aparelho. E basta clicar no nome do disco para acessar os dados no site DISCOGS.

Lista de discos por banda

801801 LivePolydor 2310 5101977
10CCSheet MusicLondon Records LLN 7279-S/​UKAL 10071974
10CCThe Original SoundtrackMercury SRM-1-10291975
10CCDeceptive BendsMercury 6310 5021977
10CCThe Original SoundtrackPhilips 6299 0121976
1910 Fruitgum Company1, 2, 3 Red LightBuddah Records LP 50.0141968
1910 Fruitgum CompanyIndian GiverBuddah Records BULP27.0041969
1910 Fruitgum CompanyHard RideBuddah Records BULP27.0091969
3rd Avenue Blues BandFantasticMCA Records MAP/​S 32681971
Abraham's ChildrenGoddess Of Nature/All Night LongUnited Artists Records 14091974
AC/DCDirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapAtlantic 20.0601981
AC/DCDirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapAtlantic 20.0601981
AC/DCDirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapAtlantic 604.70191981
AC/DCDirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapAtlantic 20.060198X
AC/DCHighway To HellAtlantic 30.1121979
AC/DCHighway To HellAtlantic 30.1121979
AC/DCHighway To HellAtlantic 30.112197X
AC/DCHighway To HellAtlantic 30.112198X
AC/DCLet There Be RockAtlantic 30.0561978
AC/DCLet There Be RockAtlantic 30.0561983
AC/DCPowerageAtlantic 30.0711978
AC/DCHigh VoltageAtlantic 20.0671981
AC/DCHigh VoltageAtlantic/​ATCO 604.7022198X
AC/DCIf You Want Blood You've Got ItAtlantic 30.0951979
AC/DCIf You Want Blood You've Got ItAtlantic 30.0951979
AC/DCIf You Want Blood You've Got ItAtlantic 6107017198X
AC/DC'74 JailbreakAtlantic 20.1171984
AC/DCJailbreakAtlantic 10.182/​756789614-71984
AceTime For AnotherABC Records 6-26-404-0131976
Ace FrehleyAce FrehleyCasablanca 9128 0101979
AeroplaneSeptember In The Rain / It's So BetterOne Way ON-351973
AerosmithRocksCBS 1379381976
AerosmithToys In The AtticCBS 1380201977
AerosmithToys In The AtticCBS 138.0201977
AerosmithDraw The LineCBS 1380471978
AerosmithLive! BootlegCBS 1381061978
AerosmithNight In The RutsCBS 1381721979
AerosmithPandora's ToysColumbia 237.0691994
AfghansDoggy-DoggyCrazy CGE-121.0211976
AlacranAlacranEpic 1440761971
AlacranStickyEpic 661181971
Alan ParkerBand Of AngelsMCA Records MCALP-600.0381973
Alan Parsons Project, TheTales Of Mystery And ImaginationPhonogram 6370 2431976
Alan Parsons Project, TheTales Of Mystery And Imagination20th Century Fox Records 110.80061981
Alan Parsons Project, TheTales Of Mystery And ImaginationAtlas 6337 2661983
Alan Parsons Project, TheTales Of Mystery And ImaginationCasablanca 6463 1601985
Alan Parsons Project, TheTales Of Mystery And ImaginationMercury 832820-11987
Alan Parsons Project, TheI RobotArista AL-70021977
Alan Parsons Project, TheI RobotArista 201 1481983
Alan Parsons Project, TheI RobotArista 201 1481983
Alan Parsons Project, TheI RobotArista 140.80191988
Alan Parsons Project, ThePyramidArista 31C 064 607921978
Alan Parsons Project, ThePyramidArista 201 129198X
Alan Parsons Project, ThePyramidArista 104.8331198X
Alan Parsons Project, ThePyramidArista 201 129198X
Alan Parsons Project, TheEveArista 31C 064 63063D1979
Alan Parsons Project, TheEveArista 140.80161988
Alan WhiteRamshackledAtlantic 40.0001976
Albert HammondIt Never Rains In Southern CaliforniaEpic 1441011973
Alice CooperLove It To DeathWarner Bros. WBLP 5.0571974
Alice CooperSchool's OutWarner Bros WBLP-5.0121972
Alice CooperSchool's OutWarner Bros. WBLP-5.0121972
Alice CooperSchool's OutWarner Bros. Records 670.42801992
Alice CooperKillerWarner Bros. Records 85.0061972
Alice CooperKillerWarner Bros. Records WBLP 5.0291973
Alice CooperKillerWarner Bros. Records 36.1471980
Alice CooperKillerWarner Bros. Records 86.009/​Continental WBLP 5.0291983
Alice CooperKillerWarner Bros. Records WB 860091983
Alice CooperBillion Dollar BabiesContinental/​Warner Bros WBLP 5.0401973
Alice CooperBillion Dollar BabiesWarner Bros/​Continental WBLP-50401973
Alice CooperMuscle Of LoveWarner Bros. WBLP 5.0521973
Alice CooperWelcome To My NightmarePhilips MC 0011975
Alice CooperAlice Cooper Goes To HellWarner Bros. Records 36.005-A1976
Alice CooperLace And WhiskeyWarner Bros. Records 36.028 (BSK 3027)1977
Alice CooperFrom The InsideWarner Bros 36.1001978
Alice CooperThe Alice Cooper ShowWarner Bros. Records BSK 31381978
Alice CooperThe Alice Cooper ShowWarner Bros. Records 670.91521978
Alice CooperSchool Days - The Early RecordingsWarner Bros. WBLP-5.0691973
Alice CooperSchool Days - The Early RecordingsWarner Bros. Records 3-01-404-045/​Continental WBLP 5.0691974
Alice CooperSchool's Out / Gutter CatWarner Bros. Records WBCS-70101972
Alice CooperI Never Cry / Didnït We Meet / Wake Me Gently / You Gotta DanceWarner Bros. Records 960111976
Alice CooperLace And WhiskeyWarner Bros. Records EPW 2181977
Alive 'N Kickin'Alive 'N Kickin'RCA ROS 310021971
Allman Brothers Band, TheAt Fillmore EastATCO Records 2402 035/​61971
Allman Brothers Band, TheEat a PeachWarner Bros. Records WBLP-5.0091972
Allman Brothers Band, TheBrothers And SistersWarner Bros. Records WBPL 5.0491973
Allman Brothers Band, TheWin, Lose Or DrawPhonogram 2429 1321977
Allman Brothers Band, TheEnlightened RoguesCapricorn Records 2429 1851979
Allman Brothers Band, TheThe Road Goes On ForeverCapricorn Records 2476 1191976
Amazing Rhythm AcesToucan Do It TooABC Records AB 10051977
AmazonasAmazonas Play SantanaStereo Gold Award MER 3771973
AmbergrisAmbergrisSom Livre 310.00051973
AmbrosiaAmbrosia20th Century Records T-341975
AmbrosiaSomewhere I've Never Travelled20th Century Records 6370 2461976
AmbrosiaLife Beyond L.A.Warner Bros. Records 36.0921978
AmericaAmericaWarner Bros. Records WLPS 85.0101972
AmericaAmericaWarner Bros. Records WBLP-5.0301973
AmericaAmericaWarner Bros. Records WLPS 5.0301973
AmericaAmericaWarner Bros. 86.011197X
AmericaAmericaWarner Bros. 86.002198X
AmericaHomecomingWarner Bros. Records WBLP 50251973
AmericaHat TrickContinental WBLP 50511973
AmericaHolidayWarner Bros. Records 3-01-404-0471974
AmericaHeartsWarner Bros. Records 3-01-404-0621975
AmericaHideawayWarner Bros. Records 36.0031976
AmericaHideawayWarner Bros. Records 36.0031976
AmericaLiveWarner Bros. Records BSK 31361978
AmericaAmerica (Rock Story vol.3)Warner Bros. Records 86.011/​609.70061983
AmericaSilent LetterCapitol Records 31C 064 859171979
American Breed, ThePumpkin, Powder, Scarlet & GreenActa/​RGE XRLP-62111968
American Breed, TheBend Me, Shape MeRGE/​Acta/​Dot XRLP-6.2021968
Amon Duul IILemmingmaniaUnited Artists Records UALP 1200011975
Amon Duul IIMade In GermanyATCO Records 3-02-404-0691975
Amon Duul IIHijackAtlantic/​WEA 30.0251977
AngelOn Earth As It Is In HeavenCasablanca CBLP91581977
Animals, TheBefore We Were So Rudely InterruptedPolydor 2314 1041978
Aphrodite's ChildAphrodite's ChildMercury SLP 66.0031970
Aphrodite's ChildEnd Of The WorldMercury SLP 66.0011969
Aphrodite's ChildEnd Of The WorldMercury SLP 66.0011969
Aphrodite's ChildBreakVertigo 6333 5021972
Aphrodite's ChildBreakVertigo 6032 9001972
Aphrodite's ChildRain And TearsMercury CSM 61.0041968
Aphrodite's ChildSpring Summer Winter And FallMercury 6033 0031971
Aphrodite's ChildRain And Tears / Spring, Summer, Winter And Fall / Such A Funny Night / Marie JolieMercury/​Phonogram 62340031972
April WineApril WineSteam Machine STM-0521972
April WineBad Side Of The MoonPye Records PCS-250.0191972
April WineBad Side Of The MoonOne Way ON-371973
ArchaeopterixBarbarella / No More Livin' Without Lovin'Red Bird Records RBS 4.0041971
ArgentAll Together NowEpic 1440931972
ArgentTragedyEpic 661731972
ArmageddonArmageddonA&M Records SA&M-21511975
Ashton, Gardner & DykeResurrection ShuffleCapitol Records 7C-11.1321971
AssemblageAlbumWestbound Records WB 2.0041971
Atlanta Rhythm SectionA Rock And Roll AlternativePolydor 2391 2551977
Atlanta Rhythm SectionChampagne JamPolydor 2391 3191978
Atlanta Rhythm SectionUnderdogPolydor 23913981980
Atomic RoosterMade in EnglandPye Records PLP-150.0161972
Atomic RoosterNice 'n' GreasyPye Records PLP 150.0371973
Atomic RoosterSave Me / Close Your EyesPye Records PCS 250.0271973
Atomic RoosterStand By MePye International PCS-250.0101972
AudienceLunchPhilips 6369 9181972
Automatic ManAutomatic ManIsland Records ILPS 93971976
AztecaAztecaCBS Stereo 1378021973
B.B.KingTo Know You Is To Love YouProbe SPOL 150511973
B.B.KingKing SizeABC/​Phonodisc 6-26-404-0631977
B.B.KingCompletely Live & WellCharly Records LP 50451986
B.B.KingCompletely WellRarity LP 50451986
B.B.KingLive & WellMCA Records 670.01101988
B.B.KingLive In Cook County JailMCA Records 27.054/​604.72191986
B.LanceRollin' ManATCO ATLP 0251972
B. LanceLast Stop Change HandsATCO Records ATCS-10.0371972
Babe RuthFirst BaseOdeon SMOFB-4671973
Babe RuthStealin' HomeCapitol Records ST-114511975
Babe RuthKid's StuffCapitol Records ST-115151976
Babe RuthThe MexicanOdeon S7I-33511973
Bachman-Turner OverdriveBachman-Turner Overdrive IIMercury 6338 4821973
Bachman-Turner OverdriveNot FragileMercury 6338 5161974
Bachman-Turner OverdriveFour Wheel DriveMercury 6338 5661975
Bachman-Turner OverdriveHead OnMercury 6338 6471976
Bachman-Turner OverdriveFreewaysMercury 6338 7901977
Bachman-Turner OverdriveStreet ActionMercury 6338 8721978
Bachman-Turner OverdriveRock N' Roll NightsMercury 9111 0201979
Bachman-Turner OverdrivePop Giants Vol.20Mercury 6460 0111975
Bachman-Turner OverdriveNot FragileMercury 6253 0291974
Bachman-Turner OverdriveHead OnMercury 6253 0411976
Bad CompanyBad CompanyIsland Records 410.0411974
Bad CompanyBad CoIsland Records 410 0411976
Bad CompanyBad CompanyIsland Records 410.041197X
Bad CompanyBad CoIsland Records 202.539198X
Bad CompanyStraight ShooterIsland Records ILPS 93041975
Bad CompanyRun With The PackIsland Records ILPS 93461976
Bad CompanyBurnin' SkyIsland Records 91270031977
Bad CompanyDesolation AngelsSwan Song 40.0031979
Bad CompanyStraight ShooterIsland Records 210.0041975
BadfingerMagic Christian MusicApple Records APCOR 121970
BadfingerNo DiceApple Records APCOR-161971
BadfingerStraight UpApple Records SAPCOR-191972
BadfingerBadfingerWarner Bros. WBLP-50601974
BadfingerNo Matter WhatApple Records APPLE 311971
Bag, TheRealDecca 012-1011969
Baker Gurvitz ArmyThe Baker Gurvitz ArmyVertigo 6370 4041975
Baker Gurvitz ArmyElysian EncounterVertigo 6370 4071975
Baker Gurvitz ArmyHearts On FireVertigo 6370 4161976
BalboaJimi And Janis/Your Loves All MinePolydor 2176.0191971
Ballin' JackFound A ChildCBS 1377281971
Ballin' JackSuper Highway / Found A ChildCBS 337001971
Band, TheThe BandCapitol Records TAO-1321970
Band, TheThe BandCapitol Records STAO-132198X
Band, TheStage FrightCapitol Records W4251970
Band, TheMoondog MatineeCapitol Records SW-112141974
Band, TheNorthern Lights - Southern CrossCapitol Records ST-114401975
Band, TheThe Last WaltzWarner Bros. Records 36.066/​7/​81978
Band, TheThe WeightCapitol Records 7C-11.0741968
BangRedman / Keep OnCapitol Records S 45-787701972
Barclay James HarvestOnce AgainHarvest QHVL 10151972
Barclay James HarvestBaby James HarvestHarvest SHVL-10031973
Barclay James HarvestEveryone Is Everybody ElsePolydor 2383 2861975
Barclay James HarvestOctoberonPolydor 2383 4071977
BarrabasBarrabasRCA Victor 104.70201972
BarrabasReleaseAriola 110.80011974
BarrabasSusie Wong / Tell Me The ThingAriola 101.80251974
BarrabasWild Safari / WomanRCA Victor 101.70191972
BarrabasWatch OutAriola 104.80261978
Barry MeltonThe FishUnited Artists Records UALP-122141976
Bead GameWelcomeAvco Embassy AVLP 70091970
Bay City RollersWouldn't You Like It?Bell Records XBLL 360091975
Bay City RollersIt's A GameArista ARL 330391977
Beatles, TheRevolverOdeon BTL-10021966
Beatles, TheRevolverOdeon BTL 10021967
Beatles, TheRevolverOdeon SBTL-10021967
Beatles, TheRevolverOdeon SBTL-10021972
Beatles, TheRevolverOdeon SBTL-1002197X
Beatles, TheRevolverOdeon SBTL 1002/​31C 066 040971981
Beatles, TheRevolverOdeon SBTL 1002/​31C 066 040971985
Beatles, TheRevolverParlophone 066 746441 11988
Beatles, TheMagical Mystery TourOdeon 31C 066 04449D197X
Beatles, TheMagical Mystery TourOdeon 31C 064 04449D/​SXMOFB 492197X
Beatles, TheMagical Mystery TourOdeon 31C 064 04449D/​SXMOFB 4921981
Beatles, TheMagical Mystery TourOdeon SXMOFB 4921981
Beatles, TheMagical Mystery TourParlophone 066 748062 11988
Beatles, TheSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandOdeon SBTX-10041967
Beatles, TheSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandOdeon BTX 10041967
Beatles, TheSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandOdeon BTX 10041967
Beatles, TheSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandOdeon SBTX-10041974
Beatles, TheSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandOdeon 31C 066 04177D/​SBTX 10041987
Beatles, TheSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandParlophone 066 746442 11988
Beatles, TheSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandParlophone 746442 11988
Beatles, TheSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandOdeon 31C 066 04177D/​SBTX 1004198X
Beatles, TheThe BeatlesApple Records BTX-1005/​10061969
Beatles, TheThe BeatlesApple Records SBTX 1005/​61969
Beatles, TheThe BeatlesApple Records BTX-1005/​10061969
Beatles, TheThe BeatlesApple Records SBTX 1005/​61974
Beatles, TheThe BeatlesApple Records 31C 166 04173/​4/​BTX 1005/​061979
Beatles, TheThe Beatles (White Album)Apple Records 31C 168 04173/​BTX 1005/​061985
Beatles, TheThe BeatlesApple Records 168 791460 11988
Beatles, TheYellow Submarine (Submarino Amarelo)Apple Records BTL-10071969
Beatles, TheYellow SubmarineApple Records SBTL-10071969
Beatles, TheYellow SubmarineApple Records SBTL 10071969
Beatles, TheYellow SubmarineApple Records SBTL 10071974
Beatles, TheYellow SubmarineApple Records 31C 066 04002/​SBTL 10071986
Beatles, TheYellow SubmarineApple Records 066 746445 11988
Beatles, TheAbbey RoadApple Records BTL 10081969
Beatles, TheAbbey RoadApple Records SBTL-10081969
Beatles, TheAbbey RoadApple Records SBTL 10081975
Beatles, TheAbbey RoadApple Records SBTL-1.0081975
Beatles, TheAbbey RoadApple Records SBTL 1008/​31C 066 042431986
Beatles, TheAbbey RoadApple Records 066 746446 11988
Beatles, TheAbbey RoadApple Records 31C 066 04243/​SBTL 1008197X
Beatles, TheLet It BeApple Records BTL 10131970
Beatles, TheLet It BeApple Records SBTL 10131970
Beatles, TheLet It BeApple Records SBTL 10131973
Beatles, TheLet It BeApple Records SBTL 1013/​31C 066 044331985
Beatles, TheLet It BeParlophone 066 746447 11988
Beatles, TheLet It BeApple Records SBTL 1013197X
Beatles, TheLet It BeApple Records 31C 066 04433/​SBTL 1013198X
Be-Bop DeluxeAxe VictimHarvest XHVL 10251974
Be-Bop DeluxeFuturamaHarvest SHVL 10321975
Be-Bop DeluxeModern MusicHarvest SHVL 10451976
Be-Bop DeluxeSunburst FinishHarvest SHVL 10361976
Beck, Bogert & AppiceBeck, Bogert & AppiceEpic 1441071973
BeckettLittle GirlWarner Bros. Records WBCS 7.0611974
Beggars OperaPathfinderVertigo 6360 0731972
Big StarBig StarStax 2241 0041972
Bill MacmillanSounds Wild Like Alice CooperPadrÆo Internacional 888.117197X
Bill QuickBeautiful PeopleExplosi¢n 204.20021973
BirthaBirthaProbe SPOL-15.0411973
Black Oak ArkansasKeep The FaithATCO Records SD 33-3811972
Black Oak ArkansasIf An Angel Came To See You...ATCO ATLP 0291973
Black Oak ArkansasStreet PartyATCO Records 3-02-404-0661974
Black Oak ArkansasX-RatedMCA Records 4-07-404-1081975
Black Oak ArkansasX-RatedMCA Records 814 121-1 01983
Black Oak ArkansasBalls Of FireMCA Records MCA-2199 /​ MCA-4-07-407-1271976
Black Oak ArkansasKeep The FaithATCO Records 20911931972
Black SabbathBlack SabbathVertigo 6360 0471973
Black SabbathBlack SabbathVertigo 6360 0471973
Black SabbathBlack SabbathRGE/​NEMS 304.10601976
Black SabbathBlack SabbathNems/​Young 304.10601976
Black SabbathBlack SabbathEldorado 478.026199X
Black SabbathParanoidVertigo 6360 0111971
Black SabbathParanoidYoung 304.10621976
Black SabbathParanoidRGE/​NEMS 304.10621976
Black SabbathParanoidRGE/​NEMS 304.1062198X
Black SabbathParanoidHouse Records Rap/​NEMS HRR5010199X
Black SabbathParanoidEldorado/​AllDisc 478.013199X
Black SabbathMaster Of RealityVertigo 6360 0501971
Black SabbathMaster Of RealityVertigo 6360 0501971
Black SabbathMaster Of RealityNems/​Young 304.10611976
Black SabbathMaster Of RealityNems 304 10611976
Black SabbathMaster Of RealityRock Brigade Records/​NEMS RBR3401991
Black SabbathMaster Of RealityEldorado/​NEMS 478.025199X
Black SabbathVol. 4Vertigo 6360 0711972
Black SabbathVol. 4Vertigo 6360 0711973
Black SabbathVol. 4NEMS 304.10631976
Black SabbathVol. 4Young/​NEMS 304.1063198X
Black SabbathVol. 4Eldorado LP32081992
Black SabbathVol. 4NEMS/​RGE 304 1063199X
Black SabbathVol. 4House Records Rap HRR-013/​521.404.112199X
Black SabbathVol. 4Eldorado/​NEMS 477.007199X
Black SabbathSabbath Bloody SabbathVertigo/​WWA 6366 1011974
Black SabbathSabbath Bloody SabbathYoung 304.70361986
Black SabbathSabbath Bloody SabbathRock Brigade RBR290-B1990
Black SabbathSabbath Bloody SabbathEldorado 477.0091993
Black SabbathSabotageVertigo 6366 1151975
Black SabbathSabotageYoung 304.70371986
Black SabbathSabotageYoung 304.70371986
Black SabbathSabotageEldorado 478.024198X
Black SabbathSabotageHouse Records Rap 521.404.670198X
Black SabbathTechnical EcstasyVertigo 9124 1001976
Black SabbathTechnical EcstasyVertigo 9124 1001984
Black SabbathTechnical EcstasyVertigo 91241001985
Black SabbathNever Say Die!Vertigo 9124 1011979
Black SabbathNever Say Die!Vertigo 9124 1011984
Black SabbathNever Say Die!Vertigo 9124 1011985
Black SabbathPop Giants Vol. 9Vertigo 6414 8001974
Black SabbathReflectionFontana 9199 3851977
Black SabbathWe Sold Our Soul For Rock 'N' RollNEMS 304 1081/​821976
Black SabbathWe Sold Our Soul For Rock 'N' RollNEMS 304.1081/​821982
Black SabbathTomorrow's Dream / Laguna SunriseVertigo 6059 0611972
Black SabbathTomorrow's Dream / Laguna Sunrise / Changes / St. Vitus DanceVertigo 6276 0081973
Black SabbathSabbath Bloody SabbathVertigo 6299 0031975
Black SwanBlack SwanSteam Machine STM 0551972
Black SwanEchoes And Rainbows / Belong, BelongRed Bird Records RBS 40061971
Black SwanCarolyneRed Bird Records 401.40121973
BlackfootStrikesATCO Records 20.048 Serie Luxo1979
Blackwater JunctionBlackwater JunctionMCA Records MCALP 600.0511973
Blackwater ParkDirt BoxBASF 20212381972
Blind FaithBlind FaithPolydor LPG 624.0291970
Blodwyn PigGetting To ThisA&M Records A&M 20641970
Blood, Sweat And TearsBlood, Sweat And TearsCBS 376291969
Blood, Sweat And TearsBlood, Sweat And Tears 3CBS 376861970
Blood, Sweat And TearsB, S & T 4CBS 1377401971
Blood, Sweat And TearsNew BloodCBS 1377911972
Blood, Sweat And TearsBrand New DayPhonodisc 626-404-0871977
Blood, Sweat & TearsSpinning Wheel / You've Made Me So Very Happy / More And More / Blues - Part IICBS 563511969
Blood, Sweat And TearsMore Than EverCBS 1379561976
BloodrockWhirlwind TonguesCapitol Records SMAS-112591974
BloodrockEleanor RigbyCapitol Records S7C-11.1881974
BloontzBloontzEvolution SD-350031973
BlueBlueRSO 2394 1051973
BlueLife In The NavyRSO 2394 1331974
Blue BeardCountry Man / Sly WillyEmber Records bcs-2161973
Blue CheerSummertime Blues (promo)Philips CS 139.020/​405161968
Blue CheerSummertime BluesPhilips CS 139.020/​405161968
Blue JaysNascenceTop Tape MAP 30141971
Blue Oyster CultSome Enchanted EveningCBS 1381041978
Blue Ridge Rangers (John Fogerty)The Blue Ridge RangersFantasy 204.50091973
Blue Ridge Rangers (John Fogerty)The Blue Ridge RangersFantasy 811 777-1 21983
Blues ImageRide Captain RideATCO Records ACS 205.0381970
Blues Magoos(We Ain't Got) Nothin' YetMercury DC 68.0001967
Blues Project, TheLive At The Cafe Au Go GoVerve Folkways VMLP-14067196X
Bo DiddleyWhere It All BeganImporta /​ Som 310 10101973
Bob DylanNashville SkylineCBS 376161969
Bob DylanNashville SkylineCBS 376161969
Bob DylanNew MorningCBS 377061971
Bob DylanSelf PortraitCBS 37680/​11970
Bob DylanDylanCBS 1378371974
Bob DylanPat Garrett & Billy The Kid OSTCBS 159.0091984
Bob DylanPlanet WavesAsylum Records ASYLP 50.0021974
Bob DylanPlanet WavesAsylum Records ASYLP-50.0021974
Bob DylanPlanet WavesHarmony 148.075198X
Bob DylanBlood On The TracksCBS 1378731975
Bob DylanBlood On The TracksCBS 1378731975
Bob DylanDesireCBS 230.0051976
Bob DylanDesireCBS 230.0051977
Bob DylanDesireCBS 230.0051988
Bob DylanDesireCBS 230.005198X
Bob DylanDesireColumbia 184.025/​1-0324701992
Bob DylanHard RainCBS 2300071976
Bob DylanHard RainHarmony 1480921976
Bob DylanHard RainCBS 2300071978
Bob DylanHard RainDiscos CBS 230007198X
Bob DylanStreet-LegalCBS 138.0841978
Bob DylanBob Dylan At BudokanCBS 138140/​1411979
Bob DylanBob Dylan At BudokanCBS 138140/​1411981
Bob DylanSlow Train ComingCBS 1381521979
Bob DylanSlow Train ComingCBS 138718198X
Bob DylanBiograph (5 LP box set)CBS 138.6581985
Bob DylanBiograph (5 LP box set)CBS 400024-028198X
Bob DylanBob Dylan's Greatest HitsCBS 376531970
Bob DylanBob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. ICBS 1379041975
Bob DylanBob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. ICBS 137.9041977
Bob DylanBob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. ICBS 1379041979
Bob DylanBob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. IColumbia 184.051/​1-464311199X
Bob DylanThe Best Of Bob DylanDiscos CBS 279.001/​1-4630881988
Bob Dylan / The BandBefore The FloodAsylum ASYLP 50.007/​50.008, Continental 3-06-404-007/​0081974
Bob Dylan / The BandBefore The FloodAsylum Records ASYLP 50.007/​50.0081974
Bob Dylan / The BandBefore The FloodAsylum Records 3-06-404-007/​0081976
Bob SegerSmokin' O.P.'SReprise Records RLLP 20261973
Bob SegerRamblin' Gamblin' ManCapitol Records 7C-11.0831969
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet BandLive BulletCapitol Records SKBB-115231976
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet BandLive BulletCapitol Records 31C 164 852171976
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet BandNight MovesCapitol Records ST-115571976
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet BandStranger In TownCapitol Records 31C 064 853331978
Bob Seger System, TheLuciferCapitol Records 7C-11.1081970
Bob WeirAceContinental WBLP-5.0131972
BostonBostonEpic 1441851977
BostonDon't Look BackEpic 235013/​AL350501978
BostonDon't Look BackEpic 184.044/​1-0860571992
BostonThird StageMCA Records 610.70911986
