Guitarras: alerta a viajantes da United Airlines
Por Antonio Parreira
Postado em 10 de julho de 2009
O guitarrista e compositor canadense Dave Carroll, do duo country SONS OF MAXWELL, publicou em 2009 um vídeo no Youtube contando parte de uma história vivida por ele. O vídeo da música "United breaks guitars" relata a saga do guitarrista tentando ser reembolsado pela United Airlines devido a danos causados a seu instrumento.

Segundo as informações publicadas na descrição do vídeo, uma guitarra acústica Taylor de valor estimado em US$3500 dólares, sofreu "danos severos" durante uma viagem que o guitarrista fazia indo do Canadá para os Estados Unidos.
Após tentar exaustivamente receber uma indenização por parte da empresa aérea, ele prometeu escrever três músicas e três vídeos relatando a traumática experiência e divulgar o material via internet a milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo. Levando em consideração que o vídeo já foi visto mais de 466 mil vezes em dois dias.
Apesar do som passar bem longe da preferência dos leitores do Whiplash.Net, vale à pena conferir o vídeo e prestar atenção na letra. Muito engraçado e realmente uma péssima publicidade para a United Airlines. O prejuízo teria sido muito menor se a companhia tivesse comprado uma guitarra nova para o rapaz. Lembrando do velho ditado "há males que vêm para o bem", podemos imaginar que Dave ganhou muito dinheiro com a fama vinda do trágico episódio.

United Breaks Guitars
I flew United Airlines on my way to Nebraska
The plane departed, Halifax, connecting in Chicago's "O'Hare".
While on the ground, a passenger said from the seat behind me,
"My God, they're throwing guitars out there"
The band and I exchanged a look, best described as terror
At the action on the tarmac, and knowing whose projectiles these would be
So before I left Chicago, I alerted three employees
Who showed complete indifference towards me

You broke my Taylor Guitar
Some big help you are
You broke it, you should fix it
You're liable, just admit it
I should've flown with someone else
Or gone by car
'Cause United breaks guitars.
When we landed in Nebraska, I confirmed what I'd suspected
My Taylor'd been the victim of a vicious act of malice at O'Hare
So began a year long saga, of "Pass the buck", "Don't ask me", and "I'm sorry, sir, your claim can go no where".
So to all the airlines people, from New York to New Deli
Including kind Ms. Irlweg, who says the final word from them is "no".
I heard all your excuses,
And I've chased your wild gooses
And this attitude of yours, I say, must go

You broke my Taylor Guitar
Some big help you are
You broke it, you should fix it
You're liable, just admit it
I should've flown with someone else
Or gone by car
'Cause United breaks guitars.
Well, I won't say that I'll never fly with you again,
'Cause, maybe, to save the world, I probably would,
But that won't likely happen,
And if it did, I wouldn't bring my luggage
'Cause you'd just go and break it,
Into a thousand pieces,
Just like you broke my heart
When United breaks guitars.
You broke my Taylor Guitar
Some big help you are
You broke it, you should fix it
You're liable, just admit it
I should've flown with someone else
Or gone by car

'Cause United breaks guitars.
Yeah, United breaks guitars.
Yeah, United breaks guitars.
Embora com muito menor repercussão, Dave Carroll cumpriu sua promessa de lançar ainda as partes 2 e 3 da canção, que podem ser vistas nos vídeos abaixo.
United Breaks Guitars Song 2
What did you mean when you said you were sorry?
I'm a bit confused
I think you are all for reckon my guitar
But you don't think you do

I found a guy who fixed for twelve hundred bucks
But you tell me that you're sorry
And it's much tough life
United sees no need to make anything right
Oh, miserable way!
We don't need to fight
If you just come to your senses
Accept the consequences
Of you letting certain baggage handlers
Smash my property
We could be best buddies
But our friendship has been muddy
By a flaw United Airlines policy
I sent a tune in my last couple of emails
Why is that the case?
Except that I've got questions
You've got the answers
You don't wanna face
I've got dark inside of that submarine
Leaving me 'a hanging like a pilot thirteen
I drift in space alone with no ending side
Oh, miserable way!
We don't need to fight

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