Boz ScaggsSilk DegreesCBS 1379821977
Boz ScaggsDown Two Then LeftCBS 1380341977
BrainboxDown ManOdeon 7I-32551969
BrainboxSummertime / MobilaeEMI 45011972
Brand XProductCharisma 9124 0451979
Brave BeltBrave Belt IIReprise Records MS 20571972
Brian Auger & The TrinityDefinitely What!Polydor LPG 624.0061969
Brian Auger's Oblivion ExpressA Better LandPolydor 23830621972
Brownsville StationSchool PunksPhilips 6369 8061975
Brownsville StationMotor City ConnectionPhilips 6369 8121976
Brownsville StationLet Your Yeah Be Yeah / Mister RobertPhilips 6073 8201973
Brownsville StationThe Red Back Spider / Rock With the MusicPhilips 6073 8171973
Bruce SpringsteenGreetings From Asbury Park, N.J.CBS 138.6451973
Bruce SpringsteenGreetings From Asbury Park, N.J.CBS 138.6451982
Bruce SpringsteenThe Wild, The Innocent & The E Street ShuffleCBS 1386461973
Bruce SpringsteenThe Wild, The Innocent And The E Street ShuffleCBS 1386461973
Bruce SpringsteenThe Wild, The Innocent & The E Street ShuffleCBS 3236309198X
Bruce SpringsteenBorn To RunCBS 138.6431975
Bruce SpringsteenBorn To RunCBS 2300041976
Bruce SpringsteenDarkness On The Edge Of TownCBS 1386321978
Bruce SpringsteenDarkness On The Edge Of TownCBS 1380791978
Bruce SpringsteenDarkness On The Edge Of TownCBS 138632198X
BuckacreMorning ComesChantecler 4-07-404-1381976
Buddy Guy & Junior WellsLive In MontreuxBlack And Blue LP 3.0361988
Buddy MilesWe Got To Live TogetherMercury 6338 0281971
Buddy MilesMore Miles Per GallonCasablanca CBLP 90991975
Buddy MilesA Message To The PeopleMercury 6338 0481972
Buddy Miles Band, TheChapter VIICBS 1378111973
BudgieSquawkMCA/​Continental MCALP-600.0371973
Buffalo SpringfieldRetrospective - The Best Of Buffalo SpringfieldATCO Records 80.0161983
Buffy Sainte-MarieMoonshotVanguard 600441972
Buffy Sainte-MarieQuiet PlacesVanguard VALP-117611973
Buffy Sainte-MarieChanging WomanMCA Records 4-07-404-0941975
BulldogBulldogMCA Records MCALP 600.0401973
BulldogSmasherBuddah Records BDS 56001974
Buoys, TheThe Buoys aka TimothyTop Tape SPS 240011971
Byrds, TheFifth DimensionCBS 37491/​CL 2549/​XLP 114237-81967
Byrds, TheYounger Than YesterdayColumbia XSM 1167831967
Byrds, TheByrdsAsylum Records XAYL-30031973
Byrds, TheByrdsElektra/​Asylum 22.0211981
Byrds, TheByrdsElektra 22.0211983
Byrds, TheThe Byrds Play DylanCBS 1387151979
Byrds, TheThe Byrds Play DylanCBS 138175198X
Byrds, TheBallad Of Easy Rider / Wasn't Born To FollowCBS 336381970
CamelMirageDeram DML-30081974
CamelMoonmadnessGama XLLN-7314/​London XZAL-143941976
CamelRain DancesLondon Records LLN 73491977
CamelA Live RecordLondon Records 31C 164 612581978
CamelBreathlessLondon Records 31C 064 626761978
CamelI Can See Your House From HereLondon Records 31C 064 635691979
CanI Want More / And MoreVirgin 60792001977
CanFuture DaysUnited Artists UALP-11.9181974
CanMoonshake / Future DaysUnited Artists Records UACS-12271973
Cane And AbleCane And AbleSom Livre SIGI-50061972
Canned HeatHallelujahLiberty FLP-350721969
Canned HeatLiving The BluesRCA Victor FLP-350671969
Canned Heat & John Lee HookerHooker 'N HeatLiberty FSP-350981971
Canned HeatHistorical Figures And Ancient HeadsUnited Artists Records s-UA 201241972
Canned HeatThe New AgeUnited Artists Records 201631973
Canned HeatGoing Up The CountryRCA Victor FCD-450441969
Canned HeatLet's Work Together / I'm Her ManLiberty FC-5506 01970
Capability BrownFrom ScratchCharisma 6369 9191972
Capability BrownVoiceCharisma 6369 9401975
Capital City RocketsCapital City RocketsElektra ELLP 5241974
Captain BeefheartThe Spotlight KidReprise/​Continental RLLP-20141972
Captain BeyondCaptain BeyondWarner Bros. Records WBLP-50311973
Captain Lockheed And The StarfightersEjectionUnited Artists Records UACS-14111974
CaravanWaterloo LilyDeram XDML 30061972
CaravanCunning StuntsLondon Records LLN-73231975
Carlos Santana & Buddy MilesCarlos Santana & Buddy Miles! Live!CBS 137.7791972
Carlos Santana & Buddy MilesCarlos Santana & Buddy Miles! Live!CBS 148.108, Harmony BL 31308198X
Carlos Santana & Mahavishnu John McLaughlinLove Devotion SurrenderCBS 1378211973
Cat Mother And The All Night NewsboysGood Old Rock 'N Roll / Bad NewsPolydor FC 126.0131969
Cates Gang, TheWantedMetromedia/​Continental MMLP 35.0061970
CCSCCSOdeon SMOFB 473/​SRAK-5031974
CharlieRock 'N' Roll Vol. 9Polydor 2229 2071978
Charlie Daniels Band, TheVolunteer Jam III And IVEpic BL 353701978
Charlie Daniels Band, TheMillion Mile ReflectionsEpic 1443721979
Cheap TrickIn ColorEpic 1442371978
Cheap TrickHeaven TonightEpic 1442831978
Cheap TrickAt BudokanEpic 2350231979
Cheap TrickDream PoliceEpic v2350391979
CherubinThe LetterUnited Artists UACS-15261975
Chicago Transit AuthorityChicago Transit AuthorityCBS 376641970
ChicagoChicago IIICBS 137 7131971
ChicagoChicago VICBS 1378101973
ChicagoChicago VIICBS 1378541974
ChicagoChicago VIIICBS 1378841975
ChicagoChicago XCBS 1379601976
ChicagoChicago XICBS 2300131977
Chicano, ElCelebrationMCA MCALP-600.0151972
Chicano, ElEl ChicanoMCA Records MCA 3121973
ChilliwackMakin' TimePhilips 6078 4321978
ChopynGrand SlamPolydor 2310 3831975
Chosen Few, TheThe Chosen FewRCA Victor LPM 42421970
Chris Farlowe Band, TheLive!Polydor 23833671976
Chris SquireFish Out Of WaterAtlantic 3-17-404-0471976
ChristieChristieEpic 440651970
ChristieDestacando San BernardinoEpic 220401971
City BoyRock'n'Roll Volume 6Vertigo 62760151978
ClaggersChumley's Laughing GearImporta /​ Som SMS-1.6131971
Clash, TheThe ClashEpic 1442051977
Clash, TheLondon CallingEpic 144420/​1198X
Clash, TheLondon CallingEpic 144420/​1198X
Clash, TheTrain In Vain / London CallingEpic 46.0141979
Clean LivingMeadowmuffinVanguard VALP 11 7591973
Clean LivingIn Heaven There Is No BeerVanguard 80351972
Climax Blues BandSense Of DirectionPolydor 2383 2911975
Climax Blues BandGold PlatedRCA 104.70551977
Climax Blues BandShine OnWarner Bros. 36.0771978
Climax Blues BandReal To ReelSire QBS 33341979
Climax Blues Band1969 / 1972Harvest SHVL 1037197X
CloutSubstituteTop Tape TT-1691978
CloverCloverLiberty FLP-350831970
Cold BloodCold BloodAtlantic 605.0421970
ColosseumValentyne SuiteIsland Records 410.0121972
ColosseumThe Collectors ColosseumIsland Records 410.0101972
Colosseum IIStrange New FleshLup Som 2L5.40021987
ColoursColoursRGE XRLP-62181969
CornucopiaFull HornSabado Som 6101974
Country Joe McDonaldRock And Roll Music From The Planet EarthFantasy F-95441978
CovenBlood On The SnowTapecar LP-BDS-5614197X
Crabby AppletonCrabby AppletonEpic 440591970
Crabby AppletonGo BackEpic 660781970
CrawlerCrawlerEpic 1442271978
Crazy ElephantCrazy ElephantOdeon MOFB 90021970
Crazy ElephantGimme Gimme Good Lovin' / Dark Part Of My MindOdeon 7-BT-191969
Crazy ElephantGimme Gimme Good Lovin' / Dark Part Of My MindOdeon 7BT-191969
Crazy ElephantGimme Gimme Good Lovin' EPOdeon 7BTD-2.0071969
Crazy ElephantGimme Some More / My Baby (Honey Pie)Odeon 7BT-301970
Crazy HorseLooseReprise Records RLLP-2.0101972
Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, TheFire - Fogo / Rest Cure = Cura Por DescansoPolydor FC 126.0051968
CreamDisraeli GearsPolydor LPG 624.0091968
CreamGoodbyePolydor LPG 624.0161969
CreamGoodbyePolydor 23832541973
CreamWheels Of FirePolyGram 24791601980
CreamLive Cream Volume IIPolydor 2383119197X
CreamPop History Vol. 1Polydor 2494-1011972
CreamSunshine Of Your LovePolydor FC 126.0061968
CreamSunshine Of Your LovePolydor FC 126.0061968
CreamCrossroads/Passing The TimePolydor FC 126.0081969
CreamBadge / What A BringdownPolydor 2058 2851973
Creamcheeze Good-time Band, TheHome Cookin'MCA Records 4-07-404-0831974
Creation Of SunlightCreation Of SunlightPirate Records 660.005197X
Creedence - The GolliwogsPre-CreedenceFantasy/​Top Tape 504.71471980
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCreedence Clearwater RevivalUnited Artists Recs. S-UA 20120198X
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCreedence Clearwater RevivalUnited Artists Recs. S-UA 20120/​SUA-8382198X
Creedence Clearwater RevivalBayou CountryLiberty FLP-350701969
Creedence Clearwater RevivalBayou CountryFantasy 204.50011972
Creedence Clearwater RevivalBayou CountryFantasy 813 628-1 11983
Creedence Clearwater RevivalBayou CountryFantasy 813 628-1 11985
Creedence Clearwater RevivalGreen RiverLiberty FLP-350741969
Creedence Clearwater RevivalGreen RiverFantasy 204.50021972
Creedence Clearwater RevivalGreen RiverFantasy 813 629-1 01983
Creedence Clearwater RevivalGreen RiverFantasy 813 629-1 01988
Creedence Clearwater RevivalWilly And The Poor BoysLiberty FLP-350801970
Creedence Clearwater RevivalWilly And The Poor BoysFantasy 813 630-1 61983
Creedence Clearwater RevivalWilly And The Poor BoysFantasy 813 630-1 61985
Creedence Clearwater RevivalWilly And The Poor BoysFantasy 813 630-1 61987
Creedence Clearwater RevivalWilly And The Poor BoysFantasy 813 630-1 61988
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCosmo's FactoryLiberty FLP-350871970
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCosmo's FactoryFantasy 204.50041972
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCosmo's FactoryFantasy F-84021979
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCosmo's FactoryFantasy 811775-141983
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCosmo's FactoryFantasy 811775-141988
Creedence Clearwater RevivalPendulumLiberty FSP-350931971
Creedence Clearwater RevivalPendulumLiberty FSP-350931971
Creedence Clearwater RevivalPendulumFantasy 811774-151983
Creedence Clearwater RevivalMardi GrasFantasy 204.50061972
Creedence Clearwater RevivalMardi GrasFantasy 813 627-1 21983
Creedence Clearwater RevivalMardi GrasFantasy 813627-1 21988
Creedence Clearwater RevivalThe ConcertSom Livre 2037-11995
Creedence Clearwater RevivalThe Royal Albert Hall ConcertFantasy 504.71601981
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCreedence GoldFantasy 204.50081973
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCreedence GoldFantasy 204.50081973
Creedence Clearwater RevivalGrandes SucessosFantasy/​Polygram 826 023-11985
Creedence Clearwater RevivalGala 79 Apresenta O Melhor DeGala 408.60271979
Creedence Clearwater RevivalO Melhor DeSom Livre 404.71741982
Creedence Clearwater RevivalFortunate SonLiberty FCD-450551969
Creedence Clearwater RevivalBad Moon Rising / Lodi / Proud Mary / Walk On The WaterLiberty FCD-450491969
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCreedence Clearwater Revival EPLiberty FCD-450631971
Creedence Clearwater RevivalSweet Hitch-Hiker / Door To DoorLiberty FC-550821971
Creedence Clearwater RevivalSomeday Never ComesFantasy 201.50081972
Creedence Clearwater RevivalHave You Ever Seen The RainFantasy 202.50041975
Creedence Clearwater RevivalI Heard It Through The GrapevineFantasy 202.50051976
Creedence Clearwater RevivalO Melhor DeFantasy FCD-2351978
Creedence Clearwater RevivalO Melhor DeFantasy FCD-2351978
Critters, TheCrittersProject 3 Recs S-PJ 800251969
Crosby, Stills & NashCrosby, Stills & NashATCO Records ALP 605.0251969
Crosby, Stills & NashCrosby, Stills & NashAtlantic 80.0001979
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungDeja-VuATCO Records ALP 605.0361970
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungDeja-VuAtlantic 30.0161977
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungDeja-VuAtlantic 670.9176198X
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young4 Way StreetATCO Records 2400 1321971
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young4 Way StreetAtlantic 30.058/​91978
Crosby & NashWind on the WaterPolydor 2310 4281976
Crosby & NashWhistling Down The WirePolydor ABCD-956/​2310 4681976
Crosby, Stills & NashCSNAtlantic 30.0281977
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungSo FarAtlantic SD 191191979
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungOhioATCO Records ACS 205.0371970
CrowCrow MusicFermata FB2891970
CrowCrow MusicFermata FB2891970
CrowMosaicImporta /​ Som SFB 3391971
CrowSlow Down / SatisfiedYoung FB 33 3821970
Cuff Links, TheThe Cuff LinksMCA Records MAPS 34671970
CrucisLos Delirios Del MariscalRCA 107.70571977
Curved AirCurved Air LiveLondon Records DML 30091975
Curved AirCurved Air LiveDeram DML-30091975
D.D. Daugherty DawnTimeless TimeRed Bird Records 401.40031973
Dalton & DubarriSuccess & FailureABC/​Phonodisc ABCD-9641976
Damnation Of Adam BlessingThe Second DamnationUnited Artists UALP-117991970
Damnation Of Adam BlessingThe Second DamnationUnited Artists Records S-UA 200991970
Damnation Of Adam BlessingBack To The RiverUnited Artists Records 1376197X
Damnation Of Adam BlessingFingers On A WindmillUnited Artists Records 80131971
Dan McCaffertyDan McCaffertyVertigo 6370 4091975
Danyel GerardAtmosphereCBS 1440821971
Das Waldemar Wunderbar SyndikatI Make You Feel GoodTelefunken 6.22656 AS1977
Dave CarlsenPale HorseBeverly LPSP-9.0671973
Dave MasonAlone TogetherOdeon SMOFB 4381970
Dave MasonAlone TogetherOdeon MOFB 4381970
Dave MasonHeadkeeperYoung 304.00291972
Dave MasonLet It FlowCBS 1380441978
Dave MasonThe Best Of Dave MasonBlue Thumb Records 304.00431974
Dave MasonVery Best Of Dave MasonABC Blue Thumb 6.31-404-0071979
David BowieSpace OddityEMI 066 791835 11990
David BowieThe Man Who Sold The WorldEMI 066 791837 11990
David BowieHunky DoryEMI 066 791843 11990
David BowieThe Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From MarsRCA Victor 104.40301972
David BowieThe Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From MarsEMI 066 794400 11990
David BowieAladdin SaneRCA Victor 104.40341973
David BowiePinupsRCA Victor 104.40421974
David BowiePinupsEMI 066 794767 11990
David BowieDavid LiveRCA Victor 111 40031974
David BowieDavid LiveEMI 166 795363 11990
David BowieDiamond DogsRCA Victor 104.40531974
David BowieDiamond DogsEMI 066 795211 1/​795211 11990
David BowieYoung AmericansRCA Victor 104.40661975
David BowieYoung AmericansEMI 796436 11991
David BowieStation To StationRCA Victor 104.40731976
David BowieStation To StationEMI 796435 11991
David BowieHeroesRCA Victor 104.40981977
David BowieLowRCA Victor 104.40871977
David BowieStageRCA Victor 111.40051978
David BowieLodgerRCA Victor 104.41311979
David BowieChangesbowieEMI 166 7941801990
David BowieStarman / Five YearsRCA Victor 991.41031973
David BowieLet's Spend The Night TogetherRCA Victor 101.40311973
David Clayton-ThomasDavid Clayton-ThomasCBS 1377801972
David Clayton-ThomasDavid Clayton-Thomas!MCA Records 600.0321972
David Clayton-ThomasDavid Clayton-ThomasRCA Victor 104 40401974
David CoverdaleNorthwindsPurple Records 31C 064 1575641986
David CrosbyIf I Could Only Remember My NameAtlantic 80.0011979
David GilmourDavid GilmourCBS 2300181978
David Wagnerd/b/a CrowImporta Som 310.10091973
Deep PurpleShades Of Deep PurpleHarvest SHVL 10481974
Deep PurpleShades Of Deep PurpleHarvest 066 104175 11989
Deep PurpleShades Of Deep PurpleHarvest SHVL 1048197X
Deep PurpleConcerto For Group And OrchestraHarvest SXHVL 10391970
Deep PurpleConcerto For Group And OrchestraHarvest SXHVL 10391974
Deep PurpleThe Book Of TaliesynHarvest XHVL 10301973
Deep PurpleIn RockHarvest XHVL-10061973
Deep PurpleIn RockHarvest 31C 064 91442 D/​?XHVL-10061985
Deep PurpleIn RockHarvest 31C 064 91442 D/​XHVL-10061988
Deep PurpleIn RockEMI 746239 11991
Deep PurpleFireballHarvest SHLV-793/​XHVL 10171972
Deep PurpleFireballOdeon SXMOFB-4561972
Deep PurpleFireballHarvest XHVL 10171972
Deep PurpleFireballHarvest 31C 064 92726D/​XHVL 10171972
Deep PurpleFireballHarvest 31C 064 92726D/​XHVL 10171987
Deep PurpleFireballEMI 746240 11991
Deep PurpleMachine HeadPurple Records XPRL 90011972
Deep PurpleMachine HeadPurple Records XPRL 90011972
Deep PurpleMachine HeadPurple Records XPRL 90011974
Deep PurpleMachine HeadPurple Recs 31C06493261D/​XPRL 90011978
Deep PurpleMachine HeadPurple Records 31C 064 93261D1978
Deep PurpleMachine HeadPurple Recs 31C06493261D/​XPRL 90011985
Deep PurpleMachine HeadPurple Records 31C 064 93261D1985
Deep PurpleMachine HeadEMI 74624211991
Deep PurpleMade in JapanPurple Records XPRL 9006/​71974
Deep PurpleMade in JapanPurple Records 31C 164 93915-6197X
Deep PurpleMade in JapanPurple Recs 31C16493915-6/​XPRL 9006-71985
Deep PurpleWho Do We Think We ArePurple Records XPRL 90021973
Deep PurpleWho Do We Think We ArePurple Records XPRL 90021974
Deep PurpleWho Do We Think We ArePurple Recs XPRL 9002/​31C06494140D1985
Deep PurpleWho Do We Think We ArePurple Records 31C 064 94140D/​XPRL 9002198X
Deep PurpleWho Do We Think We AreEMI 748237 11991
Deep PurpleBurnPurple Records SPRL-90031974
Deep PurpleBurnPurple Records 31C 064 94837/​SPRL 9003197X
Deep PurpleBurnPurple Recs 31C 064 94837/​SRLP 90031985
Deep PurpleBurnPurple Records 31C064/​94837/​SPRL 90031988
Deep PurpleBurnPurple Records SPRL-900319XX
Deep PurpleBurnEMI 792611 11991
Deep PurpleStormbringerPurple Records SPRL-90051974
Deep PurpleStormbringerPurple Records 31C 064 96004/​SPRL 90051985
Deep PurpleStormbringerPurple Rec 31C 064 96004/​SPRL 90051987
Deep PurpleStormbringerEMI 791084 11991
Deep PurpleCome Taste The BandPurple Records 31C 064 97044D/​XPRL 90081975
Deep PurpleCome Taste The BandPurple Records 31C 064 97044D1985
Deep PurpleCome Taste The BandEMI 794032 11991
Deep PurpleMade in EuropePurple Records XPRL 90091976
Deep PurpleMade in EuropePurple Rec 31C 064 98181D/​XPRL 90091985
Deep PurpleMade in EuropePurple Records 31C 064 98181 D198X
Deep PurpleIn ConcertHarvest 31C 164 64156/​71980
Deep PurpleLive in LondonHarvest 31C 064-648771982
Deep PurpleLive in LondonHarvest 31C 064 648771985
Deep PurplePowerhousePurple Records SPRL 90101977
Deep PurplePowerhousePurple Records 1C 064 600721985
Deep PurplePowerhousePurple Records 31C 064 60072/​SPRL 90101985
Deep PurplePowerhouseEMI 79122711991
Deep PurpleThe Deep Purple Singles A's & B'sHarvest 31C 064 614701978
Deep PurpleBlack NightOdeon SHAR-5020/​71-32801970
Deep PurpleFireballOdeon SHAR-50451972
Delaney & Bonnie & Friends With Eric ClaptonOn TourATCO Records 670.9327/​01280/​756790397199X
Delaney & BonnieLonesome And A Long Way From HomeATCO Records 10.0201973
DeliriumDolce AcquaImporta Som/​ Fermata 130.10071972
Demis RoussosOn The Greek Side Of My MindPhilips 6332 0121972
Demon ThorAnno 1972United Artists Records UALP 117561973
Derek And The DominosLayla And Other Assorted Love SongsPolydor 2310 0791972
Derek And The DominosLayla And Other Assorted Love SongsRSO 2671 110/​2479 162-31980
Derek and The DominosIn ConcertRSO 2 479 1011973
DetectiveIt Takes One To Know OneAtlantic 20.0291978
Dick RiversDick N'RollSom Livre SIGI-50051972
Dire StraitsDire StraitsVertigo 6360 1621979
Dire StraitsDire StraitsVertigo 6360 1621979
Dire StraitsDire StraitsVertigo 6360 1621984
Dire StraitsDire StraitsVertigo 6360 1621986
Dire StraitsDire StraitsVertigo 6360 1621988
Dire StraitsDire StraitsVertigo 800 051-11988
Dire StraitsCommuniqu‚Vertigo 6360 1701979
Dire StraitsCommuniqu‚Vertigo 6360 1701984
Dire StraitsCommuniqu‚Vertigo 6360 170198X
Dire StraitsCommuniqu‚Vertigo 800052-1198X
Dire StraitsSultans Of SwingVertigo 6059 2061979
Dirty TricksDirty TricksPolydor 2383 3511975
DiscipleCome And See Us As We Are!AVCO Embassy AVLP-7.0161971
Dizzy Man's BandShockingHarvest 31 C 006-246681973
Don Harrison Band, TheThe Don Harrison BandAtlantic 20.0071976
DonovanBarabajagalEpic 440471969
DonovanOpen RoadEpic/​CBS 440611970
DonovanCosmic WheelsEpic EPC 1441051973
DonovanDonovanRAK 31C 064 992941977
Doobie Brothers, TheToulouse StreetWarner Bros. Records WBLP-5.0271973
Doobie Brothers, TheThe Captain And MeWarner Bros. Records WBLP-50411973
Doobie Brothers, TheWhat Were Once Vices Are Now HabitsWBLP 3-01-404-035/​5.0591974
Doobie Brothers, TheWhat Were Once Vices Are Now HabitsWarner Bros. WBLP-5.0591974
Doobie Brothers, TheStampedeWarner Bros. Records BS 28351975
Doobie Brothers, TheTakin' It To The StreetsWarner Bros. Records 36.0011976
Doobie Brothers, TheMinute By MinuteWarner Bros. Records 36.1011978
Doobie Brothers, TheBest Of The DoobiesWarner Bros. 26.012/​BS 2978/​301.404.1341977
Doobie Brothers, TheBest Of The DoobiesWarner Bros. 670.80531989
Doobie Brothers, TheListen To The MusicWarner Bros. Records 3-01-201-0071975
Doobie Brothers, TheToulouse StreetWarner Bros. Records WBCD 60041973
Doors, TheLight My FireElektra EKLP 65.0001968
Doors, TheStrange DaysElektra 82.0001979
Doors, TheAbsolutely LiveElektra 675.0001/​32.087-881987
Doors, TheMorrison HotelEpic EK-750071970
Doors, TheMorrison HotelElektra - 82.0151983
Doors, TheMorrison HotelElektra - 610.788/​320851986
Doors, TheMorrison HotelElektra 670.91331990
Doors, TheL.A. WomanElektra 650021971
Doors, TheL.A. WomanElektra 670.00861987
Doors, TheOther VoicesElektra/​Stax 65 0031971
Doors, TheOther VoicesContinental ELLP-515/​Elektra EKS 750171973
Doors, TheFull CircleElektra ELLP-5111972
Doors, TheAbsolutely LiveElektra 22.0021977
Doors, The - Jim Morrison MusicAn American PrayerElektra 32.0321978
Doors, TheAlive, She CriedElektra 22.0851983
Doors, TheAlive, She CriedElektra 670.9301197X
Doors, TheAlive, She CriedElektra 670.9301198X
Doors, TheMusic From The Original Motion PictureElektra 670.93181991
Doors, TheThe Best Of DoorsElektra 3-03-404-0211975
Doors, TheThe Best Of The DoorsElektra 675.80241985
Doors, TheHello, I Love You (Alo Eu Te Amo)Elektra EKCS 15.0001968
Doors, TheRunnin' BlueEpic 220301969
Doors, TheYou Make Me RealEpic 660731970
Doors, TheLove Her MadlyElektra EKCS 15.0061971
Doors, TheRiders On The StormElektra EKCS 15.0111971
Doors, TheGet Up And Dance / TreetrunkElektra ELCS-15.0091972
Doors, TheShips With SailsElektra ELCS-15.0041972
Doors, TheThe MosquitoElektra ELCS 15.0141972
Doors, TheThe Best Of The DoorsElektra 92.000/​3-03-201-0061976
Doug Sahm And BandDoug Sahm And BandATCO ATLP-72541973
Dr. FeelgoodDown By The JettyUnited Artists Records UALP119941975
Dr. FeelgoodMalpracticeUnited Artists Records UALP120411976
Dr. FeelgoodStupidityUnited Artists Records UALP 121221976
Dr. FeelgoodBe Seeing YouUnited Artists Records UALP 121971977
Dr. HookMakin' Love And MusicCapitol Records 064 851561977
Dr. HookPleasure & PainCapitol Records 31C 064 857591978
Dr. HookSometimes You WinCapitol Records 31C 064 860351979
DruidToward The SunEMI SHVL 10351975
DruidFluid DruidEMI SHVL-10431976
DschinnDschinnSabado Som BLPS-191201975
Duane AllmanAn AnthologyAtlas 2659 0351983
DuffyJust In Case You're Interested...RCA Victor 104.70351975
DuffyJust In Case You're InterestedCentral Park Tapes CPLS 33.3031978
Duke & The DriversRollin' OnABC Records ABCD-942/​6-26-404-0421976
Duke Of Burlington, TheFlashMusidisc GU-MD-22231969
Dunn & RubiniDiggin' ItProdigal P6-100131977
Dwight Twilley BandRock 'n' Roll Volume 5Philips 6299 0311977
Eagles, TheOn The BorderAsylum Records ASYLP-50.0061974
Eagles, TheOne Of These NightsAsylum Records 3-06-404-0111975
Eagles, TheHotel CaliforniaAsylum Records 32.0081977
Eagles, TheHotel CaliforniaAsylum Records 32.008198X
Eagles, TheHotel CaliforniaElektra 670.9116198X
Eagles, TheThe Long RunAsylum Records 42.0031979
Eagles, TheThe Long RunElektra Entertainment 670.93001992
Eagles, TheTheir Greatest Hits 1971-1975Asylum Records 3-06-404-0121976
Easybeats, TheFriday On My MindUnited Artists Records UAM-200141967
Easy StreetEasy StreetPolydor 2383 4151977
Eddie And The Hot RodsTeenage DepressionIsland Records 9127 0041977
Eden RoseOn The Way To EdenEbrau LPEBK-33507/​Katema KA 33 5071970
Edgar Winter Group, TheThey Only Come Out At NightEpic 1441081972
Edgar Winter Group, TheShock TreatmentEpic 1441261974
Edgar Winter's White TrashRecycledEpic 144.839197X
EkseptionThe Best Of EkseptionPhilips 6423 0571973
EkseptionReflectionFontana 9199 3861977
EkseptionThe 5th / AriaPhilips 139.0561970
El AmorLoveCapitol Records ST 300101973
El ChicanoViva TiradoMCA Records MAP/​S-31221970
El ChicanoRevolucionMCA Records MAP/​S-44951971
El ChicanoCincoMCA records MCALP 600.0721974
Electric Light OrchestraThe Electric Light OrchestraHarvest QHVL/​SQVL-10141973
Electric Light OrchestraELO 2Harvest SHVL 806/​XHVL-10021973
Electric Light OrchestraOn The Third DayUnited Artists Records UALP-121721973
Electric Light OrchestraOn The Third DayWarner Bros. Records WBLP-50651974
Electric Light OrchestraEldorado - A SymphonyHarmony 1480031974
Electric Light OrchestraEldorado - A SymphonyUnited Artists Records UALP 121731975
Electric Light OrchestraEldorado - A SymphonyWarner Bros. Records 3-01-404-0631975
Electric Light OrchestraFace The MusicPolydor 2310 4141975
Electric Light OrchestraFace The MusicUnited Artists Records UALP121741975
Electric Light OrchestraA New World RecordUnited Artists Records UALP 120771976
Electric Light OrchestraOut Of The BlueUnited Artists Records UALP 12192/​931977
Electric Light OrchestraDiscoveryCBS 230.0281979
Electric Light OrchestraThe Light Shines OnHarvest SHVL 10471977
Electric Light OrchestraOs Melhores MomentosEpic 144.4351979
Electric Light OrchestraOs Melhores MomentosEpic 144.4351979
Electric Light OrchestraCan't Get It Out Of My HeadWarner Bros. Records 3-01-101-0601975
Electric Light OrchestraA New World RecordUnited Artists UACD-37681976
Electric Light OrchestraA New World RecordUnited Artists Records - UACD 37681976
Electric Light OrchestraLivin' ThingUnited Artists/​Jet Records UACS-16291976
Electric Light OrchestraLivin' ThingUnited Artists/​Jet Records UACS-16291976
Electric Light OrchestraShine A Little LoveCBS ZS8 5057/​340541979
Electric Prunes, TheMissa Em F MenorReprise Records RLP 77.0151968
Electric Prunes, TheMissa Em F MenorReprise Records RLP 77.0151968
Electric Prunes, TheI Had Too Much Too Dream (Last Night) / Luvin'Reprise Records 05321967
Elephant's MemoryTake It To The StreetsMetromedia Records MMLP-35.0141971
Elephant's MemoryMongooseMetromedia Records MMCS-15.0121970
EloyInsideHarvest XHVL-10281973
EloyPower And The PassionHarvest SXHVL 10441975
EloyLiveHarvest 166 7485031988
EloyDawnEMI/​Harvest 066 79112911988
Elvin BishopStruttin' My StuffCapricorn Records 2429 1361976
Embryo Featuring Charlie MarianoWe Keep OnBASF 20 21865-11973
Emerson, Lake & PalmerEmerson, Lake & PalmerAtlantic 3-17-404-0081975
Emerson, Lake & PalmerEmerson, Lake & PalmerAtlantic 80.008198X
Emerson, Lake & PalmerPictures At An ExhibitionATCO Records ATLP-0031972
Emerson, Lake & PalmerPictures At An ExhibitionAtlantic 20.0451979
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTarkusATCO Records 2401.0161971
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTarkusAtlantic 3-17-404-0141975
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTarkusAtlantic 20.0391979
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTarkusAtlantic 20.0391983
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTarkusAtlantic 670.9337/​012901991
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTrilogyATCO Records ATLP 0201972
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTrilogyATCO/​Continental 3-02-404-0071973
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTrilogyATCO 3-02-404-007 ATLP 020197X
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTrilogyAtlantic 604.7006/​20.0351982
Emerson, Lake & PalmerTrilogy (Serie Discoteca Basica)Atlantic 670.9189198X
Emerson, Lake & PalmerBrain Salad SurgeryContinental 3-02-404-0401974
Emerson, Lake & PalmerBrain Salad SurgeryATCO Records ATLP 0601974
Emerson, Lake & PalmerBrain Salad SurgeryAtlantic 20.0401979
Emerson, Lake & PalmerBrain Salad SurgeryAtlantic/​ATCO/​Manticore 604.7012197X
Emerson, Lake & PalmerBrain Salad SurgeryAtlantic 670.92661980
Emerson, Lake & PalmerWelcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never EndsATCO Records 3-02-404-063/​4/​51974
Emerson, Lake & PalmerWelcome Back My Friends...Atlantic 25.001/​2/​31978
Emerson, Lake & PalmerWelcome Back, My Friends, To The Show That Never EndsATCO Records ATLP-083/​4/​51974
Emerson, Lake & PalmerWorks Volume 1Atlantic 317-404-096/​971977
Emerson, Lake & PalmerWorks Volume 1Atlantic 30.019/​20, 317-404-096/​971977
Emerson, Lake & PalmerWorks Volume 1Atlantic 675.40011987
Emerson, Lake & PalmerWorks Volume 2Atlantic 40.0011977
Emerson, Lake & PalmerLove BeachAtlantic 30.0901978
Emerson, Lake & PalmerIn ConcertAtlantic 30.1191979
Emerson, Lake & PalmerNutrocker / The Great Gates Of KievATCO Records 20911951972
Emerson, Lake & PalmerWatching Over YouAtlantic 10.0521978
Eno (Brian Eno)Here Come The Warm JetsIsland Records 410.0421974
Eno (Brian Eno)Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)Island Records ILPS 93091974
Equipe 84StereoequipeDischi Ricordi S.p.A. 83-80591969
Eric Burdon & The AnimalsSan Franciscan NightsMGM Records 31.0041968
Eric Burdon & The AnimalsWinds Of ChangeAtlas 2391 2931983
Eric Burdon And The AnimalsLove IsMGM Records LP 310091969
Eric BurdonEric Burdon Declares WARPolydor LPG 624.0431970
Eric Burdon Band, TheSun SecretsCapitol Records ST-113591974
Eric Burdon Band, TheStopCapitol SMAS-114261975
Eric Burdon/WarLove Is All AroundABC Records ABC 6.26-404.0551977
Eric BurdonSurvivorPolyGram/​Polydor 2310 5771977
Eric Burdon & The AnimalsPop History Vol 6MGM Records 30.0311972
Eric ClaptonEric ClaptonRSO 2394 1861980
Eric ClaptonEric ClaptonRSO 2394 1531984
Eric ClaptonEric ClaptonRSO 2394 1531984
Eric ClaptonEric Clapton's Rainbow ConcertRSO 2394 1161974
Eric Clapton461 Ocean BoulevardRSO 2394 1381974
Eric Clapton461 Ocean BoulevardRSO 2394 1381990
Eric ClaptonE.C. Was HereRSO 2394 1601975
Eric ClaptonThere's One In Every CrowdRSO 2394 1471975
Eric ClaptonNo Reason To CryRSO 2394 172198X
Eric ClaptonSlowhandRSO 2394 1961978
Eric ClaptonSlowhandRSO 2394 1961990
Eric ClaptonBacklessRSO 2394 2131979
Eric ClaptonBacklessRSO 2394 2131979
Eric ClaptonBacklessRSO 2394 2131985
Eric ClaptonCrossroads (6 box set)Polydor 835 261-11988
Eric ClaptonCrossroads (6 box set)Polydor 835 261-11989
Eric ClaptonO Rock de Eric ClaptonPolyfar 82148811985
Eric ClaptonPop History Vol 9Polydor 2668 0011972
Eric ClaptonPop History Vol 9Polyfar 2494 1031972
Eric ClaptonThe Cream Of Eric ClaptonPolydor 84393611987
Eric ClaptonThe Early Clapton CollectionEst£dio Eldorado LP 3.0671988
Eric ClaptonTime Pieces - The Best Of Eric ClaptonRSO 2394 3031982
Eric ClaptonI Shot The Sheriff / Give Me StrengthRSO 2090 1321974
Eric ClaptonI Shot The SheriffRSO 2252 1131975
Eric MercuryElectric Black ManAVCO Embassy AVLP-7.0031970
Eric Quincy TateDrinking Man's FriendWarner Bros. WBLP 501919721972
EsperantoEsperanto Rock OrchestraA&M Records SA&MX 21051973
EsperantoLast TangoA and M Records 21251975
Everyday PeopleEveryday PeopleRGE 304.00311972
ExumaExumaMercury 66.0051970
Fabulous PoodlesFabulous PoodlesChantecler 4.14-404-0861978
FacesA Nod's As Good As A Wink...To A Blind HorseWarner Bros. Records 85.0071972
FacesOoh La LaWarner Bros. Records WBLP-50431973
Fairy TaleStory With No End / StreetnoisePhilips 6075 1231971
FancyWild ThingAtlantic 3-17-404-0041975
FamilyBurlesqueReprise RLCS 40151972
FannyFanny HillReprise Records RLLP-2.0061972
FannyRock And Roll SurvivorsCasablanca CBLP 90851975
FannyCharity BallReprise Records RCS 170501971
FannyWonderful Feeling / Rock Bottom BluesReprise Records RLCS 40101972
FannyI've Had ItCasablanca CBCS-2631974
Far East Family BandNipponjin - Join Our Mental Phase SoundVertigo 6370 8501976
Faragher Bros, TheThe Faragher BrothersABC Records 6-26-404-0311976
FirefallFirefallAtlantic 3-17-404-076/​20.0151976
Five Americans, TheProgressionsCopacabana/​Abnak AMLP 25002196X
Five Americans, TheWestern Union Sound Of LoveAbnak AMLP-250011970
Five Americans, TheWestern Union / Now That It's OverCopacabana K-1312196X
Flame, TheSee The LightOdeon 7 ID 41751971
Flaming EmberSunshineHot Wax HA 705196X
FlashIn The CanHarvest ?XHVL-10111972
FlashOut Of Our HandsHarvest XHVL 10261973
Fleetwood MacPeter Green's Fleetwood MacEpic 1442291978
Fleetwood MacPeter Green's Fleetwood MacEpic 177 0731988
Fleetwood MacBare TreesReprise Records R.L.L.P.20091973
Fleetwood MacBare Trees (Serie Discoteca Basica)Reprise Records 759927240-1/​670.91321989
Fleetwood MacPenguinReprise Records RLLP 2.0351973
Fleetwood MacFleetwood MacReprise Records 24.0001976
Fleetwood MacFleetwood Mac (Rock Story)Warner Bros. 86.013198X
Fleetwood MacRumoursWarner Bros. Records 36.0201977
Fleetwood MacRumoursWarner Bros. Records 670.41831988
Fleetwood MacRumoursWarner Bros. Records 36.020198X
Fleetwood MacTuskWarner Bros. Records 46.003/​46.0041979
Fleetwood MacFleetwood MacEpic 220291969
FlockInside OutMercury 63385761975
FluddFluddWarner Bros. Records WBLP-50181972
Flying Machine, TheDown To Earth With The Flying MachinePye/​Hi-Fi/​Musidisc 2.2161970
Flying Machine, TheDown To Earth With The Flying MachinePye PLP-150.0091972
FocusFocus 3Polydor 2310 2651973
FocusFocus 3Polydor 2310 2651973
FocusHamburger ConcertoPolydor 2383 2841974
FocusMoving WavesPolydor 23101501974
FocusMoving WavesPolydor 23101501974
FocusMoving WavesPolydor 2310 1501986
FocusAt The RainbowPolydor 2383 2291975
FocusAt The RainbowEMI 31C 064 24939D1979
FocusAt The RainbowEMI 31C 064 24939D1985
FocusMother FocusPolydor 2310 4081975
FocusShip Of MemoriesEMI EMC 80461976
Focus Con ProbyFocus Con ProbyEMI EMC 80601977
Focus Con ProbyFocus Con ProbyEMI 064 7483391987
FocusFocus On FocusEMI 31C 064 262331979
FocusPop Giants, Vol. 2Polyfar 2494 1091974
FocusThe Greatest Rock Sensation Vol. 4Polyfar 2494 3291976
FocusHamburger ConcertoPolydor 22291551975
FocusHouse Of The King/SylviaPolydor 20014221973
FoghatFoghatContinental WBLP-5.0211972
FoghatFoghatWarner Bros. Records WBLP1973
FoghatEnergizedWarner Bros/​Continental WBLP-5.0641974
FoghatRock And Roll OutlawsWarner Bros. 3-01-404-0681975
FoghatFool For The CityWarner Bros. Records 3-01-404-0861977
FoghatNight ShiftWarner Bros. Records 36.0181977
FoghatLiveWarner Bros. Records 36.0461977
FoghatStone BlueWarner Bros. Records 36.0711978
FoghatI Just Want To Make Love To You / Fool For The CityWarner Bros. Records 16.0521977
ForeignerForeignerAtlantic ST-a 7738101977
ForeignerDouble VisionAtlantic 30.0701978
ForeignerHead GamesAtlantic 30.1141979
Formula 3Sognando E RisognandoRCA Victor 104.70151972
Formula 3AeternumRCA Victor 991.71031972
Forum QuorumYour Turn To Cry / No More TearsDecca 011-0181968
Forum Quorum, TheThe Forum QuorumDecca 012.0931968
FoxFoxGTO 2321 1011975
Frank ZappaCruising With Ruben & The JetsVerve Records VELP.780071969
Frank ZappaCruising With Ruben & The JetsVerve Records VELP 78.0071969
Frank ZappaHot RatsReprise/​Bizarre 84.0021979
Frank ZappaHot RatsReprise/​Bizarre 84.0021982
Frank ZappaFillmore East - June 1971Reprise/​Bizarre RLPS 97.0051971
Frank ZappaFillmore East - June 1971Reprise/​Bizarre RLPS 97.0051971
Frank ZappaFillmore East June-1971WEA 28.026/​Warner Bros. MS 20421979
Frank ZappaJust Another Band From L.A.Reprise Records RLLP-2.0011972
Frank ZappaThe Grand WazooReprise Records RLPP-20201973
Frank ZappaOver-Nite SensationReprise Records RLLP-2.0441974
Frank ZappaOver-Nite SensationWarner Bros. 36.1461980
Frank ZappaWaka / Jawaka - Hot RatsReprise Records MS 2094/​RLLP 20341973
Frank ZappaApostrophe (')Reprise Records 3-04-404-0371975
Frank ZappaOne Size Fits AllReprise Records DS 22161975
Frank ZappaZoot AlluresWarner Bros. BS 29701977
Frank ZappaStudio TanWarner Bros. Records 36.0961978
Frank ZappaZappa In New YorkWarner Bros. 36.059/​601978
Frank ZappaSheik YerboutiEMI 31C 164 260810/​111986
Frank ZappaSleep DirtWarner Bros. 36.1071979
Frank Zappa/Mothers of InventionPregnantVerve Records 2304 0721972
Frank ZappaPop History Vol 7MGM Records 30 0321972
Freddie KingGetting Ready...Philips 6369 1021973
Freddie KingWoman Across The RiverPhilips 6369 1151973
Freddie KingBurglarRSO 23941401975
Freddie KingLarger Than LifeRSO 2394 1631976
FreeFree LiveIsland Records 410.004/​43061972
FreeFree At LastIsland Records 4100151972
FreeFree At LastPickwick SPC-37061979
FreeFree At LastIsland Records 201549198X
FreeHeartbreakerIsland Records 4100191973
FreeA Little Bit Of LoveIsland Records 1100071972
FreeAll Right NowPhilips CS1390661970
FreeStealerPhilips 6068.0291971
FreedomThrough The YearsVertigo 6360 0491971
FreedomFreedom, BabyLondon Records LLN-7253-S1972
Fresh AirFresh AirImporta Som/​ Amaret SFB 3521972
Frijid PinkThe House Of The Rising Sun / Drivin' BluesLondon Records 7L-60661970
Frijid PinkSing A Song For Freedom / End Of The LineLondon Records CL 78091970
FrumpyBy The WayVertigo 6360 6041972
FunkadelicFree Your Mind And Your Ass Will FollowTop Tape WB 20011971
FunkadelicMaggot BrainTop Tape WB 20071971
Gangsters Of LoveGangsters Of LoveCapitol Records ST-112371974
Gary GlitterGlitterBell Records 2308 0481973
Gary GlitterTouch MeBell Records 2308 0621973
Gary GlitterRemember Me This WayBell Records BELLS 2371974
Gary GlitterG. G.Bell Records BLL 360081975
Gary GlitterSilver StarArista ARL 330431977
Gary GlitterGary GlitterBell Records 22130421973
Gary GlitterI Didn't Know I Loved You (Till I Saw You Rock And Roll)Bell Records 2008117/​GTO 2099 1991972
Gary GlitterRock 'n' Roll Volume 3GTO 2206 1021977
Gary WrightGary Wright's ExtractionA&M 20771971
Gary WrightThe Dream WeaverWarner Bros. 26.0001976
Gary WrightTouch And GoneWarner Bros. BSK 31371977
Gary WrightThe Light Of SmilesWarner BS 29511977
Gas MaskTheir First AlbumTonsil Records ?? T-40011970
Geff Harrison BandTogetherYoung 30411331978
Geff Harrison BandRed Sky Tonight / Lightning Strikes Twice Every NightYoung 301.11531978
Gene SimmonsGene SimmonsCasablanca 9128 0111979
GenesisIn The BeginningLondon Records LLN 7298-S1974
GenesisIn The Beginning (From Genesis To Revelation)London Records LLN 7298-S197X
GenesisTresspassCharisma 63699051975
GenesisNursery CrimeCharisma 6369 9161972
GenesisNursery CrymeCharisma 6369 9161976
GenesisNursery CrimeCharisma 6369-916-A1985
GenesisNursery Cryme (Pop Giants Vol. 22)Charisma 6393 9061976
GenesisFoxtrotCharisma 6369 9221973
GenesisFoxtrotCharisma 6369 9221985
GenesisFoxtrotCharisma 6369 922198X
GenesisLiveCharisma 6369 9421973
GenesisLiveCharisma 6369 942197X
GenesisLiveCharisma 6369 942197X
GenesisSelling England By The PoundCharisma 6369 9441974
GenesisSelling England By The PoundCharisma 6369 944197X
GenesisSelling England By The PoundCharisma 6369 9441982
GenesisSelling England By The PoundCharisma 6369 9441985
GenesisThe Lamb Lies Down On BroadwayCharisma 9299 257/​81975
GenesisThe Lamb Lies Down On BroadwayCharisma 9299 257/​81984
GenesisThe Lamb Lies Down On BroadwayVirgin 124.80011989
GenesisThe Lamb Lies Down On BroadwayVirgin/​Charisma 166 4270521990
GenesisA Trick Of The TailCharisma 63699741976
GenesisA Trick Of The TailCharisma 63699741980
GenesisA Trick Of The TailCharisma 63699741982
GenesisWind & WutheringCharisma 9124 0031977
GenesisWind & WutheringVirgin 066 427046-11989
GenesisWind & WutheringVirgin/​Charisma 066 427046 1198X
GenesisWind & WutheringCharisma 9124 003198X
GenesisSeconds OutCharisma 9199440/​411977
GenesisSeconds OutVirgin 122.8001/​77280011987
GenesisSeconds OutVirgin 166 427043 11990
Genesis... And Then There Were Three...Charisma 9124 0231978
Genesis... And Then There Were Three...Charisma 9124 0231985
GenesisRock Theatre (Serie Reflection 6)Fontana 9199 3871977
GenesisIn ConcertSom Livre 404.70861977
GenesisIn ConcertSom Livre 404.70861977
GenesisIn ConcertSom Livre 404.70861979
GenesisI Know What I LikeCharisma 6228 2021975
GenesisI Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)Charisma/​Phonogram 6073 3951977
GenesisThe Lamb Lies Down On BroadwayCharisma 6228 2031975
GenesisYour Own Special WayCharisma 6073 3961977
Gentle GiantAcquiring The TasteVertigo 6360 0411975
Gentle GiantThree FriendsVertigo 6360 0701972
Gentle GiantThe Power And The GloryVertigo 6366 1051974
Gentle GiantFree HandChrysalis 6307 6561975
Gentle GiantFree HandChrysalis 6307 5561975
Gentle GiantInterviewChrysalis 6307 5751976
Gentle GiantPlaying The FoolChrysalis 6641 6211977
Gentle GiantPlaying The FoolChrysalis 6307 595/​6307 5961977
Gentle GiantThe Missing PieceChrysalis 6307 6041977
Gentle GiantGiant For A DayChrysalis 6307 6361979
GeordieHope You Like ItEMI EMC 80011973
GeordieDon't Be Fooled By The NameEMI XEMC-80091974
GeordieDon't Do ThatPath‚ S7PT-15.0031973
GeordieShe's A TeaserEMI 40361974
GeordieTreat Her Like A Lady / House Of The Rising SunRCA 101.82041981
George HarrisonWonderwall (O Muro das Maravilhas)Apple Records SAPCOR-11969
George HarrisonWonderwall (O Muro das Maravilhas)Apple Records APCOR-11969
George HarrisonAll Things Must PassApple Records TCH 6391971
George HarrisonAll Things Must PassApple Records 31C 166 04707/​91981
George HarrisonAll Things Must PassApple Records 31C 166 04707/​8/​91988
George HarrisonLiving In The Material WorldApple Records SBTX-10261973
George HarrisonDark HorseApple Records XBTL-10331974
George HarrisonExtra Texture (Read All About It)Apple Records SBTL-10351975
George HarrisonThirty Three & 1/3Dark Horse Records 66.0001977
George HarrisonGeorge HarrisonDark Horse Records 361061979
Geronimo BlackGeronimo BlackMCA Recs MCALP 600 0331972
GilaGilaBASF 20 21109-61971
Ginger BakerPop History, Vol. 10Polyfar 24941041972
Glass Bottle, TheThe Glass BottleAVCO Embassy AVLP-70081970
Glass Bottle, TheI Ain't Got Time AnymoreAVCO Embassy AVSLP 8.0031972
Glass Bottle, TheSorry SuzanneAVCO Embassy/​Continental AVLD-16.0041970
Glass HarpSynergyMCA Records MAP/​S-52621971
Glass HarpIt Makes Me GladMCA Records MCALP 600.0361973
Glitter Band, TheHey!Bell Records 2308 0951974
Glitter Band, TheListen To The BandBell Records BLL 360121975
Glitter Band, TheRock 'N' Roll DudesBell Records BELLS 2531975
GoblinPreludio Para Matar (Profondo Rosso) - Trilha Sonora Original Do FilmeRCA Victor 204.44011976
Golden EarringMoontanPolydor 2925 0171973
Golden EarringMoontanPolydor 2310 2881974
Golden EarringSwitchPolydor 23103811975
Golden EarringTo The HiltPolydor 24803301976
Golden EarringRock Sensation - Volume 5Polyfar 2499 3331976
GongShamalVirgin 9124 1301977
GoodthunderGoodthunderElektra ELLP 5221973
Gordon GiltrapPerilous JourneyYoung 304.11121978
Graeme Edge Band w.Adrian GurvitzKick Off Your Muddy BootsThreshold XTHL 300061975
Graham NashSongs For BeginnersATCO Records 2401 0111971
Graham NashWild TalesATCO Records ATLP-0751974
Graham Nash / David CrosbyGraham Nash / David CrosbyAtlantic ATLP-0051972
Graham Nash / David CrosbyGraham Nash / David CrosbyAtlantic 30.1441980
Graham Parker And The RumourRock 'n' Roll Volume 4Vertigo 6276 0141977
Grand Funk RailroadOn TimeCapitol Records 31C 064 80249197X
Grand Funk RailroadGrand FunkCapitol Records 31C 064 815781978
Grand Funk RailroadCloser To HomeCapitol Records SKAO-4711971
Grand Funk RailroadLive AlbumCapitol Records 31C 164 80684/​51979
Grand Funk RailroadE Pluribus FunkCapitol Records SEW-8531972
Grand Funk RailroadE Pluribus FunkCapitol Records EW 8531972
Grand Funk RailroadE Pluribus FunkCapitol Records 31C 064 31011197X
Grand Funk RailroadSurvivalCapitol Records W-7641971
Grand Funk RailroadSurvivalCapitol Records 31C 040 807831971
Grand Funk RailroadPhoenixCapitol Records SMAS 110991972
Grand Funk RailroadWe're An American BandCapitol Records SMAS-112071973
Grand Funk RailroadAll The Girls In The World Beware!!!Capitol Records SO-113561974
Grand Funk RailroadShinin' OnCapitol Records SWAE-112781974
Grand Funk RailroadCaught In The ActEMI-Odeon SABB-114451975
Grand Funk RailroadCaught In The ActCapitol Records XSABB-114451975
Grand Funk RailroadBorn To DieCapitol Records ST 114821975
Grand Funk RailroadGood Singin' Good Playin'EMI Records EMC 80401976
Grand Funk RailroadGrand Funk HitsCapitol Records ST-115791976
Grand Funk RailroadTime Machine / High On A HorseCapitol Records 7C-11.1011970
Grand Funk RailroadFeeling Alright / Gimme ShelterCapitol Records 7C-11.1421971
Grand Funk RailroadFootstompin' Music / UpsetterCapitol Records 7C-11.1491972
Grand Funk RailroadWe're An American BandCapitol Records S7C-11.1711973
Grand Funk RailroadWe're An American BandCapitol Records S7C-11.1711973
Grand Funk RailroadShinin' OnCapitol Records EP-235611974
Grand Funk RailroadThe Loco-Motion / Destitute & Losin'Capitol Records S7C-11.1791974
Grand Funk RailroadBad Time / Good & EvilCapitol Records S7C-11.2071974
Grand Funk Railroad4 Sucessos EPCapitol Records EP-238381975
Grass Roots, TheMove AlongProbe SPOL 150331972
Grass Roots, TheGolden Grass: Their Greatest HitsOdeon MOFB 150051969
Grateful Dead, TheLive/DeadWarner Bros. Records 36.056/​396021978
Grateful Dead, TheBlues For AllahUnited Artists Records UALP 120231975
Grateful Dead, TheBlues For AllahUnited Artists Records UALP 120231975
Grateful Dead, TheTerrapin StationArista ARL-330381977
Grateful Dead, TheShakedown StreetArista 31C 064 621011978
Grateful Dead, TheSugar Magnolia / Mr. CharlieWarner Bros. Records WBCS 7.0351973
Gravy TrainClimb Aboard The Gravy Train (And Get On To A Good Thing)Pye Records 4-14-101-0641975
Greatest Show On Earth, TheHorizonsHarvest XHVL-10271970
Greatest Show On Earth, TheThe Going's EasyHarvest XHVL-10211970
GreensladeGreensladeContinental WBLP-5.0671974
GreensladeSpyglass GuestVertigo 6370 1111974
GreensladeSpyglass GuestVertigo 6370 1111975
GreensladeTime And TideVertigo 6370 1131975
GreensladeTime And TideVertigo 6370 1131975
Gregg Allman Band, ThePlayin' Up A StormCapricorn Records 2429 1521977
Griffin(What Happens) In The DarknessMGM Records 2006 0881973
Guess Who, TheWheatfield SoulRCA Victor LPM-41411969
Guess Who, TheAmerican WomanRCA Victor LPM-42661970
Guess Who, TheAmerican WomanRCA Victor LPM-42661970
Guess Who, TheShare The LandRCA Victor LSP 43591971
Guess Who, The#10RCA 104.40351973
Guess Who, TheThe Best Of The Guess WhoRCA Vik 109.40151981
Guess Who, TheAmerican WomanRCA Victor LCD-31631970
Guess Who, TheLaughingRCA Victor LCD-31501969
Guru GuruKanguruBrain/​Sabado Som OW 6081974
Guru GuruGuru GuruSabado Som OW 6111974
Guru GuruTango FangoBrain 3.49.404.0041979
GypsyGypsyMetromedia MMLP-35.010/​35.0111970
GypsyIn The GardenMetromedia Records MMLP-35.0171971
GypsyGypsy Queen - Part 2 / Here In My LonelinessMetromedia Records MMCS-150141971
HalfbreedHalfbreedUnited Artists Records UALP 120451976
HammersmithHammersmithMercury 6338 5941975
Happy FeelingHappy FeelingAVCO Embassy AVLP-7.0181971
HarbusHarbusEvolution SD-350011973
Hard HorseLet It Ride / Hang Old FreddyTop Tape CS-01281972
HarmoniaDeluxeTapecar/​Black Horse BBHX-10331975
HarmoniumL'HeptadeEpic 144265/​61978
Harpers BizarreAnything GoesWarner Bros. WLP 75.0061968
HarpoThe Hollywood TapesEMI 31C 064 354991977
Harry NilssonPussy CatsRCA Victor 110.40011974
Harry NilssonPussy CatsRCA Victor 110.40011981
Harvey Averne Barrio Band, TheRock N LatinCoco Records 3-45-404-0061978
Harvey MandelBaby BatterJanus Records JLS. 3.017197X
Hassles, TheHour Of The WolfUnited Artists Records M-UA-200571969
HawkwindWarrior On The Edge Of TimeUnited Artists UALP 120071975
Headboys, TheThe HeadboysRSO 2394 2441979
HeartLittle QueenEpic 1442041977
HeartDog & ButterflyCBS 1442401978
HeartBarracuda / Little QueenEpic 663361977
HeartDreamboat AnnieRCA 201.42021977
HelloKeeps Us Off The StreetsBell Records BLL 360151976
Helmut KoellenYou Won't See MeHarvest/​EMI 31C 064 324651977
Henry SchifterOut Of NowhereBarclay 80 4461971
Henry SchifterOut Of NowhereEbrau 404.00221972
Herb PedersenSouthwestEpic 5.01-404.0511977
Herman Brood & His Wild RomanceShpritszAriola 2024441978
Hold UpPlayin' My GuitarPolydisc 4091974
HookfootGood Times A' Comin'Importa Som SFB 50.0001972
HorslipsThe Man Who Built AmericaYoung 304.11401979
Hot TunaHot Tuna (Live At The New Orleans House)RCA Victor LPM-43531970
HotlegsSongPhilips 6308 0801972
HotlegsNeanderthal ManPhilips CS 139.0601970
HotlegsNeanderthal Man / Desperate Dan / Um Wah, Um Woh / Fly AwayPhilips 6205.0101971
Howlin' WolfThe Howlin' Wolf AlbumImporta /​ Som SMS 10.0001972
Howlin' WolfThe London Howlin' Wolf SessionsRolling Stones Records 2314 0021972
Howlin' WolfThe London Howlin' Wolf SessionsChess/​MCA 008721990
Howlin' WolfThe London Howlin' Wolf SessionsRGE 30.70191990
HudsonHudsonPlayboy Records/​Tapecar PB-1021972
Hudson BrothersHollywood SituationCasablanca cBLP 90731974
Hudson-FordNickelodeonA&M Records SA&M 21261973
Hudson-FordWorlds CollideA&M Records SA&M-21521975
Human Beinz, TheNobody But MeCapitol Records ST 29061968
Humble PieRock OnA&M Records A&M-20791971
Humble PieSmokin'A&M Records SA&M 20891972
Humble PieEat ItA&M SP3701/​SA&M 2100/​011973
Humble PieThunderboxA&M Records SA&M 21161974
Humble PieStreet RatsA&M Records SA&M 21361975
Humble PieThe Humble Pie CollectionEst£dio Eldorado 31201986
I Dik DikVolandoRifi 3-18-404-0101976
Ian Gillan BandChild In TimePolydor 2391 2321977
Ian Gillan BandClear Air TurbulenceIsland Records 202 4471977
Ian Lloyd & StoriesTraveling UndergroundTapecar KSBS 20781973
Ian MatthewsIf You Saw Thro' My EyesVertigo 6360 0341971
Ian ThomasIan ThomasTop Tape TT-0561973
Idle Race, TheThe Idle RaceLiberty FLP-350791970
Idle Race, TheIn The Summertime / Told You TwiceLiberty FC-550681970
Idle Race, TheIn The SummertimeLiberty FCD-450581970
IfNot Just Another Bunch Of Pretty FacesCapitol Records ST-112991974
Iggy PopThe IdiotRCA Victor 104.40881977
IllusionOut Of The MistIsland Records 202 476198X
IllusionIllusionIsland Records 202 555198X
Illusion, TheThe IllusionRGE Discos XRLP 62331969
Illusion, TheIf It's SoRGE Discos USALP-6.2501970
IllustrationIllustrationJanus Records JLS. 3.010197X
IllustrationThelicia / Our Love's A ChainTop Tape CS-0113197X
Incredible Bongo Band, TheBongo Rock / BongoliaMGM Records 2006 1611973
Incredible String Band, TheLiquid Acrobat As Regards The AirElektra ELLP 5031972
Incredible String Band, TheSeasons They ChangeIsland Records 301 221/​2198X
Intergalactic Touring Band, TheThe Intergalactic Touring BandEMI/​Passport 31C 064 602631977
Irish CoffeeThe Show / MasterpieceImagem IM 2031971
Iron ButterflyIn-A-Gadda-Da-VidaALP 605.029/​ATCO Records SD 33-2501968
Iron ButterflyIn-A-Gadda-Da-VidaATCO Records SD 33-2501974
Iron ButterflyIn-A-Gadda-Da-VidaAtlantic 670 9117198X
Iron ButterflyBallATCO Records ALP 605.0211969
Iron ButterflyBallATCO Records ALP 605.0211969
Iron ButterflyLiveWEA 28.0251979
Iron ButterflyScorching BeautyMCA Records 4-07-404-0951975
Iron ButterflySun and SteelMCA Records 4-07-404-1131976
Iron ButterflySearchin' Circles / Pearly GatesMCA Records 4-07-141-1031975
Iron ButterflyBeyond The Milky Way / Get It OutMCA Records 4-07-101-0591976
IronhorseIronhorseAtlantic 30.1031979
IsisIsisBuddah Records BDS-56051975
Iveys, The (Badfinger)Maybe TomorrowApple Records APPLE-51969
J. Geils Band, TheThe Morning AfterATCO Records ATLE-0091972
J. Geils Band, TheLive Full HouseATCO/​ATLP/​Continental 0301973
J. Geils Band, TheBloodshotATCO/​Continental ATLP 0571973
J. Geils Band, TheLadies InvitedAtlantic 80.0131973
J. Geils Band, TheLive - Blow Your Face OutAtlantic 20.013/​20.0141976
J. Geils Band, TheSanctuaryCapitol Records 31C 064 857371978
J.J. Band, TheThe J.J. BandRed Bird Records R.B. 7.30011971
J.J. CaleReallyPhilips 6369 1121973
J.J. CaleOkiePhilips 6369 1221974
J.J. CaleTroubadourPhilips 6369 131/​Shelter Records SRL-520021977
Jack BruceOut Of The StormRSO 2394 1431974
Jack BrucePop History Vol. 5Polyfar 2494 1021973
Jack BrucePop Giants Vol. 14Polyfar 2494 3131975
Jade WarriorReleasedVertigo 6360 0621972
Jackey Yoshikawa And His Blue CometsBlue Comets In U.S.A.Denon LPDS-70.0411970
Jackey Yoshikawa And His Blue CometsThe Best Of Blue CometsDenon LPDS-70.0271974
Jackie LomaxThreeWarner Bros. Records WBLP-5.008/​BS25911972
Jade WarriorThe Demon Trucker / SnakeVertigo 6059 0691973
James Gang, TheYer' AlbumImporta Som SFB 340-A1971
James Gang, TheLive In ConcertProbe POL-15.0241971
James Gang, TheLive In ConcertProbe POL-15.0241971
James Gang, ThePassin' ThruProbe SPOL 150371973
James Gang, TheBangATCO Records ATLP-0741974
James Gang, TheNewbornATCO Records 3-02-404-0681975
James Gang, TheThe Best Of The James Gang Featuring Joe WalshProbe ABCX-7741973
James Gang, TheMust Be Love / Got No Time For TroubleATCO Records ATCS 10.0721974
Jan AkkermanGuitar For SaleEMI EMC-80101974
Jan AkkermanProfileHarvest SHVL 10051972
Jan AkkermanJan AkkermanAtlantic 30.0871978
Jan AkkermanJan Akkerman 3WEA/​Atlantic 38.0341980
JaneTogetherSabado Som OW-6091974
JaneIIICapitol Records ST-114251975
JaneAge Of MadnessBrain 3.49.404.0051979
Janis JoplinBig Brother & The Holding Company, Destacando Janis JoplinCBS 1377621972
Janis JoplinCheap ThrillsCBS 376081969
Janis JoplinCheap ThrillsCBS 1376081978
Janis JoplinCheap ThrillsCBS 1376081978
Janis JoplinCheap ThrillsColumbia 137.608199X
Janis JoplinI Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama!CBS 376501970
Janis JoplinI Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama!Harmony 148.0891971
Janis JoplinI Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama!CBS 1376501971
Janis JoplinI Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama!CBS 1381581979
Janis JoplinPearlCBS 1377171971
Janis JoplinPearlCBS 1377171980
Janis JoplinPearlCBS 137717198X
Janis JoplinPearlCBS 137717198X
Janis JoplinPearlColumbia 137.7171991
Janis JoplinJoplin In ConcertCBS 137.783/​137.784198X
Janis JoplinJoplin In ConcertColumbia 137.783/​137.784199X
Janis JoplinJanisCBS 220001/​2200021975
Janis JoplinFarewell SongCBS 138.5211982
Janis JoplinPresenca De Janis JoplinCBS 138.762/​138.763198X
Janis JoplinThe LegendGlobo/​Columbia 423.0521994
Janis JoplinPearlCBS 564081971
Janis JoplinA Woman Left LonelyCBS 435351981
Janis JoplinA Woman Left LonelyDiscos CBS 43.5351982
Janis JoplinA Woman Left Lonely / Me And Bobby McGeeCBS Especial 630.0111981
Janis JoplinJanis JoplinCBS 435351970
Janis Joplin / Jimi HendrixTrailer Disc BizzBizz/​Editora Abril 5492.010041985
Jay FergusonAll Alone In The End ZoneAsylum Records 32.0071977
Jeff BeckTruthEMI smofb 487197X
Jeff BeckTruthEMI Smofb 487197X
Jeff BeckTruthEMI 064 748340 11987
Jeff BeckTruthOdeon 31C 040 04172, Standard 31C 040 0417219XX
Jeff BeckBlow By BlowEpic 144.1551976
Jeff BeckWiredEpic 1441801976
Jeff BeckWiredEpic 1441801976
Jeff BeckWiredEpic 144180198X
Jeff Beck With The Jan Hammer GroupLiveAtlantic BL-34433/​30.0211977
Jeff Beck With The Jan Hammer GroupLiveAtlantic BR 80.0101983
Jefferson AirplaneTakes OffRCA Victor LPM-35841967
Jefferson AirplaneBringing Me DownRCA Victor LC-161521967
Jefferson AirplaneSomebody To LoveRCA Victor LCD-31311967
Jefferson AirplaneSomebody To LoveRCA Victor LC-161591967
Jefferson AirplaneWatch Her Ride / Two HeadsRCA Victor LC-161731968
Jefferson AirplanePlastic Fantastic LoverRCA Victor LC-162031969
Jefferson AirplaneMexicoRCA Victor LCD-31641970
Jefferson StarshipDragon FlyRCA 104.808719741974
Jefferson StarshipRed OctopusRCA 104.80191975
Jefferson StarshipSpitfireGrunt 104.80241976
Jefferson StarshipEarthRCA Victor 104.80791978
Jefferson StarshipEarthRCA Victor 104.80791978
Jefferson StarshipFreedom At Point ZeroRCA Victor 110.80031980
JellybreadSixty-Five ParkwayBlue Horizon BLP-300.0011972
Jeremy Faith And The St-Mathews Church ChoirLordLondon Records LLN 7246-S1972
Jerms, TheNobody / Baby, Baby, LoveMusidisc OS-1391969
JeronimoTime RideSabado Som BLPS-190951975
Jerry GarciaGarciaWarner Bros. WBLP 50061972
Jethro TullThis WasChrysalis 2310451982
Jethro TullThis WasEMI 066 321041 11990
Jethro TullStand UpChrysalis 110.80081982
Jethro TullBenefitReprise Records RLPS 97.0081972
Jethro TullBenefitReprise Records RLLP 20301973
Jethro TullBenefitChrysalis 6307 5161975
Jethro TullBenefitChrysalis 066 321043 1 (Especial)1990
Jethro TullBenefitChrysalis 231.121199X
Jethro TullAqualungReprise Records RLPS 97.0041971
Jethro TullAqualungReprise Records RLLP 2.0081972
Jethro TullAqualungReprise/​Continental RLLP-2.0081972
Jethro TullAqualungChrysalis 6307 5151975
Jethro TullAqualungChrysalis 6307 5151978
Jethro TullAqualungChrysalis 110.80041980
Jethro TullAqualungChrysalis 400.007198X
Jethro TullAqualungChrysalis 066 3210441990
Jethro TullThick As A BrickReprise Records RLLP-2.0071972
Jethro TullThick As A BrickChrysalis 6307 5021975
Jethro TullThick As A BrickChrysalis 104.81811981
Jethro TullThick As A BrickChrysalis 104.81811981
Jethro TullThick As A BrickChrysalis 066 321003 11990
Jethro TullThick As A BrickChrysalis 275.001198X
Jethro TullA Passion PlayReprise Records RLLP 2.0381973
Jethro TullWar ChildChrysalis 63075371974
Jethro TullWar ChildChrysalis 6307 5371975
Jethro TullMinstrel In The GalleryChrysalis 6307 5591975
Jethro TullToo Old To Rock N' Roll: Too Young To Die!Chrysalis 6307 5721976
Jethro TullSongs From The WoodChrysalis 6307 5911977
Jethro TullHeavy HorsesChrysalis 6307 6221978
Jethro TullLive - Bursting OutChrysalis/​CBS 664 1 8731979
Jethro TullLive - Bursting OutChrysalis 6641 873/​9199 899/​901979
Jethro TullLive - Bursting OutCBS/​Chrysalis 159.019/​2019XX
Jethro TullStormwatchChrysalis 6307 6701979
Jethro TullLiving In The PastReprise Records RLLP 2.0211973
Jethro TullLiving In The PastChrysalis 111.80061983
Jethro TullM.U. - The Best Of Jethro TullChrysalis 63075711976
Jethro Tull20 Years Of Jethro TullChrysalis 231.160/​11988
Jethro Tull20 Years Of Jethro TullChrysalis - 328002 1/​328003 1/​321655 11990
Jethro TullRepeat - The Best Of Jethro Tull - Vol. IIChrysalis CHR 11351977
Jethro TullRepeat - The Best Of Jethro Tull - Vol. IIChrysalis 6307.6111978
Jethro TullA Passion PlayReprise Records RLCS 40241973
Jethro TullLiving In The Past / Locomotive BreathChrysalis 6155 0581976
JigsawAurora BorealisSom Livre SSIG-50191973
Jim CapaldiOh How We DancedIsland Records 410 0131972
Jim CapaldiLife And TimesVertigo 6360 7011973
Jim CapaldiWhale Meat AgainIsland Records 410 0391974
Jim CapaldiShort Cut Draw BloodIsland Records ILPS 93361976
Jim CapaldiThe ContenderPolydor 2383 4901978
Jim CapaldiShort Cut Draw BloodIsland Records 210.0061976
Jim CapaldiShort Cut Draw BloodIsland Records 210.0061976
Jim CroceYou Don't Mess Around With JimVertigo 6360 7001972
Jim CroceOperator (That's Not The Way It Feels) / Rapid Roy (The Stock Car Boy)Vertigo 60732511972
Jim CroceYou Don't Mess Around With Jim / Photographs And MemoriesVertigo 6073 2501972
Jim CroceBad, Bad Leroy Brown / Hard Time Losin' ManVertigo 6073 2561973
Jim CroceOne Less Set Of FootstepsVertigo 6073 2541973
Jimi HendrixAre You ExperiencedPolydor LPG 624.0321970
Jimi HendrixAxis: Bold As LovePolydor LPG 624.0241969
Jimi HendrixElectric LadylandPolydor LPG 624.0111969
Jimi HendrixElectric LadylandPolydor LPG 624.0111969
Jimi HendrixElectric LadylandPolydor 1184 1831980
Jimi HendrixBand Of GypsysPolydor LPS 624.5101970
Jimi HendrixOriginal Sound Track 'Experience'Imagem IMM-5020197X
Jimi HendrixOriginal Sound Track 'Experience'Imagem 5020197X
Jimi HendrixOriginal Sound Track 'Experience'Imagem IMM 5020198X
Jimi HendrixRainbow BridgeReprise 3-04-404-01/​3-04-404-011/​RLLP-2.2051973
Jimi HendrixRainbow BridgeReprise Records RLLP 2.0251973
Jimi HendrixRainbow BridgeReprise Records 24.0281982
Jimi HendrixThe Cry Of LovePolydor 2.486.0401971
Jimi HendrixThe Cry Of LovePolydor 2.486.0401971
Jimi HendrixHendrix In The WestPolydor 2302 018/​Phonogram 2310 1611972
Jimi HendrixWar HeroesPolydor 2310 2081972
Jimi HendrixSound Track Recordings From The FilmReprise Records RLLP 2.309/​401973
Jimi HendrixLoose Ends...Polydor 2310 3011974
Jimi HendrixCrash Landing / Midnight LightningReprise Records 34.017-0181978
Jimi HendrixMidnight Lightning (serie Rock Story)Reprise Records 84.0041983
Jimi HendrixLiveReprise Records 240121977
Jimi HendrixMessage From Nine To The UniverseWEA 38.0231979
Jimi Hendrix"More "Experience" (Volume Two)"Imagem ims 40141982
Jimi Hendrix"More "Experience" Volume Two"Imagem 40141982
Jimi HendrixThe Jimi Hendrix ConcertsEpic 144.768/​91982
Jimi Hendrix"Experience" Volume TwoImagem 40141982
Jimi Hendrix"Experience" Volume TwoImagem ims 40141982
Jimi Hendrix"Experience" Volume TwoImagem IMM-50301982
Jimi Hendrix"Original Sound Track "Experience"Imagem IMS 4011982
Jimi HendrixThe Jimi Hendrix ConcertsEpic 144.768/​91982
Jimi HendrixBand Of Gypsys 2Capitol Records 31c 064 2611741987
Jimi HendrixJimi Plays MontereyPolydor 827 990-11986
Jimi HendrixJohnny B. GoodeCapitol Records 31C 052 2610421986
Jimi HendrixLive At WinterlandPolydor 833 066-1/​833 004-11987
Jimi HendrixSmash HitsPolydor LPG 624.0101968
Jimi HendrixImpromptuBeverly BLP 90371972
Jimi Hendrix And Lonnie YoungbloodTwo Great ExperiencesTop Tape LMP 60041973
Jimi Hendrix With Curtis KnightThe Eternal Fire Of Jimi HendrixImporta Som USLP 60.0001972
Jimi Hendrix With Curtis KnightJimi Hendrix With Curtis KnightImporta /​ Som 310.00061977
Jimi Hendrix With Curtis KnightJimi Hendrix With Curtis KnightRGE 310.0006198X
Jimi HendrixA Arte De Jimi HendrixPolyfar 2494 326/​271975
Jimi HendrixA Arte De Jimi HendrixPolyfar 2494 326/​2494 327197X
Jimi HendrixIn The BeginningOne Way OW-5061972
Jimi HendrixIn Memoriam - That Unforgettable Jimi HendrixTop Tape lpm 6004197X
Jimi HendrixJimi HendrixSpringboard SBLP-54231976
Jimi HendrixRare HendrixItamaraty 19561977
Jimi HendrixThe Genius Of Jimi HendrixSpringboard SBLP-54381976
Jimi HendrixPop Giants Vol. 16Polyfar 2494.3151975
Jimi HendrixPop History Vol 2Polyfar 2494 1061972
Jimi HendrixRare HendrixSquare LP-SQ 7071977
Jimi HendrixRare HendrixItamaraty 1956197X
Jimi HendrixRare HendrixItamaraty197X
Jimi HendrixKiss The SkyPolydor 823 704-11985
Jimi HendrixPurple HazeBrasidisc LP 5014199X
Jimi HendrixIf Six Was Nine / One Rainy WishPolydor 126.0281970
Jimi HendrixNo Such AnimalAudio Fidelity AFC 5021970
Jimi HendrixVoodoo ChileTrack Record 2095-001, Polydor 2.251.0021971
Jimi HendrixVoodoo Chile - Hey Joe -E Mais...Polydor 2.251.002197X
Jo Jo GunneJo Jo GunneAsylum Records AYL 30011972
Jo Jo GunneBite Down HardAsylum Records SAYL 30021973
Jo Jo GunneJumpin' The GunneAsylum Records ASYLP 50.0031974
Jo Jo GunneRun Run RunAsylum Records AYM 5011972
JodeJodeVanguard S-V 600451971
Joe CockerWith A Little Help From My FriendsA&M Records A&M 20571970
Joe CockerWith A Little Help From My FriendsA&M Records SA&M 20571972
Joe CockerJoe Cocker!A&M Records 20621970
Joe CockerMad Dogs & EnglishmenA&M Records AMLD 2069/​701971
Joe CockerJoe CockerA&M Records SA&MX-20931973
Joe CockerThe Cocker PowerA&M Records SAM 21071973
Joe CockerI Can Stand A Little RainA&M Records SA&M 21241974
Joe CockerJamaica Say You WillA&M Records SA&M-2153/​SP-47961975
Joe CockerStingrayA&M Records SA&MX-21791976
Joe CockerLuxury You Can AffordAsylum Records 32.0291978
Joe CockerThe LetterA&M Records 7AMD/​100131970
Joe Cocker And The Chris Stainton BandWoman To Woman / Midnight RiderA&M Records 7AM-50791972
Joe Cocker4 SucessosA&M Records S7 AMD 100301973
Joe WalshThe Smoker You Drink, The Player You GetProbe SPOL 150491973
Joe WalshBarnstormProbe XPOL-150561974
Joe WalshSo WhatProbe DSD-501711974
Joe WalshYou Can't Argue With A Sick MindABC Records ABCD-932, 6-26-404-0241976
Joe WalshBut Seriously, Folks...Asylum Records 32.0221978
Joe WalshThe Best Of Joe WalshABC Records 6-26-404-1221979
Joe WalshRocky Mountain WayProbe D-43611973
John BaldryEverything Stops For TeaWarnes Bros/​Continental WBLP-50111972
John Dawson ReadRead OnChrysalis 6307 5761976
John Entwistle's OxMad DogLondon LLN-73211975
John FogertyJohn FogertyFantasy 204.50211976
John Henry KurtzReunionProbe SPOL 150381972
John KayEasy Evil / Giles Of The RiverABC/​Dunhill Records S7PO-13.0601973
John LennonImagineApple Records BTL-10161971
John LennonImagineApple Records BTL-10161971
John LennonImagineApple Records BTL-10161971
John LennonImagineApple Records SBTL 1016/​31C 066 04914197X
John LennonImagineApple Records SBTL-1016197X
John LennonImagineApple Records 31C 066 04914/​SBTL 10161981
John LennonImagineApple Records 31C 066 04914/​SBTL 10161981
John LennonImagineApple Records 31C 066 04914/​SBTL 10161981
John LennonImagineApple Records 31C 066 04914/​SBTL 10161985
John LennonImagineApple Records 31C 066 04914198X
John LennonSome Time In New York CityApple Records 31C 166.05137/​81973
John LennonSome Time In New York CityApple Records PCSP 7161973
John LennonSome Time In New York CityApple Records 31C 166.05137/​81981
John LennonMind GamesApple Records SBTL-10281974
John LennonMind GamesApple Records 31C 066 05491/​SBTL 10281974
John LennonMind GamesApple Records 31C 066 05941/​SBTL 10281981
John LennonWalls And BridgesApple Records SBTX 10311974
John LennonWalls And BridgesApple Records 31C 066 05733D/​SBTX 10311981
John LennonWalls And BridgesApple Records 31C 066 05733D/​SBTX 1031198X
John LennonRock 'N' RollApple Records SBTL 10341975
John LennonRock 'N' RollApple Records 31C 066 05834/​SBTL 10341981
John LennonRock 'N' RollApple Records 31C 066 05834/​Apple Records SBTL 10341985
John LennonRock 'N' RollApple Records PCS 7169/​31C 066058341985
John LennonRock 'N' RollApple Records SBTL 1034198X
John Lennon / Plastic Ono BandJohn Lennon / Plastic Ono BandApple Records SBTL-10301974
John Lennon / Plastic Ono BandJohn Lennon / Plastic Ono BandApple Records 31C 066 04703/​SBTL 10301981
John Lennon / Plastic Ono BandJohn Lennon / Plastic Ono BandApple Records 31C 066 04703/​SBTL 10301982
John Lennon / The Plastic Ono BandLive Peace In Toronto 1969Apple Records BTL 10101970
John Lennon / The Plastic Ono BandLive Peace In Toronto 1969Apple Records 31C 064 908771981
John Lennon / The Plastic Ono BandLive Peace In Toronto 1969Apple Records 31C 064 908771981
John MayallMoving OnPolydor 2391 0471972
John Mayall, Jerry McGee e Larry TaylorMemoriesPolydor 2425 0851972
John MayallJazz Blues FusionPolydor 2391 0321972
John MayallTen Years Are GonePolydor 2391 0961974
John MayallA Banquet In BluesABC Records 6.26-404-0561977
John MayallA Hard Core PackageABC Records 6-26-404-0931978
John MayallLots Of PeopleABC Records 6.26-404-0811977
John MayallBottom LineYoung 30411481979
John MayallPop History Vol. 8Polyfar 2494 3021972
John MayallThe Last Of The British BluesABC Records 6.26.404.1211979
John Mayall With Eric ClaptonBlues BreakersLondon Records LLN 7257-S1973
John MilesRebelLondon Records LLN 73171976
Johnny & Edgar WinterTogetherEpic 1441661976
Johnny HallydayRiviere... Ouvre Ton LitPhilips SLP 199.0441969
Johnny WinterAustin TexasUnited Artists Records UALP 117631974
Johnny WinterThe Progressive Blues ExperimentUnited Artists Records UAL 117631974
Johnny WinterThe Progressive Blues ExperimentLiberty 064 157637 11988
Johnny WinterSecond WinterCBS 376791970
Johnny Winter AndLive Johnny Winter AndCBS 177.124/​1-0220201989
Johnny Winter AndLive Johnny Winter AndCBS 113.010197X
Johnny WinterJohnny WinterEpic 144841198X
Johnny WinterCaptured LiveEpic 1441641976
Johnny WinterCaptured Live!Epic 1441641976
Johnny WinterNothin' But The BluesEpic 1442181977
Johnny WinterWhite, Hot & BlueEpic 1442861978
Jon AndersonOlias Of SunhillowAtlantic 60.000/​66.0001976
JonesyKeeping Up...Pye Records PLP 150.0361973
JonesyRicochet / Every Day's The SamePye Records PCS 250.0381973
JourneyInfinityCBS 138050198X
JourneyEvolutionCBS 1381311979
Juan PardoMy GuitarAriola 104.80131973
JubalJubalElektra ELLP-5071972
Judas PriestSad Wings Of DestinyStiletto 492.0371991
Judas PriestSad Wings Of DestinyStiletto 492.0371991
Judas PriestSad Wings Of DestinyStiletto 492.0371991
Judas PriestSin After SinCBS 1386701977
Judas PriestSin After SinEpic 1442031977
Judas PriestHell Bent For LeatherCBS 1386691978
Judas PriestStained ClassCBS 1386681978
Judas PriestUnleashed In The East (Live In Japan)CBS 1386031979
Juicy LucyLie Back And Enjoy ItIsland Records 410 0011971
Juicy LucyPiecesPolydor 23101601972
JulyJulyMusidisc HI-FI-21771968
Justin Hayward & John LodgeBlue JaysThreshold XZAL-135831975
Justin HaywardSongwriterDeram XDML 30101977
KansasLeftovertureEpic 1442011977
KansasPoint Of Know ReturnEpic 1442521978
KansasTwo For The ShowEpic 144313/​1443141978
KansasMonolithEpic AL 360081979
KansasMonolithEpic BL-36008/​235037/​5.01.404.2141979
KansasSeventies - Kansas' Greatest HitsCBS 268.042/​1-4674761990
KansasPoint Of Know Return / Dust In The WindEpic 663781978
Karel Bogard And CoBlues From Over The BorderEbrau 404.00261972
KarthagoSecond StepBASF 20.21780-91973
KarthagoRock 'N' Roll TestamentSabado Som BLPS-192011975
KayakSee See The SunHarvest SHVL 10231973
KayakStarlight DancerVertigo 6360 8561977
Keith Emerson With The NiceKeith Emerson With The NicePhilips 6303 055/​61972
Keith Emerson With The NicePop Giants, Vol. 12Charisma 6393 9001974
Keith Emerson With The NicePop Giants, Vol. 23Fontana Special 9299.5621975
Keith ChristmasMy GirlManticore 3-19-101-0011975
Keith MoonTwo Sides Of The MoonPolydor 2383 3361975
Ken HensleyProud Words On A Dusty ShelfBronze 810.0011974
Ken HensleyEager To PleaseBronze 810.0051975
KennyThe Sound Of Super KRAK RKL 250011975
Kevin CoyneMatching Head And FeetVirgin 9124 1291977
KGBKGBMCA Records 4.07-404.1231976
Kiki Dee Band, TheI've Got The Music In MeThe Rocket Record Company ROL 450011974
King CrimsonIn The Court Of The Crimson KingIsland Records 4100091972
King CrimsonIn The Court Of The Crimson KingAtlantic 3-17-404-0401976
King CrimsonIn The Court Of The Crimson King (An Observation By King Crimson)Atlantic 3-17-404-0401977
King CrimsonIn The Court Of The Crimson KingAtlantic 20.0381979
King CrimsonIn The Court Of The Crimson KingVirgin 140.80171988
King CrimsonIn The Court Of The Crimson King (An Observation By King Crimson)EG/​Virgin 066 4270711989
King CrimsonIn The Court Of The Crimson King (An Observation By King Crimson)Atlantic 20.038198X
King CrimsonIn The Wake Of PoseidonAtlantic 30.1411980
King CrimsonIslandsAtco Records ATLP-0101972
King CrimsonLarks' Tongues In AspicATCO Records ATLP 0491973
King CrimsonLarks' Tongues in AspicATCO/​Continental ATLP 049, 3-02-404-0291973
King CrimsonLarks' Tongues In AspicAtlantic 20.0591981
King CrimsonStarless And Bible BlackATCO Records ATLP-0771974
King CrimsonRedAtlantic SD 181101975
King CrimsonUSAAtlantic SD 181361976
King CrimsonUSAAtlantic 30.0301977
King CrimsonLizardAtlantic SD 82781977
King HarvestDancing In The MoonlightEpic 1441031972
Kinks, TheLive At Kelvin HallMusidisc HI-FI 216519XX
Kinks, TheSomething Else By The KinksMusidisc HI-FI-2173v19691969
Kinks, TheLola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Part OneHi Fi Musicdisc HI-FI 2235/​Pye Records HI-FI 2235v19711971
Kinks, TheEverybody's In Show-Biz - Everybody's A StarRCA Victor 104.70161972
Kinks, TheSleepwalkerArista ARL 330311977
Kinks, TheMisfitsArista 31C 064 610071978
Kinks, TheSunny AfternoonMusidisc/​Pye Records HIFI-2.1741968
Kinks, TheFrom 64 At 70Brasidisc LP 50701989
Kinks, TheApemanMusidisc CS-1451970
KissKissCasablanca CBLP 90741974
KissKissCasablanca 6399 0571985
KissAlive!Casablanca CBLP 9108/​91091976
KissAlive!Casablanca CBLP 9108/​91091976
KissAlive!Casablanca 66400261983
KissDressed To KillCasablanca CBLP 90911975
KissDressed To KillCasablanca CBLP 90911977
KissDressed To KillCasablanca 6399 0591981
KissHotter Than HellCasablanca CBLP-90981975
KissHotter Than HellCasablanca CBLP 90981975
KissHotter Than HellCasablanca CBPL 90981976
KissHotter Than HellCasablanca 6399 0581985
KissDestroyerCasablanca CBLP 9.1051976
KissDestroyerCasablanca CBLP 9.1051976
KissDestroyerCasablanca 6399 0641981
KissRock And Roll OverCasablanca CBLP 91321976
KissRock And Roll OverCasablanca 6399 0601981
KissAlive IICasablanca NBLP 7076-21977
KissAlive IICasablanca CBLP 9184-91851977
KissAlive IICasablanca 66850431983
KissLove GunCasablanca CBLP 91531977
KissLove GunCasablanca 6399 063198X
KissDynastyCasablanca 9128 0241979
KissO Rock De KissFontana/​Polygram 81898011984
KissDressed To KillCasablanca CBCD 7941975
KissKissCasablanca Record And Filmworks, Inc. CBCD 7711974
KlaatuKlaatuCapitol Records ST115421976
KlaatuHopeCapitol Records ST-116331977
KlaatuSir Army SuitCapitol Records 31C 064 855961978
KlaatuWe're Off You KnowCapitol Records S7-112541977
La Mosca (The Fly)Npk 2Musidisc Hi-Fi 22311971
LakeLakeEpic 1442391977
LakeOn The RunEpic 663321976
Le OrmeAd GloriamCaravelle LP-CAR-10261969
Le OrmeCollagePhilips 6323 0071975
Le OrmeSmogmagicaPhilips 6323 0411977
Le RouxLouisiana's Le RouxCapitol Records 31C - 064 855781978
Leathercoated MindsMuito, Muito PsicodelicoViva EQV-36.0031967
Led ZeppelinLed ZeppelinATCO Records ALP 605.0411970
Led ZeppelinLed ZeppelinATCO Records ALP 605.0411970
Led ZeppelinLed ZeppelinAtlantic ATLP-065 /​ ATCO 3-02-404-0451974
Led ZeppelinLed ZeppelinAtlantic 20.0251977
Led ZeppelinLed ZeppelinAtlantic 604.70031977
Led ZeppelinLed ZeppelinAtlantic 604.7003, 20.0251985
Led ZeppelinLed ZeppelinAtlantic 670.40531988
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIATCO Records ALP 605.0311970
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIAtlantic 3-17-404-0211975
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIAtlantic 30.0351978
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIAtlantic 30.035198X
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIAtlantic 30.035/​610.7002198X
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIAtlantic 7191271990
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIAtlantic 719127-1/​610.7002/​30.0351991
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIATCO Records ALPS 805.0051970
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIATCO Records ATLP-0761974
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIATCO Records 3-02-404-0561974
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIAtlantic 30.0321977
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIAtlantic 30.0321977
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIAtlantic 30.0321982
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIAtlantic 610.7032/​30.0321986
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIAtlantic 670.4066/​001771988
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIAtlantic 610.7032/​30.032198X
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIAtlantic 670.40661991
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IIIAtlantic 670.4066/​001771991
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IVATCO Records 2400 2101971
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IVATCO Records 2400 2101971
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IVATCO Records ATLP-0641974
Led ZeppelinUntitled (Vol.IV)ATCO Records ATLP-0641974
Led ZeppelinUntitled aka Vol.4ATCO Records 3-02-404-044/​ATLP-0641976
Led ZeppelinUntitledAtlantic 30.0361977
Led ZeppelinUntitledAtlantic 30.0361983
Led ZeppelinUntitled (Vol.IV)Atlantic 610.70231985
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IVAtlantic 670.40641988
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IVAtlantic 670.4064/​001751988
Led ZeppelinUntitled (Vol.IV)Atlantic 30.036198X
Led ZeppelinUntitled (Vol.IV)Atlantic 30.036198X
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyATCO Records ATLP 0381973
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyATCO 3-02-404-020/​ ATLP 0381975
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyAtlantic 30.0371977
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyAtlantic 30.0371979
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyAtlantic 30.0371980
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyAtlantic 610.7024/​30.0371985
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyAtlantic 670.4065/​001761988
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyAtlantic 670.40651988
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyAtlantic 670.4065/​001761991
Led ZeppelinHouses Of The HolyAtlantic 670-40651991
Led ZeppelinPhysical GraffitiSwan Song 3-17-404-012/​0131975
Led ZeppelinPhysical GraffitiSwan Song 3-17-404-012/​3-17-404-0131976
Led ZeppelinPhysical GraffitiSwan Song 48.000/​11981
Led ZeppelinPhysical GraffitiSwan Song 48.000/​11982
Led ZeppelinPhysical GraffitiSwan Song W 48.000/​1/​611.70011984
Led ZeppelinPhysical GraffitiSwan Song 675.4002/​00179-801988
Led ZeppelinPhysical GraffitiSwan Song 675.40021988
Led ZeppelinPresenceSwan Song 3-17-404-050/​SS 84161976
Led ZeppelinPresenceAtlantic 670.4063/​30.0091988
Led ZeppelinPresenceSwan Song 30.009198X
Led ZeppelinPresenceSwan Song 610.7001/​30.009198X
Led ZeppelinPresenceSwan Song 30.009198X
Led ZeppelinThe Soundtrack From The Film The Song Remains The SameSwan Song 68.001 002/​305.404.020/​0211977
Led ZeppelinThe Soundtrack From The Film The Song Remains The SameSwan Song 68.001 0021976
Led ZeppelinThe Soundtrack From The Film The Song Remains The SameSwan Song 68.001 0021977
Led ZeppelinThe Soundtrack From The Film The Song Remains The SameSwan Song 68.001 0021984
Led ZeppelinThe Soundtrack From The Film The Song Remains The SameSwan Song 675.4003/​00181/​821988
Led ZeppelinThe Soundtrack From The Film The Song Remains The SameSwan Song 675.40031988
Led ZeppelinThe Soundtrack From The Film The Song Remains The SameSwan Song 611.7002/​675.40031988
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorSwan Song 40.0041979
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorSwan Song 40.0041979
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorSwan Song 40.0041979
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorSwan Song 40.0041982
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorSwan Song 670.40671988
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorSwan Song 670.4067/​40.0041988
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorSwan Song 670.40671988
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorSwan Song 40.004198X
Led ZeppelinIn Through The Out DoorSwan Song 610.7041/​40.004198X
Led ZeppelinCodaSwan Song 20.0851982
Led ZeppelinCodaSwan Song 670.40541988
Led ZeppelinCodaSwan Song 670.40541988
Led ZeppelinCodaSwan Song 604.7028/​20.085198X
Led ZeppelinRemasters (3 box set)Atlantic 675.2001-A1990
Led ZeppelinWEA Collection (5 LP collection)Atlantic 615.00011990
Led ZeppelinWhole Lotta Love (Versao Completa e Reduzida)ATCO Records ACS 205.0251970
Led ZeppelinBlack Dog / Misty Mountain HopATCO Records 20911751972
Led ZeppelinRock And Roll / Four SticksATCO Records ATCS-10.0051972
Led ZeppelinOver The Hills And Far Away / Dancing DaysATCO Records ATCS 10.0621973
Led ZeppelinTrampled Under FootAtlantic 1-15-101-0121975
Led ZeppelinRock EspetacularRock Espetacular RG-031976
Led ZeppelinAll My LoveSwan Song 11.1051979
Led ZeppelinEscalera Al CieloRock-Konzert Ghm. RK-101197X
Led ZeppelinHot DogSwan Song 11.0281980
Led ZeppelinStairway To HeavenWEA 6WP.20031990
Lee MichaelsLee MichaelsA&M Records A&M 20441969
Lee MichaelsBarrelA&M Records 20631970
Left Side(Like A) LocomotionPhilips 6423 0921976
Left SideLike A LocomotionPhilips 6012 5581975
Left SideMamma MiaPhilips 6208 0191976
Leon RussellLeon RussellPhilips 6369 1011973
Leon RussellLeon Russell And The Shelter PeoplePhilips 6369 1001973
Leon RussellCarneyPhilips 6369 1101973
Leon RussellLeon LivePhilips 6369 1231974
Leon RussellStop All That JazzPhilips 6369 1251974
Leon RussellWill O' The WispPhilips 63691301975
Leon RussellPop Giants Vol. 11Fontana Special 9299 1461974
LighthouseSunny DaysEvolution SD-350021972
LighthouseGood DayPolydor 2391 1331975
LilyV.C.U. (We See You)Sabado Som BLPS 191441975
LimousineLimousinePye Records 4-14-404-0611976
Linda KeelApple PieSteam Machine STM-0331972
LindisfarneFog On The TynePhilips 63699141972
LindisfarneDingly DellCharisma 6369 9211972
LindisfarneBack And FourthMercury/​PolyGram 310 0311979
Liquid SmokeLiquid SmokeAVCO Embassy AVLP-7.0051970
Liquid SmokeI Who Have Nothing / Warm TouchAVCO Embassy AVCS 14.0091970
Little FeatTime Loves A HeroWarner Bros. Records 36.0431977
Little FeatWaiting For ColumbusWarner Bros. Records 36.0721978
Little River BandDiamantina CocktailEMI 31C 064 823761977
Little River BandFirst Under The WireCapitol Records 31C 064-85 9631979
Lord SutchGotta Keep A-RockingATCO Records ATSC-10.0231972
Los AngelesEvolucion / Te NecesitoHispavox HICS 20271973
Los ImpalaImpala SyndromeContinental AFLP-1.8081970
Los JaivasLos Jaivas (Indian cover)EMI SMOFB 4911975
Lou ReedLou ReedRCA Victor 104.40291972
Lou ReedRock N Roll AnimalRCA Victor 104.40511974
Lou ReedSally Can't DanceRCA Victor 104.40551974
Lou ReedLou Reed LiveRCA Victor 104 40641975
Lou ReedLiveRCA Victor 1044221987
Lou ReedConey Island BabyRCA Victor 104.40741976
Lou ReedRock And Roll HeartArista AL-41001976
Lou ReedRock And Roll HeartArista ARL 330231979
Lou ReedStreet HassleArista 31C 064 604451978
Lou ReedStreet HassleArista 31C 064 604451978
Lou ReedThe BellsArista 31C 064 626301979
Lou ReedO Melhor De Lou ReedRCA Victor 104.4137198X
Lou ReedRock And Roll Diary 1967-1980Arista 301 4401981
Lou ReedWalk On The Wild SideRCA 101.40321973
Lovin' Spoonful, TheSummer In The CityRozenblit LP 40.3591967
Lovin' Spoonful, TheSummer In The CityKama Sutra/​Rozenblit LP 40.3591967
Lovin' Spoonful, TheLonely (Solitario)Rozenblit CS 1.2891967
Lovin' Spoonful, TheLonely / Do You Believe In MagicRozenblit/​Kama Sutra CS.-1.2891967
Lovin' Spoonful, TheShe is still a mystery (Ela e ainda um misterio)Rozenblit CS 1310 5 promo1967
Lovin' Spoonful, TheSummer In The CityKama Sutra/​Rozenblit CD 3.1321967
Lovin' Spoonful, TheLonelyRozenblit CS 1.2891967
Lovin' Spoonful, TheEverything PlayingRozenblit LP 40.3851968
Lovin' Spoonful, TheEla e ainda um misterio (She's Still A Mystery)Rozenblit/​Kama Sutra CS.-1.3101968
Lovin' Spoonful, TheLonelyBuddah/​Kama Sutra BUDC 23.0021969
Lovin' Spoonful, TheSummer In The CityRozenblit cd 3.132197X
Lucifer's FriendGood Time WarriorElektra 32.0281978
Lynyrd SkynyrdPronounced 'Leh-'nerd 'Skin-'nerdMCA Records MCALP-600.0691974
Lynyrd SkynyrdSecond HelpingMCA/​Chantecler MCALP-600.0841974
Lynyrd SkynyrdGimme Back My BulletsChantecler 4-07-404-118-B1976
Lynyrd SkynyrdNuthin' FancyMCA Records 4-07-404-0911975
Lynyrd SkynyrdOne More From The RoadMCA Records 4075010091976
Lynyrd SkynyrdStreet SurvivorsMCA Records 610.70841986
Lynyrd SkynyrdLegendMCA 670.92131987
Lynyrd SkynyrdFree BirdMCA Records 4-07-101-038/​MCS-77291975
Lynyrd SkynyrdGimme Back My BulletsMCA Records MCA-405651976
Maggie BellQueen Of The NightPolydor 2383 2391974
Maggie BellSuicide SalPolydor 23833131975
Maggie BellThe Greatest Rock Sensation Vol. 7Polyfar 2494 3361976
Magna CartaPutting It Back TogetherGTO 2321 1121977
Mahavishnu OrchestraThe Inner Mounting FlameCBS 1378031973
Mahavishnu OrchestraBirds Of FireCBS 1378161973
Mahavishnu OrchestraApocalypseCBS 1378511974
Mahavishnu OrchestraApocalypseCBS 1378511974
Mahavishnu OrchestraApocalypseCBS 1378511978
Mahavishnu OrchestraApocalypseCBS 137851198X
Mahavishnu OrchestraVisions Of The Emerald BeyondCBS 1378781975
Mahavishnu OrchestraInner WorldsCBS 1379331976
Mahavishnu OrchestraInner WorldsCBS 137933198X
Majority OneBecause I LoveTuba SCDP-017/​OW 5011972
MaloMaloWarner Bros. Records 85 0091972
MaloEvolutionWarner Bros. Records WBLP-50421973
ManBack Into The FutureUnited Artists Records UALP 11.9161974
ManThe Welsh ConnectionMCA Records 4-07-404-1251976
Man MadeMan MadePirate Records 660.0031971
MandalabandMandalabandChrysalis 6307 5661976
MandrillMandrillPolydor 2486 0421971
Manfred MannMighty Garvey!Philips SLP 199.0231968
Manfred MannMighty Garvey!Philips SLP 199.0231968
Manfred Mann's Earth BandManfred Mann's Earth BandPhilips 6308 0861972
Manfred Mann's Earth BandSolar FireBronze 202 545197X
Manfred Mann's Earth BandNightingales & BombersBronze 810 0081976
Manfred Mann's Earth BandThe Roaring SilenceBronze 104.80621977
Manfred Mann's Earth BandWatchBronze 104.80801978
Marcus Hook Roll Band (AC/DC)Louisiana Lady / Hoochie Coochie Har KauOdeon 7YCAR 7069/​S7L 33661973
Mardi GrasThe Mardi GrasMAP City MAP.30161971
Mark Farner BandNo FrillsWEA S30.0891978
Mark RadiceMark RadiceRGE 304.00321972
Marshall HainFree RideHarvest 064 067161978
Marshall Tucker Band, TheThe Marshall Tucker BandWarner Bros. Records Inc. WBLP 5.0501973
Marshall Tucker Band, TheLong Hard RideCapricorn Records 24291401976
Marshall Tucker Band, TheSearchin' For A RainbowCapricorn Records 24291291977
Marshall Tucker Band, TheRunning Like The WindWEA 361181979
MasonWhen Freedom Comes / It's All Gone WrongPye Records PCS 250.0351973
Matthews Southern ComfortLater That Same YearMCA Records MAP/​S 45371970
Matthews Southern ComfortWoodstock / Ballad Of Obray RamseyMCA Records MC/​S-4178197X
MC5Kick Out The JamsElektra/​Asylum 82.0091982
McKendree SpringThreeMCA Records MCA-441972
McKendree SpringGet Me To The CountryPye Records 4-14-404-0731977
Meat LoafBat Out Of HellEpic 1442591978
Memphis BendGood Rocking ToniteUnited Artists Records UALP121751977
MessageFrom Books And DreamsSabado Som BLPS 191591974
Michael QuatroIn Collaboration With The GodsUnited Artists Records UALP 120111975
Michael QuatroDancers, Romancers, Dreamers & SchemersTop Tape P6-100101976
Michel PagliaroPagliaroPye Records PLP-150.0111971
Mick RonsonSlaughter On Tenth Avenue / Growing Up And I'm FineRCA 101.4031974
Midnight SunMidnight SunMCA Records MCALP-600.0301972
Miguel RiosUnidosHispavox HILP-10311972
Mike KennedyMike Is MikePoplandia PLS-260011972
Mike KennedyMike KennedyExplosi¢n 204.20031973
Mike KennedyDestiny / Kentucky FreewayPoplandia 201.20051972
Mike OldfieldTubular BellsVirgin 104 82901973
Mike OldfieldTubular BellsVirgin VRLP 11.9281974
Mike OldfieldTubular BellsVirgin 9124 1261977
Mike OldfieldTubular BellsVirgin/​RCA 104 82901984
Mike OldfieldTubular BellsVirgin 104.82901984
Mike OldfieldTubular BellsVirgin 104.8290/​710.82901984
Mike OldfieldTubular BellsVirgin 066 427042 11990
Mike OldfieldHergest RidgeVirgin 119901975
Mike OldfieldOmmadawnVirgin 9124 1331977
Mike OldfieldIncantationsVirgin 9124 138 91979
Mitch TubmanPackard'39Pirate Records 660.0131976
Molly HatchetFlirtin' With DisasterEpic 144.3941979
Mom's Apple Pie#2Brown Bag Records S-BB 201621973
MontroseJump On ItWarner Bros. Records1978
Moody Blues, TheDays Of Future PassedDeram SDML 30011972
Moody Blues, TheTo Our Children's Children's ChildrenThreshold XTHL 30011969
Moody Blues, TheOn The Threshold Of A DreamDeram SML 10351974
Moody Blues, TheOn The Threshold Of A DreamDeram XDML 30041974
Moody Blues, TheOn The Threshold Of A DreamDeram 32 4011981
Moody Blues, TheA Question Of BalanceLondon Records LLX-7244-S1972
Moody Blues, TheA Question Of BalanceThreshold 32 2021981
Moody Blues, TheEvery Good Boy Deserves FavourLondon Records LLX 72401972
Moody Blues, TheEvery Good Boy Deserves FavourLondon Records LLX-72401972
Moody Blues, TheEvery Good Boy Deserves FavourLondon Records 31C 064 60988D1972
Moody Blues, TheEvery Good Boy Deserves FavourLondon Records 30 0391982
Moody Blues, TheSeventh SojournLondon Records LLX 7255-S1973
Moody Blues, TheCaught Live +5London Records XLLN 7347/​81977
Moody Blues, TheOctaveLondon Records 31C 064 61479 D1978
Moody Blues, TheNights In White SatinDeram 7DM-170051968
Moody Blues, TheNights In White SatinDeram 7DM-10021972
Mose JonesMose Knows!MCA Records 4-07-404-0811974
Moss Doss PhobosmossWoodstockEbrau EBCS 61317197X
Mother TruckerLove RockEmber Records EMC-80011975
Mother's FinestAnother Mother FurtherEpic 1442101977
Mother's FinestMother's FinestEpic 1441881977
MotorheadOn ParoleLiberty 31C 064 183017-11989
MotorheadOn ParoleLiberty 064 1830171989
MotorheadOn ParoleLiberty 31C 064 183017-11989
MotorheadBomberBronze 104.81361980
MotorheadOverkillBronze 2406 2081983
MotorheadOverkillGWR Records GWLP 4/​Woodstock Discos WSK 1381987
Mott The HoopleRock And Roll QueenPhonogram 410.0271973
Mott The HoopleMottEpic 1441141973
Mott The HoopleAll The Young DudesEpic 66 1851972
Mott The HoopleRoll Away The StoneEpic 662401974
MountainClimbing!Odeon MOFB 90031970
MountainThe Best Of MountainCBS 2300321979
MountainMississippi QueenOdeon YBLL-11131970
Move, TheShazamA&M Records A&M 20601970
Move, TheCalifornia ManHarvest SHVL 1029197X
Move, TheBrontosaurusA&M Records 7AM-50481970
Move, TheDo YaHarvest 7HV-110011972
MoxyRock 'N' Roll Volume 1Polydor 2229 2031977
MuMuUnited Artists Records UALP-119951975
MuMuUnited Artists Records UALP 119951975
MudThe Cat Crept InOdeon S7I-33731974
Muddy WatersElectric MudImporta /​ Som SMS-16141971
Muddy WatersThe London Muddy Waters SessionsChess/​MCA 670.8151/​008741990
Nasty PopNasty PopIsland Records ILPS 93401977
Natural GasNatural GasPrivate Stock XPSL 30081976
NazarethNazarethVertigo 6370 4141986
NazarethLoud'N'ProudVertigo 6370 4001974
NazarethLoud'N'ProudVertigo 6370 400197X
NazarethRazamanazPhilips 6303 0851973
NazarethRazamanazPhilips 6303 085197X
NazarethRampantVertigo 6370 4011974
NazarethHair Of The DogVertigo 6370 4051975
NazarethClose Enough For Rock 'N' RollVertigo 6370 4121976
NazarethPlay'n' The GameVertigo 63704181977
NazarethExpect No MercyVertigo 6370 4241978
NazarethNo Mean CityVertigo 6370 4281979
NazarethO Rock de NazarethFontana 818-445-11984
NazarethHair Of The DogVertigo 6299 0061975
NazarethRampantVertigo 6299 0041975
NazarethLove Hurts / Holly RollerVertigo 6078 2321976
NazarethStar / May The SunshineVertigo 6079 0411979
NazarethLove HurtsPolygram 6200 0381982
Neil YoungAfter The Gold RushReprise RLPS 97.0021971
Neil YoungHarvestReprise RLPS 97.0071972
Neil YoungHarvestReprise Records 84.0031979
Neil YoungJourney Through The PastReprise RLLP-2.027/​81972
Neil YoungOn The BeachReprise 3-04-404-0391974
Neil YoungTonight's The NightReprise 3-04-404-0431975
Neil YoungZumaReprise Records 3-04-404-0501976
Neil YoungZumaReprise Records 24.0311981
Neil YoungAmerican Stars 'N BarsReprise 34.014/​304.404.080/​MSK22611977
Neil YoungComes A TimeReprise 34.0191978
Neil YoungComes A TimeReprise 604.7227/​24.0371986
Neil YoungComes A TimeReprise 670.91881986
Neil YoungLive RustReprise Records 34.0301979
Neil YoungRust Never SleepsReprise Records 34.0261979
NektarJourney To The Centre Of The EyeSabado Som OW-6141974
NektarA Tab In The OceanSabado Som OW 6131974
NektarSounds Like This 1Sabado Som OW 6191975
Nektar...Sounds Like This 2Sabado Som OW-6201975
NektarRemember The FutureBacillus/​Bellaphon/​Sabado Som OW 6071974
NektarSunday Night At London RoundhouseSabado Som OW 6221975
NektarDown To EarthSabado Som OW 6211975
New EraObservationPirate Records 660.0141976
New InspirationCome Let's Sing Us HallelujahOne Way ON-121972
New TriumviratPresents PompeiiHarvest/​EMI 31C 064 32466D1977
New York Rock Ensemble, TheRoll OverCBS 1377391971
Nils LofgrenCry ToughA&M Records SP-4882197X
Nils LofgrenNight After NightA&M Records 164 613421977
NilssonEverybody's Talkin'RCA Victor BBL-2261970
NilssonNilsson SchmilssonRCA Victor 104.10191972
NilssonSon Of SchmilssonRCA Victor 104.40241972
NilssonCoconutRCA Victor 101.40211972
Nilsson, HarrySon Of DraculaRapple Records 104.40481975
Nilsson, HarryKnnillssonnRCA Victor 10440941977
NirvanaTo Markos IIIMetromedia/​Continental MMLP 350071970
NorahThe Battle For My LoveRCA 101.80331975
Nova Local, TheNova 1Decca 012.0961969
NovalisBrandungBrain 3.49-404-0021978
O Band, TheWithin ReachUnited Artists UALP 121111976
OmegaOmegaSabado Som BLPS 191471974
Omega200 Years After The Last WarSabado Som BLPS-191751975
OmegaOmega IIISabado Som BLPS 191911975
OpusOhio Sun / Down In The ValleyRed Bird Records 401-40041973
OrleansForeverInfinity Records 304.00681979
OsibisaWelcome HomeBronze 810.0071977
OsibisaOsibisaMCA MAPS 4740 /​ Decca MDKS-8001197X
OsibisaWoyayaMCA Records MCALP-600.0101972
OsibisaHeadsMCA Records MCALP 600 0341972
OsibisaHappy ChildrenWarner Bros. WBLP-5.0551974
OsibisaWelcome HomeYoung 320.70391989
Osmonds, TheCrazy HorsesMGM Records 2315 1231973
Osmonds, TheCrazy HorsesMGM Records 2202 0581973
Outlaws, TheThe OutlawsArista ARL 330061975
Outlaws, TheLady In WaitingArista XARL 33019/​AL-40701976
Outlaws, TheIn The Eye Of The StormArista 201 1821979
Outlaws, TheThere Goes Another Love SongArista AR-310081975
Ozark Mountain Daredevils, TheYou Made It Right (Tema Da Staroup)A&M Records 47.0231974
Pacific Gas And ElectricAre You Ready?CBS 376771970
ParisParisCapitol Records ST-114641976
ParisBig Towne, 2061Capitol Records ST-115601976
Patrick MorazThe Story Of iCharisma 6369 9751976
Patrick MorazOut In The SunCharisma 9124 0131977
Patti DahlstromPatti DahlstromMCA Records MCALP-600.0091972
Patti SmithHorsesArista ARL 330131975
Patti Smith GroupRadio EthiopiaArista AL 40971976
Patti Smith GroupEasterArista 31C 064 605611978
Patti Smith GroupWaveArista 31C 064 625161979
Paul Butterfield Blues Band, TheGolden Butter / The Best OfElektra ELLP-5081972
Paul McCartneyMcCartneyApple Records BTX 1011/​XEX-7761970
Paul McCartneyMcCartneyApple Records SBTX 10111970
Paul McCartneyMcCartneyApple Records 066 04394D197X
Paul McCartneyMcCartneyApple Records 31C 066 04394D197X
Paul McCartney & The WingsRed Rose SpeedwayApple Records SBTX 10251973
Paul McCartney & The WingsRed Rose SpeedwayApple Records SBTX 1025197X
Paul McCartney & The WingsRed Rose SpeedwayApple Records 053111990
Paul McCartney & WingsWild LifeApple Records BTL 10181972
Paul McCartney & WingsWild LifeApple Records SBTL-10181972
Paul McCartney & WingsWild LifeApple Records 31C 066 04946/​BTL 10181985
Paul McCartney & WingsWild LifeOdeon 31C 066 04946198X
Paul McCartney & WingsBand On The RunApple Records SBTL 1029197X
Paul McCartney & WingsBand On The RunApple Records 31C 066 05503/​SBTL 10291981
Paul McCartney & WingsBand On The RunApple Records SBTL 1029/​31C 066-055031985
Paul McCartney & WingsBand On The RunApple Records 055031990
Paul McCartney & WingsVenus And MarsCapitol Records MPL 10011975
Paul McCartney & WingsVenus And MarsOdeon 31C 06696623DY/​MPL 10011975
Paul McCartney & WingsVenus And MarsCapitol Records 966231990
Paul McCartney & WingsWings At The Speed Of SoundMPL MPL-10021976
Paul McCartney & WingsWings At The Speed Of SoundMPL 31C 066 97581Y/​MPL-1002197X
Paul McCartney & WingsWings Over AmericaMPL XMPL 1003/​4/​51976
Paul McCartney & WingsWings Over AmericaMPL XMPL 1003/​4/​5 e 31C 166 98497/​9YV198X198X
Paul McCartney & WingsWings Over AmericaMPL XMPL 98497/​9/​MPL 1003/​51990
Paul McCartney & WingsLondon TownOdeon 31C 066 605211978
Paul McCartney & WingsLondon TownMPL 31C 605211990
Paul McCartney & WingsBack To The EggMPL 31C 066 627991979
Paul McCartney & WingsBack To The EggMPL 31C 066 62799Y198X
Paul StanleyPaul StanleyCasablanca 9128 0121979
Paul WilliamsIn Memory Of Robert Johnson R.I.P.Red Bird Records 404 40021973
People!I Love YouCapitol Records T 29241968
Peppermint Trolley Company, TheThe Peppermint Trolley CompanyRGE/​Acta Recs XRLP-62161968
Pete TownshendWho Came FirstPolydor 2480 1441973
Pete TownshendWho Came FirstAtlas 2480 1441983
Pete Townshend and Ronnie LaneRough MixPolydor 23834521978
Pete Townshend & Ronnie LaneRough MixAtlas 2442 1471984
Peter CrissPeter CrissCasablanca 9128 0131979
Peter FramptonSomethin's HappeningA&M Records 31C 064 607161974
Peter FramptonFramptonA&M Records SA&M 2139/​SP 45121975
Peter FramptonFrampton Comes AliveA&M Records SXA&M 2167/​81976
Peter FramptonFrampton Comes Alive!A&M Records 396505 11989
Peter FramptonFrampton Comes Alive!A&M Records 170013/​4198X
Peter FramptonI'm In YouA&M Records SA&M 2204/​SP 47041977
Peter FramptonWhere I Should BeA&M Records 31C 064 629541979
Peter Frampton4 SucessosA&M Records S7AMD-100371975
Peter FramptonI'm In YouA&M Records S7AM-51831977
Peter FramptonTried To LoveA&M Records S7AM 51971977
Peter FramptonI Can't Stand It No MoreA&M Records 31C 006 629531979
Peter GabrielPeter GabrielCharisma 6369 9781977
Peter GabrielPeter GabrielCharisma 9124 0251978
Peter GabrielSolsbury HillCharisma 6073 3921977
Phil ManzaneraDiamond HeadIsland Records ILPS 93151975
Pigeons, TheWhile The World Was Eating Vanilla FudgeTop Tape WDS 6871970
PilotFrom The Album Of The Same NameEMI EMC 80181974
PilotSecond FlightEMI EMC 80341975
PilotMorin HeightsEMI XEMC 80391976
Pink FloydThe Piper At The Gates Of DawnEMI/​Harvest SHVL-10131974
Pink FloydThe Piper At The Gates Of DawnHarvest 31C 064 04292/​502031985
Pink FloydThe Piper At The Gates Of DawnHarvest 31C 064 04292/​502031987
Pink FloydThe Piper At The Gates Of DawnHarvest 31C 064 04292198X
Pink FloydA Saucerful Of SecretsHarvest SHVL-10121974
Pink FloydA Saucerful Of SecretsHarvest SHVL 1012/​31C 064 041901985
Pink FloydA Saucerful Of SecretsHarvest SHVL 1012/​31C 064 041901989
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherOdeon XMOFB 4541972
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherOdeon SXMOFB 4541972
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherOdeon QMOFB 454/​XMOFB 4541974
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherHarvest XHVL 10161974
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherHarvest 31C 064 04550 D/​XHVL 10161979
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherHarvest 31C 064 04550 QD/​XHVL 10161979
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherHarvest QHVL-1016/​XHVL 1016197X
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherOdeon SXMOFB 454/​XMOFB 454197X
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherHarvest XQHVL-1016/​XHVL 1016197X
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherHarvest 31C 064-04550 D1987
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherHarvest 31C 064 04550D1989
Pink FloydAtom Heart MotherHarvest 31C 064 04550D/​XHVL 10161989
Pink FloydUmmagummaHarvest SHVL-1007/​81975
Pink FloydUmmagummaHarvest SHVL 1007/​8/​31C 164 04222-042231979
Pink FloydUmmagummaHarvest 31C 164 04222/​3/​SHVL 1007-8197X
Pink FloydUmmagummaHarvest 31C 164 04222/​31988
Pink FloydObscured By CloudsOdeon SMOFB-4631972
Pink FloydObscured By CloudsOdeon SMOFB-4631972
Pink FloydObscured By CloudsHarvest SHVL 10191975
Pink FloydObscured By CloudsHarvest 31C 064 050541979
Pink FloydObscured By CloudsHarvest 31C 064 05054/​SHVL 1019198X
Pink FloydMeddleHarvest XHVL 10181972
Pink FloydMeddleOdeon SXMOFB-4591972
Pink FloydMeddleHarvest SXHVL 1018/​31C 064 04917 D197X
Pink FloydMeddleHarvest SXHVL 1018/​31C 064 04917D1982
Pink FloydMeddleHarvest 31C 064 04917/​SXHVL-10181985
Pink FloydMeddleHarvest 31C 064 04917D/​SXHVL 10181990
Pink FloydA Nice PairHarvest 31C 164 50203/​4197X
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest SHVL-804/​XHVL-10011973
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest XHVL-1001 /​ QHVL-10011974
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest XHVL 10011975
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest XHVL 10011975
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest XHVL 10011976
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest XHVL 1001/​31C 064 05249D1979
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest 31C 064 05249D/​XHVL-10011979
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest 31C 064 05249D/​XHVL 10011983
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest XHVL 1001/​31C 064 05249QD1985
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest 31C 064 05249QD/​XHVL 10011986
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest 105.249-11994
Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonHarvest ?05249QD/​31C 064 05249D/​XHVL-1001199X
Pink Floyd"Soundtrack From The Film "More"Harvest SHVL 10101974
Pink FloydOriginal Motion Picture Soundtrack MoreHarvest 31C 064 04096/​SHVL 10101979
Pink FloydOriginal Motion Picture Soundtrack MoreHarvest 31C 064 04096, SHVL 10101984
Pink FloydOriginal Motion Picture Soundtrack MoreHarvest 31C 064 04096/​Harvest SHVL 10101985
Pink Floyd"Soundtrack From The Film "More"Harvest 31C 064 040961989
Pink FloydRelicsHarvest SHVL-10091974
Pink FloydRelicsHarvest SHVL-10091975
Pink FloydRelics - A Bizarre Collection Of Antiques & CuriosHarvest 31C 064 50740/​SHVL 10091990
Pink FloydRelics - A Bizarre Collection Of Antiques & CuriosHarvest 31C 064 50740/​SHVL 10091979
Pink FloydRelics - A Bizarre Collection Of Antiques & CuriosHarvest 31C 064 50740/​SHVL 1009198X
Pink FloydWish You Were HereCBS 230.0011975
Pink FloydWish You Were HereCBS 2300011975
Pink FloydWish You Were HereCBS 230.0011975
Pink FloydWish You Were HereCBS 230.0011977
Pink FloydWish You Were HereCBS 2300011989
Pink FloydWish You Were HereCBS 230.001198X
Pink FloydWish You Were HereCBS 230001198X
Pink FloydWish You Were HereCBS 230.001198X
Pink FloydWish You Were HereColumbia 230.001199X
Pink FloydAnimalsCBS 2300091988
Pink FloydAnimalsCBS 148.116/​1-467257198X
Pink FloydAnimalsCBS 230009198X
Pink FloydAnimalsCBS 230009198X
Pink FloydThe WallCBS 138170/​711979
Pink FloydThe WallCBS 138170/​711979
Pink FloydThe WallCBS 138170/​711982
Pink FloydThe WallCBS 138170/​711989
Pink FloydThe WallCBS 138170/​711989
Pink FloydThe WallCBS 138170/​711989
Pink FloydThe WallColumbia 138.170-71198X
Pink FloydA Collection Of Great Dance SongsCBS 138.5151981
Pink FloydA Collection Of Great Dance SongsCBS 138.515198X
Pink FloydHitsOpus/​Columbia 412.0621983
Pink FloydWorksHarvest 31C 064 077381983
Pink FloydWorksHarvest 31C 064 077381983
Pink FloydWorksHarvest 31C 064 077381985
Pink FloydSee Emily Play / ScarecrowFermata FB-332231967
Pink FloydPigs (Three Different Ones)CBS GP-9231977
Pink FloydAnother Brick In The Wall (Part II)CBS 430241979
Pink FloydThe Wall - Music From The FilmDiscos CBS 56.8091982
Plastic PennyTwo Sides Of A PennyRGE XRLP-62081968
Plastic PennyNobody Knows It / Happy Just To Be With YouPage One/​RGE C.S-70.3261968
PocoHead Over HeelsABC Records 6-26-404-0141976
PocoRose Of CimarronABC Records ABCD-9461976
PocoRose Of CimarronMCA Records 814 124-1 71983
PocoIndian SummerABC Records 6264040751977
PocoLegendMCA Records 201272197X
PocoPocoABC Records
Police, TheOutlandos D'AmourA&M Records 31C 064 629831978
Police, TheOutlandos D'AmourA&M Records 394 753-11987
Police, TheOutlandos D'AmourA&M Records 170040198X
Police, TheReggatta De BlancA&M Records 170.0331979
Police, TheReggatta De BlancA&M Records 170.0331979
Police, TheReggatta De BlancA&M Records 3947921987
PreludeOwlcreek IncidentPye Records 4-14-404-9451975
Premiata Forneria MarconiChocolate KingsRCA Victor 104.70531976
Premiata Forneria MarconiLive In U.S.A.RCA Victor 104.70591977
Premiata Forneria MarconiPer Un AmicoRCA 104.70811978
Pretty ThingsSilk TorpedoSwan Song 3-17-404-0241975
Pretty ThingsSavage EyeSwan Song 38.0001976
Pretty Things, TheIt Isn't Rock 'N' Roll / I'm Keeping / It's Been So Long / Drowned ManSwan Song 98.0011977
Procol HarumA Whiter Shade Of PaleCube Records 2326 0251973
Procol HarumA Whiter Shade Of PaleYoung 304.00591976
Procol HarumShine On BrightlyA&M Records A&M 20581970
Procol HarumA Salty DogA&M Records SP-42571971
Procol HarumHomeA&M Records P-44221970
Procol HarumLive In Concert With The Edmonton Symphony OrchestraA&M Records SA&M 20901972
Procol HarumIn Concert With The Edmonton Symphony OrchestraChrysalis 6307 5031975
Procol HarumGrand HotelChrysalis 6307 5111973
Procol HarumGrand HotelChrysalis 6307 5111975
Procol HarumProcol's NinthChrysalis 6307 5551975
Procol HarumSomething MagicChrysalis 6307 5931977
Procol HarumThe Best Of Procol HarumA&M Records SA&M-21101974
Procol HarumA Whiter Shade Of PaleDeram XDR-403481967
Procol HarumA Whiter Shade Of PaleLondon Records 7L-60331967
Procol HarumHomburg / Wreck Of The Hesperus / A Salty Dog / A Whiter Shade Of PaleYoung 302.10461978
Purple Fox, TheSings And Plays Tribute To Jimi HendrixDiscofam MER 340197X
Purple VelvetTribute To Creedence ClearwaterStereo Plus 3 STRLP 404921974
QuartetJosephLondon Records XDR478841971
QuartzQuartzUnited Artists Records UALP-121761977
QueenQueenEMI 31C 064 94519197X
QueenQueen IIEMI XEMC 80411974
QueenQueen IIEMI 31C 064 95186D /​ XEMC 80411974
QueenSheer Heart AttackEMI EMC 8016 /​ 31C 064 960251974
QueenSheer Heart AttackEMI EMC 8016198X
QueenA Night At The OperaEMI SXEMC 80301975
QueenA Night At The OperaEMI SXEMC 8030/​31C 064 97176197X
QueenA Night At The Opera (Made in Uruguay)EMI SXEMC 8030/​31C 064 97176197X
QueenA Night At The OperaEMI SXEMC 80301985
QueenA Night At The OperaEMI 31C 064 97176D/​EMI SXEMC 8030198X
QueenA Day At The RacesEMI XEMC 80441976
QueenA Day At The RacesXEMC 8044/​EMI 31C 064 98485D198X
QueenJazzEMI 31C 064 61820D1978
QueenLive KillersEMI 31C 164 62792/​31979
QueenNews Of The WorldEMI XEMC 80611977
QueenNews Of The WorldEMI 31C 064 60033D198X
QueenBohemian RhapsodyEMI 40721975
QueenWe Are The Champions / We Will Rock YouEMI 41131977
QueenBicycle Race / Fat Bottomed GirlsEMI 31C 006 618461978
QueenCrazy Little Thing Called LoveEMI 31C 006-633171979
QueenJealousyEMI 31C 006 627221979
QueenLove Of My LifeEMI 31C 006 628771979
Queen Anne's LaceQueen Anne's LaceCoral 012.1461970
QuicksandHome Is Where I BelongPye Records PLP-150.0381973
Quicksilver Messenger ServiceSolid SilverCapitol Records ST-114621975
RabbitBroken Arrows / Music Is The AnswerIsland Records 110.0141973
RabbittRock'N'Roll Volume 2Capricorn Records 22062011977
Racket Squad, TheCorners Of Your MindRozenblit CHJ 00081969
Raiders, TheIndian ReservationCBS 1377581972
RainbowRitchie Blackmore's RainbowOyster OYL/​XOYL 420011975
RainbowRisingOyster 2391 2241976
RainbowRisingPolydor 2391 2241985
RainbowOn StageOyster 2391 3311977
RainbowLong Live Rock 'N' RollPolydor 2391 3351978
RainbowDown To EarthPolydor 2391 4101980
Rainbow Press, TheSunday FunniesAudio Fidelity AFLP-18301971
Ram JamRam JamEpic 1442361978
RamonesRamonesSire 670.43161993
RamonesLeave HomeSire 670.43171993
RamonesRocket To RussiaWarner Bros/​Sire 670.4006/​28.1581987
RamonesRocket To RussiaWarner Bros. Records 670 40061987
RamonesRocket To RussiaWarner Bros. Records/​Sire 670.40061987
RamonesRoad To RuinSire 670.40401987
RamonesRoad To RuinSire 670.40401987
Randy PieKitschPolydor 2371 6661976
Rare EarthEcologyEbrau EBLP-5141972
Rare EarthOne WorldTapecar RE 5201971
Rare EarthRare Earth In ConcertMotown R 534D1971
Rare EarthWillie RemembersTapecar 543-L1972
Rare EarthMaRare Earth R 546L1973
Rare EarthBack To EarthTop Tape R6-5481975
Rare EarthGrand SlamProdigal/​Top Tape P7-100271978
Rare EarthThe Best Of Rare EarthTapecar LPX.241980
Rare EarthGet ReadyEbrau 50121969
Rare EarthGet ReadyEbrau 50121969
Rascals, TheOnce Upon A DreamATCO Records ALP605.0041968
Rascals, TheFreedom SuiteATCO Records ALP 605.0201969
Rascals, ThePeaceful WorldCBS 1377421971
RaspberriesRaspberriesCapitol Records SK-110361972
RaspberriesSide 3Capitol Records SMAS-112201973
RaspberriesDon't Want To Say GoodbyeCapitol Records SEP 230371973
RastusWalking In The ParkImporta /​ Som SM-CD-0011971
RatchellJulie My WomanMCA Records MCACS 900121972
Rattles, TheThe Rattles Starring EdnaYoung/​Fermata 304.10421974
Ray DorsetCold Blue ExcursionPye Records PLP 150.0201972
RazmatazFor The First TimeUnited Artists Records S-UA-20131197X
RecreationMusic Or Not MusicEbrau 404.00251972
RedboneMessage From A DrumEpic 1440851972
RedeyeRedeyeEquipe EQVC-360181970
RedeyeOne Man's PoisonEquipe EQVC 360191971
RenaissanceRenaissanceIsland Records ILPS 91141969
RenaissancePrologueHarvest XSHVL-10331972
RenaissancePrologueHarvest 31C 064 93685D/​XHVL 10331985
RenaissancePrologueHarvest 31C 164 93685/​XHVL 1033198X
RenaissanceAshes Are BurningSovereign/​Harvest XHVL-10241973
RenaissanceAshes Are BurningHarvest 31C 064 94663D/​XHVL 10241985
RenaissanceA Song For All SeasonsWarner Bros 36.0761978
RenaissanceIn The Beginning - Prologue / Ashes Are BurningHarvest 31C 164 532557/​61978
RenaissanceAzure D'orWarner Bros. Records 38.0271979
REO SpeedwagonYou Can Tune A Piano, But You Can't Tuna FishEpic 1442711978
REO SpeedwagonNine LivesEpic 235043/​BL-359881979
Ribelli, II RibelliRicordi 8380581969
Rich Mountain TowerRich Mountain TowerOvation Records OVQD 14121972
Richard SupaSupa's JamboreeImporta Som/​ Paramount USLP 62611971
Richard WrightWet DreamCBS 2300221978
Richie HavensAlarm ClockPolydor 23020171970
Richie HavensRichard P. Havens, 1983MGM Records LP-31.0141970
Richie HavensLive On StagePolydor 2480 1411973
Richie HavensThe End Of The BeginningA&M Records SP-45981976
Richie HavensMirageA&M Records SA&M-22101977
Richie HavensPop History - Vol. 12MGM Records 30.0331972
Richie HavensPop Giants Vol.18Polyfar 2494.3181975
Rick CurtisSoulful MorningAVCO Embassy AVCS-14.0221972
Rick Curtis Affair, TheThe Rick Curtis AffairAVCO Embassy AVE-330181971
Rick WakemanThe Six Wives Of Henry VIIIA&M Records SA&MX 2104 /​ SP 43611973
Rick WakemanThe Six Wives Of Henry VIIIA&M QA&MX 2104/​SP 43611973
Rick WakemanThe Six Wives Of Henry VIIIA&M Records 394 361-11987
Rick WakemanJourney To The Centre Of The EarthA&M Records SA&M 2121/​QA&MX-21211974
Rick WakemanJourney To The Centre Of The EarthA&M Records SA&M 21211974
Rick WakemanJourney To The Centre Of The EarthA&M Records 393156-11988
Rick WakemanJourney To The Centre Of The EarthA&M Records 270.001198X
Rick WakemanJourney To The Centre Of The EarthA&M 270001198X
Rick WakemanJourney To The Centre Of The EarthA&M Records SA&M 2121/​SA&MX 2121198X
Rick WakemanThe Myths And Legends Of King ArthurA&M Records SA&MX 21341975
Rick WakemanThe Myths And Legends Of King ArthurA&M Records 394515-1/​SP-32301988
Rick Wakeman feat. Roger DaltreyLisztomaniaA&M Records SA&M 21561975
Rick Wakeman feat. Roger DaltreyLisztomaniaA&M Records SP-45461975
Rick WakemanNo Earthly ConnectionA&M SA&M-21661976
Rick WakemanRick Wakeman's Criminal RecordA&M Records SA&M-22131977
Rick WakemanWhite RockA&M Records SA&M 21941977
Rick WakemanWhite RockA&M Records 31C 064 60838198X
Rick WakemanRhapsodiesA&M Records 31C 164 62955 61979
Rick WakemanGuinevereA&M Records S7AM-51551975
Riff RaffRiff RaffRCA Victor 104.70241973
Ringo StarrSentimental JourneyApple Records BTL 10121970
Ringo StarrBeaucoups Of BluesOdeon BTL 1014 BTX-1.0141971
Ringo StarrGoodnight ViennaApple Records SBTL-10321974
Ringo StarrRingoApple Records SBTX 10271974
Ringo StarrRingo's RotogravurePolydor 2310 4731976
Ringo StarrRingo The 4thPolydor 2310 5561977
Ringo StarrBad BoyPolydor 2310 5991978
Rita CoolidgeThat Man is my WeaknessA&M Records AM 20751971
Rita CoolidgeThe Lady's Not For SaleA&M Records SAMX 20971973
River City Street BandRiver City Street BandStax 2325 0911972
Robert PalmerPressure DropIsland Records ILPS 93721976
Robert WyattI'm A BelieverVirgin VRCS-15101975
Robin TrowerBridge Of SighsChrysalis 63075301974
Robin TrowerFor Earth BelowChrysalis 63075441975
Robin TrowerRobin Trower Live!Chrysalis 6307 5691975
Robin TrowerLong Misty DaysChrysalis 6307 5851977
Rock FlowersRock FlowersRCA WHS-40011972
Rod StewartAn Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You DownMercury 6338 2261973
Rod StewartGasoline AlleyVertigo 6360 5001971
Rod StewartEvery Picture Tells A StoryMercury 6338 0631971
Rod StewartNever A Dull MomentMercury 6338 0941972
Rod StewartSmilerMercury 6338 5281974
Rod StewartAtlantic CrossingWarner Bros. Records 3-01-404-0711975
Rod StewartAtlantic CrossingWarner Bros. Records 670.92931975
Rod Stewart / FacesLive Coast To CoastWarner Bros. Records WBLP-5.0541974
Rod Stewart / FacesLive Coast To Coast - Overture And BeginnersWarner Bros. Records 26.0101977
Rod StewartA Shot Of Rhythm And BluesEMI XEMC-80651976
Rod StewartA Night On The TownWarner Bros. Records 36.0041976
Rod StewartFoot Loose & Fancy FreeWarner Bros. Records 36.0441977
Rod StewartBlondes Have More FunWarner Bros. Records 46.0011978
Rod StewartThe Best Of Rod StewartMercury 6338 7011976
Rod StewartThe Best Of Rod StewartMercury 6338 7011978
Rod StewartO Rock de Rod StewartMercury 82430311984
Rod StewartMaggie MayMercury 6052 1131971
Rod StewartAngelMercury 6253 0221973
Rod StewartSing It Again RodMercury 6338 2481973
Rod StewartOh! No Not My BabyMercury 6253 0271974
Rod StewartSailingWarner Bros. Records 3-010201-0121976
Rod StewartTonight's The NightWarner Bros. Records 96.0101977
Rod StewartHot LegsWarner Bros. Records 96.0351978
Roger DaltreyDaltreyAtlas 2478 1171983
Roger DaltreyRide A Rock HorsePolydor 2383 3461975
Roger DaltreyOne Of The BoysPolydor 2480 4111977
Roger DaltreyPop Giants, Vol. 3Polyfar 2494 1081974
Roger DaltreyOcean AwayPolydor 22291801976
Roger McGuinnRoger McGuinnCBS AL-319461973
Rolling Stones, TheBetween The ButtonsLondon Records LLN 71221967
Rolling Stones, TheBetween The ButtonsLondon Records 300231981
Rolling Stones, TheBetween The ButtonsLondon Records LLN-7122-S198X
Rolling Stones, TheTheir Satanic Majesties RequestLondon Records LLX-71571969
Rolling Stones, TheTheir Satanic Majesties RequestLondon Records LLX-7157 S1969
Rolling Stones, TheTheir Satanic Majesties RequestLondon Records ZAL 81261969
Rolling Stones, TheTheir Satanic Majesties RequestLondon Records 300351981
Rolling Stones, TheTheir Satanic Majesties RequestLondon Records 31C 064 60918D/​LLX 7157198X
Rolling Stones, TheO Banquete Dos MendigosLondon Records LLX 71401968
Rolling Stones, TheO Banquete Dos MendigosLondon Records ARL 8476/​LLX 71401969
Rolling Stones, TheO Banquete Dos MendigosLondon Records LLX 71401969
Rolling Stones, TheO Banquete Dos MendigosLondon Records 30 0361982
Rolling Stones, TheO Banquete Dos MendigosLondon Records 31C 064 60919 D/​LLX 7140198X
Rolling Stones, TheLet It BleedLondon Records LLN 71781970
Rolling Stones, TheLet It BleedLondon Records LLN 7178-S1970
Rolling Stones, TheLet It BleedLondon Records LLN 7319-S1976
Rolling Stones, TheLet It BleedLondon Records 31C 064 61079197X
Rolling Stones, TheLet It BleedLondon Records 30 0371981
Rolling Stones, TheGet Yer Ya-Ya's Out!London Records LLN-72011970
Rolling Stones, TheGet Yer Ya-Ya's Out!London Records LLN-72011970
Rolling Stones, TheGet Yer Ya-Ya's Out!London Records 300011981
Rolling Stones, TheGet Yer Ya-Ya's Out!London Records SKL 50651981
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersRolling Stones Records 2314 0011971
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersRolling Stones Records 23140011971
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersWEA 68.000/​Rolling Stones Records COC 59.1001976
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersRolling Stones Records/​EMI 31C 066 63152D197X
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersRolling Stones Records 31C 066 63152197X
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersRolling Stones Records 231.098197X
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersRolling Stones Records/​EMI 31C 066 63152D197X
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersRolling Stones Records/​EMI 31C 064 63152D1985
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersRolling Stones Records/​EMI 31C 064 63152D198X
Rolling Stones, TheSticky FingersRolling Stones Records 231098198X
Rolling Stones, TheExile On Main St.Rolling Stones Records/​Continental COC 2-29001972
Rolling Stones, TheExile On Main St.Rolling Stones Records/​Continental COC 2-29001972
Rolling Stones, TheExile On Main St.Rolling Stones Records/​EMI 31C 164 63077/​8197X
Rolling Stones, TheExile On Main StRolling Stones Records 400003/​4198X
Rolling Stones, TheExile On Main St.CBS 400003/​4198X
Rolling Stones, TheGoats Head SoupRolling Stones Records COC 591011973
Rolling Stones, TheGoats Head SoupRolling Stones Records 38.008/​COC-59.1011976
Rolling Stones, TheGoats Head SoupRolling Stones Records 31C 066 63076D1985
Rolling Stones, TheGoats Head SoupRolling Stones Records/​EMI 31C 064 63076D197X
Rolling Stones, TheGoats Head SoupEMI 31C 064 63076D198X
Rolling Stones, TheGoats Head SoupRolling Stones Records 231.097198X
Rolling Stones, TheIt's Only Rock & RollRolling Stones Records 3-05-404-0041974
Rolling Stones, TheIt's Only Rock & RollRolling Stones Records 3-05-404-0041977
Rolling Stones, TheIt's Only Rock & RollRolling Stones Records 231.099198X
Rolling Stones, TheIt's Only Rock 'N RollRolling Stones Records 31C 066 63075198X
Rolling Stones, TheIt's Only Rock 'N' RollRolling Stones Records 31C 064 63075198X
Rolling Stones, TheBlack And BlueRolling Stones Records 3-05-404-006/​38.0051976
Rolling Stones, TheBlack And BlueRolling Stones Records COC 79104/​3-05-404-0061976
Rolling Stones, TheBlack And BlueRolling Stones Records 4000311976
Rolling Stones, TheBlack And BlueRolling Stones Records 3-05-404-006/​38.005/​COC 79104V197X197X
Rolling Stones, TheBlack And BlueRolling Stones Records 31C 066 63187D/​EMI 31C 066 63187D1985
Rolling Stones, TheLove You LiveRolling Stones Records 68.003/​41977
Rolling Stones, TheLove You LiveRolling Stones Records 230507/​8198X
Rolling Stones, TheLove You LiveRolling Stones Records 31C 166 63080/​1198X
Rolling Stones, TheSome GirlsRolling Stones Records 31C 064 610161978
Rolling Stones, TheSome GirlsRolling Stones Records 231.035198X
Rolling Stones, TheSome GirlsRolling Stones Records 31C 066 61016198X
Rolling Stones, TheHave You Seen Your Mother Live!London Records PS 4931981
Rolling Stones, TheHave You Seen Your Mother Live!London Records 300021981
Ron Geesin & Roger WatersMusic From The BodyHarvest 31C 064 04615197X
Ron WoodNow LookWarner Bros. Records 3.01.404.0691975
Ron WoodGimme Some NeckCBS 357021979
Ronnie MontroseOpen FireWarner Bros 360691978
Rory GallagherLive! In EuropePolydor 2383 1121972
Rory GallagherBlueprintPolydor 2383 1891973
Rory GallagherTattooPhonogram 2383 2301974
Rory GallagherAgainst The GrainChrysalis 6307 5631975
Rory GallagherCalling CardChrysalis 6307 5861976
Rory GallagherThe Story So FarPolydor 2383 3761976
RoxyRoxyEpic 440561970
Roxy MusicRoxy MusicIsland /​ Phonogram 410.0181972
Roxy MusicFor Your PleasureIsland Records 410.0231973
Roxy MusicStrandedIsland Records 410.0351974
Roxy MusicCountry LifeIsland Records ILPS 93031975
Roxy MusicSirenIsland Records ILPS 93441975
Roxy MusicViva! Roxy Music (The Live Roxy Music Album)Island Records ILPS 94001976
Roxy MusicManifestoEG 2310 6511983
Rubettes, TheWe Can Do ItState Records 2309 0011975
Rubettes, TheRubettesState Records 23001976
Rugbys, TheHot CargoMusidisc HI-FI-22321969
Runaways, TheThe RunawaysMercury 6338 6881976
Runaways, TheThe RunawaysMercury 6338 688197X
Runaways, TheQueens Of NoiseMercury 6338 7801977
Runaways, TheCherry BombMercury 6167 3921976
Runaways, TheAmerican NightsMercury 6167 6771978
RushRushMercury 6338 5241975
RushRushMercury 6338 5241975
RushRushMercury 6338 5241977
RushRushMercury 6338 5241983
RushRushMercury 6338 524198X
RushCaress Of SteelMercury 6338 6001975
RushCaress Of SteelMercury 6338 6001977
RushCaress Of SteelMercury 6338 6001986
RushFly By NightMercury 6338 5611975
RushFly By NightMercury 6338 5611977
RushFly By NightMercury 6338 5611989
RushFly By NightMercury 6388 561198X
Rush2112Mercury 6338 6781976
Rush2112Mercury 6338 6781976
Rush2112Mercury 6338 6781976
Rush2112Mercury 6338 678198X
RushA Farewell To KingsMercury 6338 8341977
RushA Farewell To KingsMercury 6338 8341977
RushA Farewell To KingsMercury 6338 834197X
RushA Farewell To KingsMercury 6338 8341985
RushAll The World's A StageMercury 6338 771/​21977
RushAll The World's A StageMercury 6338 771/​2197X
RushExit...Stage LeftMercury 6337 194/​6337 195/​6619 053197X
RushHemispheresMercury 9111 0051979
RushHemispheresMercury 9111 0051983
RushHemispheresMercury 9111 0051985
RushHemispheresMercury 9111 0051987
RustixCome On PeopleEbrau EBLP 5131970
Ry CooderInto The Purple ValleyReprise Records RLLP-20131972
SailcatMotorcycle MamaElektra ELLP5061972
Saint-PreuxLe Piano Sous La MerOne Way OW 5161972
Sammy HagarMusical ChairsEMI-Odeon Brasil 064 853221977
SantanaSantanaCBS 376541970
SantanaSantanaCBS 1376541971
SantanaSantanaCBS 137749, AL-305951971
SantanaSantanaHarmony 148.013198X
SantanaSantanaHarmony 148.013198X
SantanaAbraxasCBS 137 6961970
SantanaAbraxasCBS 376961970
SantanaSantana IIICBS 137749198X
SantanaCaravanseraiCBS 1377901972
SantanaCaravanseraiHarmony 148.099198X
SantanaWelcomeCBS 1378381974
SantanaBorbolettaCBS 1378631974
SantanaBorbolettaCBS 1378631974
SantanaLotusCBS 159.183-4-5/​1-4659331988
SantanaAmigosCBS 1379311976
SantanaAmigosCBS 1379311976
SantanaAmigosHarmony 1480701976
SantanaAmigosColumbia 184.011/​1-0324761992
SantanaFestivalCBS 1387171977
SantanaFestivalCBS 1379871977
SantanaMoonflowerCBS 138036/​71978
SantanaInner SecretsCBS 1380981978
SantanaMarathonCBS 1381681979
SantanaBatukaCBS 564221971
SassafrasWheelin' 'N' Dealin'Chrysalis 63075451975
SassafrasRiding HighChrysalis 6307 5791976
ScorpionsFly To The RainbowRCA Victor 104.70461974
ScorpionsFly To The RainbowRCA 714.70151989
ScorpionsIn TranceRCA Victor 104.71231985
ScorpionsTaken By ForceRCA Victor 104.71251986
ScorpionsVirgin KillerRCA Victor 104.71151983
ScorpionsVirgin Killer (capa original)RCA Victor 104.71151983
ScorpionsTokyo TapesRCA 121.70021978
ScorpionsTokyo TapesRCA Pure Gold 121.70021984
ScorpionsLovedriveMercury 822 555-11984
ScorpionsLovedriveMercury 822 555-11985
Seeds, TheFutureSom Maior SM-15501968
Sensational Alex Harvey Band, TheFramedVertigo 6360 0811973
Sensational Alex Harvey Band, TheNextVertigo 6360 1031974
Sensational Alex Harvey Band, TheThe Impossible DreamVertigo 6360 1121975
Sensational Alex Harvey Band, TheLiveVertigo 6370 4081975
Sensational Alex Harvey Band, TheTomorrow Belongs To MeVertigo 63704101975
Sensational Alex Harvey Band, TheThe Penthouse TapesVertigo 6370 4131976
Sensational Alex Harvey Band, TheSAHB StoriesMountain 63704171976
Sex PistolsNever Mind The BollocksVirgin 9124 1361978
Sex PistolsNever Mind The BollocksVirgin 104.83621986
Sex PistolsNever Mind The BollocksVirgin 104.83621986
Sex PistolsNever Mind The BollocksVirgin 4270851989
Sex PistolsNever Mind The BollocksVirgin 066 42708511989
ShangoTrampin'Odeon MOFB 150201970
ShangoThat's My BagOdeon 140051971
Shocking Blue, TheVenusPolydor LPG 624.0401970
Shocking Blue, The / The RoadrunnersVenus / Woman, WomanPolydor FC 126.0251970
Shocking BlueShocking You / WaterlooPolydor 2160 0251971
Shoes, TheLet The Shoes Shine InSteam Machine STM-0531972
Shoes, TheMake Up Your Make-UpWarner Bros./​Continental 3-01-404-0591975
Shoes, TheMake Up Your Make-UpWarner Bros. Records 3-01-101-0471975
SilverSilverArista ARL 33021976
SilverheadSilverheadPurple Records XPRL 90041974
Simon Stokes & The NighthawksVoodoo WomanEpic 660571969
SkySkyAriola 2005891979
SkylarkSkylarkCapitol Records ST-110481972
SkylarkSkylark 2Capitol Records ST-112561974
Slack AliceSlack AlicePhilips 6308 2141975
SladeSlade Alive!Polydor 2383 1011972
SladeSladestPolydor 2383 2371973
SladeSlayedPolydor 2383 1631973
SladeOld New Borrowed And BluePolydor 2383 2611974
SladeSlade In FlamePolydor 23833091975
SladeNobody's FoolsPolydor 2383 3771976
SladeSlade Alive Vol TwoPolyGram 2314 1061979
SladeCum On Feel The NoizePolydor 2058 3391973
SladeSlayedPolydor 2229 1091973
SladeShe Did It To MePolydor 2229 1661975
SladeNobody's Fool / Let's Call It Quits / In For A Penny / You Just ImaginePolydor 22001241977
Small FacesPlaymatesAtlantic 30.046/​317-404-1361977
Small FacesItchycoo ParkOdeon 7I-31991967
Small FacesHere Come The Nice / Talk To YouOdeon 7I-32161968
Small FacesItchycoo ParkImmediate 301.10491976
SmithMinus-PlusOdeon MOFB 15.0181970
SmithBaby It's YouOdeon 7L-130161969
SmithComin' Back to MeOdeon 71-13.0221970
SmithWhat Am I Gonna Do / Take A Look AroundOdeon 7l-13.0201970
Smokey John BullSmokey John BullContinental AVLP-70201971
SmokieBright Lights & Back AlleysRAK 31C 064 995841977
SnafuSituation NormalVertigo 6366 1131975
SnailSnailCream Records 3.48-404-0031978
Soft MachineBundlesHarvest SHVL 10341975
Soft MachineSoftsHarvest SHVL 10461976
Souther-Hillman-Furay Band, TheThe Souther-Hillman-Furay BandElektra ELLP-5281974
SparrowHatching OutSpark BLP-90571973
Speedy KeenY'Know Wot I Mean?Island Records ILPS 93381976
Spencer Davis Group, TheLiving In A Back StreetVertigo 6360 1051975
Spencer Davis Group, The + TrafficHere We Go 'Round The Mulberry Bush (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)United Artists UAM 200501968
Spencer Davis GroupThe Best Of The Spencer Davis Group Featuring Steve WinwoodIsland Records ILP 9070/​201 811197X
SplinterThe Place I LoveDark Horse Records XDHL 130011974
Split EnzMental NotesChrysalis 6307 5811977
Spooky ToothWitnessIsland Records 410.0401973
Spooky ToothYou Broke My Heart So... I Busted Your JawIsland Records 410.0261974
Spooky ToothThe MirrorIsland Records ILPS 92921975
Spooky ToothPop Giants Vol. 6Island 310.0031974
StallionStallionCasablanca CBLP91821977
StampedersSweet City WomanPhilips 6073 6001971
StampedersWild EyesPhilips 6073 6041972
StarzViolationCapitol Records SW 116171977
StarzAttention Shoppers!Capitol Records 31C 064 853861978
StarzColiseum RockCapitol Records 31C 064 857581978
StarzCherry BabyCapitol Records S7C-112481977
Starz(Any Way That You Want It) I'll Be ThereCapitol Records 31C 006 854361978
StarzAttention Shoppers! (4 Sucessos)Capitol Records 31C 016 856491978
Status QuoPicturesque Matchstickable MessagesMusidisc/​Pye HI-FI 2198197X
Status QuoGreasy SpoonMusidisc HI-FI-2234197X
Status QuoHello!Vertigo 6360 0981974
Status QuoPiledriverVertigo 6360 0821973
Status QuoQuoVertigo 6360 1061974
Status QuoOn The LevelPhonogram 6360 1171975
Status QuoBlue For YouVertigo 6320 1281976
Status QuoLiveVertigo 6360 143/​41977
Status QuoRockin' All Over The WorldPhonogram 6360 1561978
Status QuoIf You Can't Stand The Heat...Vertigo 6360 1641979
Status QuoWhatever You WantPhonogram 6360 1751979
Status QuoThe Best Of Status QuoPye Records PPL 150 0341973
Status QuoThe Best Of Status QuoPye Records 4.14-404-0751977
Status QuoThe Rest Of Status QuoChantecler 4-14-404-048/​Pye Records PKL-55461976
Status QuoQuotations Vol. 1 - The BeginningYoung 320.70461989
Status QuoPictures Of Matchstick MenMusidisc/​Pye CS-561968
Status Quo / The KinksStatus Quo / The KinksMinidisc, Pye MINI-91969
Status Quo / The KinksStatus Quo / The KinksPYE Mini-91969
Status QuoDown The Dustpipe / Spicks And Specks / Are You Growing Tired of My Love / Little Miss NothingMusidisc 011970
Status QuoPaper PlaneVertigo 6059 0711973
Status QuoBreak The RulesVertigo 60591011974
Status QuoOn The LevelVertigo 6276 010 (Swirl)1975
Status QuoOn The LevelVertigo 6276 010 (Spaceship)1975
Status QuoPictures Of Matchstick MenPye/​Chantecler 4.14-202-0221977
Stealers WheelStealers WheelA&M Records/​SA&M-20981973
Stealers WheelFerguslie ParkA&M Records SP-44191973
Steeleye SpanParcel Of RoguesChrysalis 6307 5141973
Steeleye SpanCommoners CrownChrysalis 6307 5431975
Steeleye SpanAll Around My HatChrysalis 6307 5641976
Steeleye SpanRocket CottageChrysalis 6307 5841977
Steely DanCan't Buy A ThrillProbe SPOL 150401973
Steely DanCountdown To EcstasyABC Records ABCX-779/​Probe SPOL-15.0471973
Steely DanPretzel LogicProbe ABCD-808/​Probe XPOL 150551974
Steely DanKaty LiedProbe ABCD-8461975
Steely DanRoyal ScamABC Records 6-26-404-0291976
Steely DanAjaABC Records 6.26-404-0891978
Stephen StillsStephen StillsAtlantic 80.0141970
Stephen StillsStephen StillsAtlantic 2401.0041971
Stephen StillsStephen Stills 2ATCO Records 2401 0131971
Stephen StillsStillsCBS 1379091975
Stephen StillsStephen Stills LiveAtlantic 3-17-404-0381976
Stephen StillsThoroughfare GapCBS 138 1031978
Stephen Stills / ManassasManassasATCO Records 30 133/​341972
Stephen Stills / ManassasManassasAtlantic 30 133/​341980
Stephen Stills / ManassasManassasAtlantic 675.9003198X
Stephen Stills / ManassasDown The RoadATCO SD 7250 /​ Continental ATLP-0451973
Stephen Stills / ManassasIt Doesn't MatterAtlantic ATCS-10.0241972
SteppenwolfSteppenwolfRCA Victor DLP-50081968
SteppenwolfSteppenwolfOdeon MOFB-150121969
SteppenwolfSteppenwolfMCA Records 814 123-1 81983
SteppenwolfThe SecondOdeon MOFB-150031969
SteppenwolfAt Your Birthday PartyOdeon MOFB 150071969
SteppenwolfAt Your Birthday PartyMCA Records 604.7230, 27.0801986
SteppenwolfMonsterOdeon MOFB 150141970
SteppenwolfMonsterOdeon SMOFB 15.0141970
SteppenwolfLiveOdeon SSL-50291970
SteppenwolfLiveOdeon MOFB 150161970
SteppenwolfLiveABC Records 6-28-407-010, SL-50291976
SteppenwolfLiveMCA Records 675.90041980
SteppenwolfFor Ladies OnlyProbe DS-501101971
SteppenwolfSkullduggeryCBS 1379461976
Steppenwolf16 Greatest HitsProbe DXS-501351973
Steppenwolf16 Greatest HitsMCA Records 670.00401987
SteppenwolfGold (Their Great Hits)MCA Records 201 574197X
SteppenwolfMagic Carpet RideOdeon 7ID-14.0011969
SteppenwolfMagic Carpet Ride / Sookie, SookieOdeon SS-80031968
SteppenwolfRide With MeOdeon 71-130311971
SteppenwolfForty Days And Forty Nights / Screaming Night Hog / Who Needs Ya / Snow Blind FriendOdeon 7ID 140071971
SteppenwolfRest In PeaceProbe S7-POD 14.0091973
Steve FeldmanSteve FeldmanEvolution SDLP 119801975
Steve HackettVoyage Of The AcolyteCharisma 6369 9701976
Steve HackettPlease Don't Touch!Charisma 9124 0241978
Steve Harley And Cockney RebelTimeless FlightEMI XEMC 80331976
Steve Harley And Cockney RebelMake Me Smile (Come Up And See Me)EMI EMI-40541975
Steve HillageFish RisingCopacabana VRLP-120041975
Steve HillageMotivation RadioAtlantic 30 0521978
Steve HoweBeginningsAtlantic 3-17-404-0371975
Steve HoweBeginningsAtlantic 3-17-404-0371975
Steve MarriottMarriottA&M Records SA&M 21711976
Steve Miller Band, TheSailorCapitol Records ST-29841970
Steve Miller Band, TheThe JokerCapitol Records SMAS-112351974
Steve Miller Band, TheFly Like An EagleMercury 6303 9251976
Steve Miller Band, TheBook Of DreamsMercury 6303 9261977
Steve Miller Band, TheGreatest Hits 1974 - 78Mercury 6303 9271978
Steve WinwoodSteve WinwoodIsland Records 9127 0061977
Steve WinwoodSteve WinwoodIsland Records 201 550198X
Stevie WrightHard RoadPolydor 2380 2491975
Stills-Young Band, TheLong May You RunReprise Records 340091976
Stomu Yamashta / Steve Winwood / Michael ShrieveGoIsland Records ILPS 93871976
Stone The CrowsOntinuous PerformancePolydor 2391 0431972
StoneboltStoneboltTapecar/​Som Livre 604.70091979
Stooges, TheThe StoogesElektra 32 0701980
Stooges, TheFun HouseElektra 82.0101982
StoriesAbout UsKama Sutra KSBS 20681974
Storm, TheIt's All Right / I've Gotta Tell You MamaBASF 01-92005, SCDP-DPF-35/​SP1974
Stranglers, TheNo More HeroesUnited Artists Records UALP-121961977
Stranglers, TheBlack And WhiteUnited Artists Records UALP 12 2311978
Stranglers, TheThe RavenUnited Artists Records 31C 064 827401979
Stranglers, TheNo More HeroesUnited Artists Records UACS16921977
Strawberry Alarm ClockGood Morning StarshineDecca 0121211969
Strawberry Alarm ClockBest Of Strawberry Alarm ClockMCA Records MAP/​S-24211970
StrawbsHero And HeroineA&M SP-3607/​Odeon SA&M 21281974
StrawbsGhostsA&M Records SP-45061975
StrawbsGhostsA&M SA&M-2138/​SP-45051975
StrawbsNomadnessA&M Records SA&M 21611975
StrawbsDeep CutsOyster/​Polydor 2391 2341976
StrawbsDeadlinesArista 31C 064-605181978
StrayHearts Of FirePye Records 4.14-404-0691977
StrayYou Went Away / Take A LifePye Records
StyxEquinoxA&M Records SA&M 21651975
StyxCrystal BallA&M Records SA&M 21911976
StyxThe Grand IllusionA&M Records SP-46371977
StyxPieces Of EightA&M Records 31C 064 61914D1978
StyxCornerstoneA&M Records 31C 064 63428D1979
StyxThe Serpent Is RisingRCA 107.40411982
StyxBlue Collar Man (Long Nights)A&M Records 617781978
SugarloafSugarloafLiberty FLP-350911970
SugarloafSpaceship EarthLiberty FSP-350961971
SugarloafTongue In CheekLiberty FC-55071971
SupertrampSupertrampA&M Recs 31C 064 60911197X
SupertrampCrime Of The CenturyA&M Records SA&M 21321974
SupertrampCrime Of The CenturyA and M Records 393 6471987
SupertrampCrime Of The CenturyA and M Records 31C 064 97479/​SA and M 2132198X
SupertrampCrime Of The CenturyA and M Records 170019198X
SupertrampCrisis? What Crisis?A&M Records SA&M-2159/​ SP-45601975
SupertrampCrisis? What Crisis?A and M Records 394560-11988
SupertrampEven In The Quietest Moments...A&M Recs SA and M 2197/​SP 46341977
SupertrampEven In The Quietest Moments...A&M Recs 394634-11988
SupertrampEven In The Quietest Moments...A&M Recs 31C06460846SA and M 2197198X
SupertrampEven In The Quietest Moments...A&M Recs 31C06460846/​170044/​SA and M 2197 (SP4634)198X
SupertrampEven In The Quietest Moments...A&M Recs 170044198X
SupertrampIndelibly StampedA&M Recs 31C 064 63819D1980
SupertrampIndelibly StampedA&M Recs 270006198X
SupertrampBreakfast In AmericaA&M Recs 31C 064 625411979
SupertrampBreakfast In AmericaA&M Recs 1700321979
SupertrampBreakfast In AmericaA&M Recs 393.708.11987
Suzi QuatroSuzi QuatroOdeon SMOFB 4711973
Suzi QuatroSuzi QuatroOdeon SRAK-5051973
Suzi QuatroQuatroOdeon 959311974
Suzi QuatroYour Mamma Won't Like MeOdeon SMOFB-4861975
Suzi QuatroAggro-PhobiaRAK RKL 250031976
Suzi QuatroIf You Knew Suzi...EMI 31C 064614541978
Suzi QuatroSuzi... And Other Four Letter WordsRAK 064632471979
Suzi Quatro4 SucessosRAK RKD 240011973
Suzi Quatro4 SucessosRAK 31C 016 61561/​RKD 24001198X
Suzi QuatroCan The CanOdeon S7I-33711974
Suzi Quatro & Chris NormanStumblin' In / A Stranger With YouRAK 31C 006 619071978
Suzi QuatroShe's In Love With YouRAK 31C 006-63 2481979
SweetFunny How Sweet Co-Co Can BeRCA BSL-2081971
SweetSweet Fanny AdamsRCA Victor 104.70291974
SweetStrung UpRCA 121.70011975
SweetStrung UpRCA 121.70011976
SweetGive Us A Wink!RCA Victor 704.70521976
SweetGive us a wink!RCA Victor 104.7052198X
SweetOff The RecordRCA Victor 10470751977
SweetLevel HeadedPolygram 23105781978
Sweet"Disco de Ouro"RCA 109.70081978
SweetFunny, FunnyRCA Victor LCD-31761971
SweetPoppa JoeRCA Victor LC-162771972
SweetWig Wam BamRCA Victor 101.70201972
SweetHell Raiser / BurningRCA Victor 101.70321973
SweetLittle WillyRCA Victor 102.70071973
SweetThe Ballroom BlitzRCA Victor 102.70211975
Sweet PainSweet PainUnited Artists Records S-UA 20125197X
Sweet SalvationSweet SalvationElektra ELLP 5181973
Syd BarrettThe Madcap LaughsHarvest XHVL-10411970
Syd BarrettOpelHarvest 064 791206 11988
T. RexT. RexPhonogram 2326 0041973
T. RexElectric WarriorPolydor 2326 0011972
T. RexThe SliderEMI BLN 50011972
T. RexTanxEMI BLN 50021973
T. RexZinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow - A Creamed Cage In AugustEMI XEMC-80051974
T. RexBolan BoogieCube Records 2326 0121972
T. RexPop Giants - Vol. 1Polyfar 2494 0021974
T. RexHot LoveOdeon BUG-6/​71-32941971
T. RexMetal Guru / LadyEMI MARC 11972
T. RexTelegram Sam / Cadilac / Baby StrangeOdeon 7l-33111972
T. RexJeepster / Hot LoveFlag Records BCS-1371972
T. RexChildren Of The RevolutionT. REX MARC 21972
T. RexDeboraCube Records 2016 0091972
T. RexMetal GuruT. REX MARC 11972
T. RexSolid Gold Easy Action / Born To BoogieEMI MARC-31973
T.N.T.H.Let's Go Children Of The CountryEbrau 404.00271972
Takeshi Terauchi & Blue JeansEleki Ippon Enka De ShobuKing Records KJST 101001971
Takeshi Terauchi & Blue JeansEleiki Ippon Enka De ShôbuKing Records KJST-10.2391975
TastePop History Vol 11Polyfar 2494 1051972
Ted NugentFree-For-AllEpic 2350021976
Ted NugentCat Scratch FeverEpic 235.0061977
Ted NugentDouble Live Gonzo!Epic 144248/​91978
Ted NugentWeekend WarriorsEpic 1443061978
Ted NugentState of ShockEpic 1443631979
Teegarden & Van WinkleTeegarden & Van WinkleWestbound/​Top Tape WB 20031970
TelevisionMarquee MoonElektra 7E-1098/​32.0131977
TelevisionAdventureElektra 32.0241978
Ten Years AfterSssshDeram XDML 30071969
Ten Years AfterSssshChrysalis 6307 5511975
Ten Years AfterCricklewood GreenChrysalis 6307 5521976
Ten Years AfterWattChrysalis 6307 5501976
Ten Years AfterA Space In TimeCBS 1377541971
Ten Years AfterAlvin Lee & CompanyDeram SDML-30021972
Ten Years AfterRock & Roll Music To The WorldCBS 1377961973
Ten Years AfterGoin' Home!Chrysalis 6307 5491975
Ten Years AfterI'd Love To Change The WorldCBS 337381971
Terauchi Takeshi & Blue JeansInstrumental Vol. 1 Kita No YadokaraKing Records KJST 10.3051977
The (St. Thomas) Pepper SmelterSoul & PepperImagem 50121969
Thijs Van LeerO My LovePhilips 6303 1431976
Thijs Van LeerIntrospection 3Epic 1442531978
Thin LizzyNightlifeVertigo 6360 1161974
Thin LizzyFightingVertigo 6360 1211975
Thin LizzyJailbreakVertigo 6360 1301976
Thin LizzyJohnny The FoxVertigo 6360 1381977
Thin LizzyRenegadeVertigo 6359 0831982
Thin LizzyRemembering Part 1London Records LLN-7320-S1979
Thin LizzyThe Boys Are Back In TownVertigo 6059 1411976
Think TankTogether / Hold My HandOne Way ON-141972
Think TankThink TankOne Way OW5051973
Three Dog NightThree Dog NightOdeon MOFB-150091969
Three Dog NightThree Dog NightABC Records 6-28-407-011 /​ 500481976
Three Dog NightIt Ain't EasyOdeon SMOFB 15.0171970
Three Dog NightIt Ain't EasyOdeon MOFB 15.0171970
Three Dog NightCaptured Live At The ForumOdeon MOFB 15151970
Three Dog NightHarmonyProbe SPOL-15.0271971
Three Dog NightSuitable For FramingOdeon MOFB 150191971
Three Dog NightSeven Separate FoolsProbe SPOL-15.0321972
Three Dog NightAround The World With Three Dog NightProbe SPOL-150441973
Three Dog NightHard LaborProbe DSD-501681974
Three Dog NightJoy To The World - Their Greatest Hits (S‚rie Discoteca B sica)MCA Records 670.9149199X
Three Dog NightEli's ComingOdeon 140021969
Three Dog NightEli's ComingOdeon 7ID-14.0021969
Three Dog NightJoy To The WorldOdeon 7 ID 140061971
Three Dog NightLiar / Fire EaterOdeon 130271971
ThundermugTa-daa!Mercury 6338 5831975
TitanicSea WolfEpic 1440861972
TitanicReturn Of DrakkarBarclay 304 40251977
TitanicMacumbaEpic 662351974
Titus GroanOpen The Door HomerMusidisc 45-03197X
Todd RundgrenSomething / Anything?Warner Bros. Records WBLP-5.0011972
Todd RundgrenA Wizard, A True StarReprise Records RLLP-2.0361973
Todd RundgrenSomethingWarner Bros. Records WBCD 6.0031973
Todd RundgrenI Saw The LightWarner WBCS-7.0131973
Toe FatToe FatOdeon SLDS 21761971
Tom FogertyMyopiaFantasy 204.50181975
Tom FogertyZephyr NationalFantasy 204.50171976
Tom FogertyExcaliburFantasy F-94131979
Tom FogertyCast The First StoneFantasy 201.50091972
Tom FogertyJoyfull ResurrectionFantasy 201.50141973
Tom Petty And The HeartbreakersRock 'n' Roll Volume 7Philips 62990321978
Tom Robinson BandRising FreeEMI 31C 064 067831978
Tombstone Blues BandI'm The Man / Rollin' And Tumblin'Metromedia Records MMCS-15.0101970
Tommy BolinPrivate EyesCBS 1379811977
Tommy James & The ShondellsCrimson & CloverRGE, Roulette XRLP-62201969
Tommy James And The ShondellsTravelin'RGE USLP 62461970
Tommy JamesTommy JamesRCA ROS-31.0011971
Tony BanksA Curious FeelingCharisma 9124 0481980
TotoTotoCBS 1381001978
TotoHydraCBS 235.0411979
TotoHydraEpic 2350411979
Toy FactoryToy FactoryAVCO Embassy AVLP 70141970
TraceTraceVertigo/​Phonogram 6360 8521975
TraceBirdsPhilips 6413 0801975
Tracy Nelson / Mother EarthTracy Nelson / Mother EarthReprise Records RLLP 20031972
TrafficJohn Barleycorn Must DieIsland Records 410.0141972
TrafficJohn Barleycorn Must DieIsland Records 410 0141972
TrafficJohn Barleycorn Must DieIsland Records 203 2461981
TrafficThe Low Spark Of High Heeled BoysIsland Records 410.0081972
TrafficThe Low Spark Of High Heeled BoysIsland Records 202 529197X
TrafficThe Low Spark Of High Heeled BoysIsland Records 604.7224/​23.5161986
TrafficWelcome To The CanteenIsland Records 410.0051972
TrafficWelcome To The CanteenIsland Records 201 816197X
TrafficWelcome to The CanteenIsland Records 604.72591987
TrafficOn The RoadIsland Records 410 030/​0311973
TrafficShoot Out At The Fantasy FactoryIsland Records 4100221973
TrafficShoot Out At The Fantasy FactoryIsland Records 610.7087/​33.5081986
TrafficWhen The Eagle FliesIsland Records 410.0441974
TrafficBest Of TrafficIsland Records 202 442197X
TrafficPop Giants, Vol. 5Island Records 310 0021974
TrapezeYou Are The Music... We're Just The BandLondon Records LLN-7259-S1973
Travel AgencyWhat's A Man / Sorry You Were BornEquipe CSV-609196X
Travel Agency, TheThe Travel AgencyEquipe EQV-360131968
Trials And TribulationsTrials And TribulationsVanguard SV 600461970
Trio GalletaI Am So HappyOdeon MOFB 4511971
Trio GalletaI Am So HappyOdeon MOFB 4511971
Trio GalletaI'am So Happy / Going Back To IndianaOdeon 32971971
Tritons (New Trolls)(I Can't Get No) SatisfactionBarclay 101.80171973
TriumviratMediterranean Tales (Across The Waters)Harvest 1C 064 29 441198X
TriumviratMediterranean Tales (Across The Waters)Harvest 31C 064 29441198X
TriumviratIllusions On A Double DimpleHarvest SHVL-10221974
TriumviratIllusions On A Double DimpleHarvest 31C 064 29491/​SHVL 1022197X
TriumviratIllusions On A Double DimpleHarvest 31C 064 29491/​SHVL 10221987
TriumviratSpartacusHarvest 1C 062-295671975
TriumviratSpartacusHarvest SHVL-10311975
TriumviratSpartacusHarvest 31C 064 29567, SHVL 1031197X
TriumviratSpartacusHarvest 31C 064 295671985
TriumviratOld Loves Die HardEMI SHVL 10421976
TriumviratOld Loves Die HardHarvest 31C 064 296221976
TriumviratA La CarteHarvest 31C 064 45184D1978
TriumviratFor YouHarvest 31C 006 311491978
Troggs, TheFrom NowhereRGE XRLP-6.1701967
Troggs, TheTrogglodynamiteRGE/​Page One XRLP-6.1831967
Troggs, TheMixed BagRGE/​Page One XRLP 62261968
Troggs, TheCellophaneRGE/​Page One XRLP-6.2131968
Troggs, TheBest Of The TroggsRGE XRLP-6.1941967
Troggs, TheBest Of The Troggs - Volume 2RGE/​Page One XRLP 6.2051968
Troggs, TheLove Is All AroundRGE/​Page One C.D-80.2531968
Tubes, TheThe TubesA&M Recs SA&M 21581975
Tubes, TheYoung And RichA&M Records SA&M-21811976
Tubes, TheWhat Do You Want From LiveA&M Records 31C 164 61340/​11978
Tucky BuzzardComing On AgainHispavox HILP-10331972
U.S. Radio BandDon't Touch That DialABC Records ABCD-9471977
Udo Lindenberg And The Panic OrchestraNo PanicTelefunken 4-40-404-0031977
UFOPhenomenonChrysalis 6307 5321975
UFOForce ItChrysalis 6307 5741976
UFONo Heavy PettingChrysalis 6307 5741976
UFOLights OutChrysalis 6307 5981977
UFOLights OutChrysalis 308.001198X
UFOObsessionChrysalis 6307 6291978
UKNight After NightPolydor 2310 6891980
Underground SunshineBirthdayPhilips cs 139.0431969
UnicornUphill All The WayImporta Som 31000041972
UnicornBlue Pine TreesHarvest SHVL 10401974
Uniques, ThePlaytimeContinental PPL-12.3671968
Uniques, TheThe UniquesContinental PPL-12.340196X
Uriah Heep...Very 'Eavy Very 'Umble...Vertigo 6360.0061971
Uriah Heep...Very 'Eavy Very 'Umble...Bronze 6328 429198X
Uriah HeepSalisburyIsland Records 410.0021971
Uriah HeepSalisburyBronze 811 389-111983
Uriah HeepDemons And WizardsIsland Records 410.0251972
Uriah HeepDemons And WizardsLup Som 2L5.40041987
Uriah HeepDemons And WizardsBronze 203 039198X
Uriah HeepLook At YourselfIsland Records Ltd. 410.0061972
Uriah HeepLook At YourselfBronze 2409 3031983
Uriah HeepLook At YourselfLegacy Records 2L5.40151987
Uriah HeepThe Magician's BirthdayIsland Records 410.0211973
Uriah HeepThe Magician's BirthdayIsland Records 410.0211973
Uriah HeepThe Magician's BirthdayBronze 2409 3051983
Uriah HeepUriah Heep LiveBronze 810003/​0041975
Uriah HeepUriah Heep LiveBronze 2659 0461983
Uriah HeepSweet FreedomBronze 810.0001974
Uriah HeepSweet FreedomBronze 204.2101981
Uriah HeepWonderworldBronze 810.0021974
Uriah HeepWonderworldBronze 2406.2131983
Uriah HeepReturn To FantasyBronze 810.0061975
Uriah HeepReturn To FantasyBronze 240.93061983
Uriah HeepFireflyBronze 2409 3081983
Uriah HeepHigh And MightyBronze 810.0111977
Uriah HeepHigh And MightyBronze 2409 3071983
Uriah HeepFallen AngelBronze 104.81031978
Uriah HeepFallen AngelBronze 2409.3091983
Uriah HeepInnocent VictimRCA Victor 104.80711978
Uriah HeepInnocent VictimBronze 810 4421983
Uriah HeepThe Best Of...Bronze 810 0091976
Uriah HeepThe Best Of...Bronze 2406 2121983
Uriah HeepWonderworldBronze 6100001974
Uriah HeepUriah Heep Live EPBronze 610.0011975
Van Der Graaf GeneratorThe Aerosol Grey MachineMercury 6338 4121975
Van Der Graaf GeneratorPawn HeartsCharisma 6369 9151972
Van Der Graaf GeneratorGodbluffCharisma 6369 9651976
Van Der Graaf GeneratorWorld RecordCharisma 9124 0011977
Van Der Graaf GeneratorStill LifeCharisma 6369 9761976
Van Der GraafThe Quiet Zone / The Pleasure DomeCharisma 9124 0141977
Van HalenVan HalenWarner Bros. 36.062/​301.404.1781978
Van HalenVan HalenWarner Bros. 36.062/​301.404.1781983
Van HalenVan Halen IIWarner Bros. Records 36.1101979
Van HalenYou Really Got MeWarner Bros. 3.01-101-146/​16.0641978
Van MorrisonAstral Weeks (Serie Discoteca Basica)Warner Bros. 670.9294/​WB 012451991
Van MorrisonSaint Dominic's PreviewContinental WBLP-5.0221972
Van MorrisonT.B. SheetsLondon Records LLN 7278-S1973
Van MorrisonWavelengthWarner Bros. Records 36.1031979
Van MorrisonCrazy LoveWarner Bros/​Seven Arts WCS 35.0191970
Van MorrisonBlue MoneyWarner Bros/​Seven Arts WCS 35.0221971
Van MorrisonDomino / Sweet JannieWarner Bros/​Seven Arts WCS 35.0211971
Van MorrisonWild Night / When That Evening Sun Goes DownWarner Bros. Records WCS 35.0301971
Van MorrisonGypsyWarner Bros. Records WBCS 7.0331973
Van MorrisonWavelengthWarner Bros. Records 16.1021978
Vanilla FudgeVanilla FudgeATCO Records ALP 605.0151969
Vanilla FudgeVanilla FudgeATCO Records ALP 605.0151969
Velvet Underground, TheVUVerve Records 82372111985
Velvet Underground, ThePop Giants Vol. 13Polyfar 2494 3071974
Velvet Underground, ThePop Giants, Vol. 15Polyfar 2494 3141975
Vibrators, ThePure ManiaCBS/​Epic 1442281978
Vigrass & OsborneQueuesMCA MCALP 600.0311972
Vision Of SunshineVision Of SunshineAVCO Embassy AVLP-7.0111970
Wallace CollectionWallace CollectionOdeon SMOFB 4321970
Wallace CollectionWallace CollectionEMI XEX-767, Odeon MOFB-4321970
Wallace CollectionDaydreamOdeon MOFB-4271970
Wallace CollectionWallace CollectionOdeon 41581969
Wallace CollectionWallace CollectionOdeon 7ID-41581969
Wallace CollectionCan You Tell Me My Name/ A Casa Da Santa BrancaOdeon 71-32761970
WarhorseRed SeaVertigo 6360 0661972
Waterloo & RobinsonWild, Wild LandTop Tape TT-1521978
WeekendEveryday / County FairTop Tape CS-0111197X
WeightOne Man's Queen Is Another Man's Sweat HogAVCO Embassy AVLP 7.0121970
West, Bruce & LaingWhy DontchaRSO 2394 1011973
West, Bruce & LaingLive 'N' Kickin'RSO 23941281974
West, Bruce & LaingWhatever Turns You OnRSO 2394 107197X
West, Bruce & LaingThe Greatest Rock Sensation Vol.6Polyfar 2494 3351976
Wet WillieDixie RockCapricorn Records 2429 1241977
Wha-KooBerkshireABC Records 6.26-404-1101978
Wha-KooFabulous DancerABC/​Phonodisc 6.26-201-0261978
Whisky DavidTinaRCA Victor 101.70311973
White DuckWhite DuckMCA Records MCALP-600.0121972
WhitesnakeTroubleLiberty 31C 064 1617401985
WhitesnakeLove HunterStandard 31C 040 827411979
WhitesnakeLovehunterLiberty 31C 064 827411985
Who, TheThe Who Sings My GenerationDecca DL-120391967
Who, TheTommyPolydor LPG 624.0221969
Who, TheTommyPolydor 1184.216/​71971
Who, TheTommyPolydor 1184.216/​71971
Who, TheTommyPolydor 184216/​1842171980
Who, TheLive At LeedsPolydor 24800041971
Who, TheLive At LeedsPolydor 2480 0041980
Who, TheWho's NextPolydor 2486 0461971
Who, TheWho's NextPolydor 2480 0561980
Who, TheQuadropheniaTrack Record 2409 203/​41974
Who, TheQuadropheniaTrack Record/​Polydor 2409 203/​4198X
Who, TheOdds & SodsTrack Record 2406 1161974
Who, TheThe Who By NumbersTrack Record 2410 4281975
Who, TheWho Are YouPolydor 2480 4671978
Who, TheWho Are YouPolydor 2480 4671978
Who, TheMeaty, Beaty, Big & BouncyPolydor 2383 0821972
Who, ThePop History Vol 4Polyfar 24941071972
Who, ThePop Giants, Vol. 19Polyfar 2494.3191975
Who, TheThe Story Of The WhoPolydor 2478 091/​21977
Who, TheThe Kids Are AlrightPolydor 2675 1791979
Who, TheRough BoysPolydor 8230 1311984
Who, TheWho's Better Who's BestPolydor 835 389 11989
Who, TheMy Generation / Instant PartyDecca C-33-62531967
Who, TheI'm FreePolydor FC 126.0151969
Who, TheSee Me, Feel Me / Overture To TommyPolydor 2094.0041970
Who, TheSummertime Blues / Heaven And HellPolydor FC 126.0401970
Who, TheWon't Get Fooled AgainPolydor 2176 0371971
Who, TheRelayPolydor 21211421973
Who, ThePostcardTrack Record 2207 1021975
WidowmakerToo Late To CryUnited Artists UALP121511977
Wiggy BitsWiggy BitsPolydor 2391 2381977
Wild Ones, TheThe Wild OnesOdeon SOTL-260101968
WindMake BelieveLife/​Top Tape LLPS-20001969
Wind In The Willows, TheThe Wind In The WillowsCapitol Records KAO-29561968
Winkies, TheThe WinkiesChrysalis 6307 5581975
Wishbone AshWishbone AshMCA Records MAP/​S-40401971
Wishbone AshArgusMCA Records MCALP_6000261972
Wishbone AshArgusMCA Records 814 128-1 3/​Atlas MAPS.60071983
Wishbone AshThere's The RubChantecler 4.07.404.0961975
Wishbone AshWishbone FourMCALP-600.052/​Chantecler 4-07-404-0361975
Wishbone AshNo Easy RoadMCA Records MCACS 900.0451973
Wishbone AshSilver Shoes / PersephoneMCA Records 4-07-101-0391975
WizzardWizzard BrewHarvest SHVL-10041973
WoolListen To The Sound / The WitchCBS 336981971
WoolI Got The Feeling (Oh No) / In The Rest Of My LifeColumbia 337731972
Writing On The WallWriting On The WallSom Livre S7-SID 60021973
Yardbirds, TheHaving A Rave Up With The YardbirdsOdeon MOFB-3991968
Yardbirds, TheGreatest HitsBrasidisc 532.404.3001990
Yardbirds, TheGreatest Hits Vol. IRarity BR.50051988
YesYesAtlantic 30.0021976
YesYesAtlantic 30.0021982
YesYesAtlantic 610.7021/​30.0021982
YesTime And A WordAtlantic 20.0231977
YesTime And A WordAtlantic 670.93451977
YesTime And A WordAtlantic 604.70011985
YesTime And A WordAtlantic 670.93451991
YesThe Yes AlbumATCO Records 2400 1011972
YesThe Yes AlbumAtlantic 3-17-404-0011974
YesThe Yes AlbumAtlantic 604.70111979
YesThe Yes AlbumAtlantic 20.0371979
YesThe Yes AlbumAtlantic 3174040011979
YesThe Yes AlbumATCO Records 670.9267198X
YesFragileATCO Records ?ATLP-004 /​ SD-72111972
YesFragileATCO Records ATLP-0041972
YesFragileATCO Records ATLP-0041972
YesFragileAtlantic 30.0101976
YesFragileAtlantic 30.0101977
YesFragileAtlantic 610.7007/​30.010/​317.404.077198X
YesFragile (Rock Story Vol.4)Elektra 82.0121983
YesFragile (Rock Story Vol.4)Atlantic 80.0121983
YesClose To The EdgeATCO Records ATLP 028 /​ SD-72441972
YesClose To The EdgeAtlantic ATLP-0281972
YesClose To The EdgeATCO Records ATLP 028/​3-02-404-0121976
YesClose To The EdgeAtlantic 20-0341979
YesClose To The EdgeAtlantic 30.094/​ATCO 3-02-404-0121979
YesClose To The EdgeAtlantic 20.0341982
YesClose To The EdgeAtlantic 604.7005/​ATCO 20.034198X
YesClose To The EdgeAtlantic 604.7005198X
YesClose To The EdgeAtlantic/​ATCO 604.7005/​20.034198X
YesYessongsATCO Records ATLP 046-047-0481974
YesYessongsATCO 3-02-404-026/​028, ATLP-046/​0481975
YesYessongsATCO Records 3-02-404-026/​027/​028 - ATLP-046/​047/​0481977
YesYessongsAtlantic 20.002/​3/​41979
YesYessongsAtlantic/​ATCO 675.3000/​0004441988
YesTales From Topographic OceansATCO ATLP-066, ATLP-0671974
YesTales From Topographic OceansATCO ATLP-066/​067, Continental 302404046/​0471974
YesTales From Topographic OceansATCO Records ATLP-066/​067-3-02-404-046/​0471977
YesTales From Topographic OceansAtlantic 20.041/​21979
YesRelayerAtlantic 3-17-404-0071975
YesRelayerAtlantic 20.0431979
YesRelayerAtlantic 604.7013198X
YesRelayer (Serie Discoteca Basica)Atlantic 670.91901990
YesGoing For The OneAtlantic 60.0011977
YesGoing For The OneAtlantic 60.0011977
YesGoing For The OneAtlantic 610.70401985
YesGoing For The OneAtlantic 610.7040198X
YesTormatoAtlantic 40.0021978
YesTormatoAtlantic 670.41871988
YesYesterdaysAtlantic 3-17-404-0181974
YesYesterdaysAtlantic 20.0441979
YesAmericaATCO Records ATCS-10.0361972
YesRoundaboutATCO Records 20911781972
YesAnd You And I (Part 1 & 2)ATCO Records ATCS 10.0451973
YesSoon (from "The Gates Of Delirium")Atlantic 3-17-101-0211975
YesSoon (From The Gates Of Delirium)Atlantic 3-17-201-0111976
Yonin BayashiGolden PicnicsEpic 144.197 /​ 5.01-404-0481977
Young Rascals, TheGroovin'ATCO Records ALP 605.0021967
Young Rascals, TheGroovin'ATCO Records ALP 605.0021967
Young Rascals, TheGroovin'Atlantic ACS 205.0011967
Youngbloods, TheGet Together - The Youngbloods First AlbumRCA LPM-37241970
Yvonne EllimanRising SunRSO 23941491976
ZebraBad Bad Time / Working 12 YearsRCA Victor 101.80341975
Zombies, TheOdessey And OracleEpic 440371969
Zombies, TheTime Of The SeasonEpic 660291969
Zombies, TheImagine The Swan, Time Of The SeasonEpic 220191969
ZooZooRiviera/​Ebrau EBLP-521.1181969
ZZ TopTres HombresLondon Records ACLZ-35221973
ZZ TopFandango!London Records LLS 40081975
ZZ TopTejasLondon Records SAHS 6985 /​ LLS 40171976
ZZ TopDeg uelloWarner Bros. Records 36.1411980
ZzebraPanicPolydor 2383 3261975


vários1969 - The Original Motion Picture SoundtrackPolydor 837 362-11989
váriosA Revista Pop Apresenta O Punk RockPhilips 6300 2881977
váriosAdemir Discotheque S/A - Rock 'N Roll DanceCapitol Records ST-234231974
váriosApocallypsisImagem IM 50211971
váriosBarbarellaRed Bird Records RB 7.30021971
váriosBlues For Jimi And Janis:Saudades de Jimi Hendrix e Janis JoplinFermata EPE-6301971
váriosCocotas & GatinhosRCA Victor 104.70581977
váriosConcerto De RockWEA 38.0091977
váriosConcerto De Rock, Volume 2Wea International 38.0151978
váriosCrazy Baby CrazyVertigo 6361 0001971
váriosDiscos Odeon Som E PazEMI SDP-5411973
vários(Easy Rider) Sem DestinoOdeon MOFB 15.0131970
vários(Easy Rider) Sem DestinoOdeon MOFB 150131970
vários(Easy Rider) Sem DestinoOdeon SMOFB 15.0131970
váriosEasy RiderOdeon SMOFB 15.013 /​ SSL-5018-A/​B1970
váriosEasy Rider - Original Soundtrack From The Motion PictureABC Records 6-26-404-0061976
váriosEasy Rider - Original Soundtrack From The Motion PictureMCA Records 201 310198X
váriosEasy Rider (Sem Destino)MCA Records 670.4197/​MCA Records 004461988
váriosEstamos Em Dia Com O SucessoOdeon SDP-5101972
váriosEstamos Em Dia Com O SucessoOdeon SDP-5291973
váriosEstamos Em Dia Com O SucessoOdeon SDP-5221973
váriosFlash Fearless Versus The Zorg Women Parts 5 & 6Chrysalis 6307 5461975
váriosGerman Rock Scene 1Sabado Som OW-6161975
váriosGerman Rock Scene 2Sabado Som OW-6171975
váriosGerman Rock Scene 3Sabado Som OW-6181975
váriosGet In TouchMPS Records MDLP 124431978
váriosGlitter RockBell Records BLL 36013197X
váriosHas It Dawned On You?Pye International 4-14-404-0491976
váriosHippie's FestivalProduções Fermata Do Brasil FB-2821970
váriosHot RoadPhilips 6300 0461972
váriosIsland SongsIsland Records 310.0001972
váriosJesus Christ Superstar - A Rock OperaMCA Records MAC/​S 38381970
váriosJesus Christ Superstar (OST)MCA 2628 116/​2369 133/​41979
váriosMar Y SolATCO Records ATLP 031/​21973
váriosNew Wave PunkEMI 31C 064 4210841978
váriosPerformance PopBandeirantes Discos BR 23.0221974
váriosPeter And The WolfRSO 2394 1621976
váriosPhantom Of The Paradise - OSTA&M Records SA&M1974
váriosQuadrophenia (Music From The Soundtrack Of The Who Film)Polydor 2335 1991980
váriosRock 70A&M Records SA&MX-21471975
váriosRockYoung 304.10921977
váriosRock & Roll ConcertRCA 104.41201978
váriosRock OnGTA LP 0641979
váriosRock UrgenteEpic 144.750198X
váriosRock Volume 2Young 304.11031978
váriosRock'n ConcertBuilding Records BGLP 12150197X
váriosSabado SomSom Livre 410.70011975
váriosSábado SomSabado Som OW6031974
váriosSom E PazOdeon SDP-5501974
váriosSomzão 71Odeon MOFB 15.0211971
váriosSpecial Rock FestivalCBS 1378911975
váriosSucessos Do Billboard E Cash BoxATCO Records 2401.0101971
váriosSuperstars "Rock"Wea International 38.0061977
váriosThe Best OF German RockContinental 3-49-404-0011978
váriosThe Best Of Rock N' SoulCBS 1378231973
váriosThe Best Of VirginVirgin/​Phonogram 92780021977
váriosThe British Company Of RockYoung 304.11251978
váriosThe Concert For Bangla DeshApple Records 137759/​61-STCX 33851972
váriosThe Wild AngelsCapitol Records T 50431970
váriosTransasomA&M Records SA&M-22011975
váriosTommy (4 songs of the movie)Polydor JG-0021976
váriosUnderground 70CBS 376561970
váriosUnderground ExplosionPolydor LPG 624.0361970
váriosVolunteer JamCapricorn Records 2429 1431977
váriosWoodstock OSTATCO Records ALP 605.038/​39/​401970
váriosWoodstock OSTCotillion 30.003/​4/​51976
váriosWoodstock OSTCotillion 30.003/​4/​51983
váriosWoodstock 1 - Music From The Original Soundtrack And MoreAtlantic 604.7113/​SD 30005001985
váriosWoodstock - Music From The Original SoundtrackAtlantic 604.71261985
váriosWoodstock OSTAtlantic 675.60011989
váriosWoodstock OSTCotillion 30.003/​4/​5198?
váriosWoodstock TwoATCO Records 2400.1301971
váriosWoodstock TwoAtlantic 30.0601978
váriosWoodstock 2Atlantic 604.71141985
váriosZabriskie PointMGM Records 2354 0401980
váriosZachariah (Trilha Sonora Original Do Filme)Young EPE-6331971

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